Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1712: .Why did you split up?

The man nodded immediately: "Yes, it's on the side of the road outside the yard. Wait for me and I will get the car keys."

Soon, the man accompanied Gu Qingye to the hospital. While registering the child, the front desk asked: "Ill

Person's name. "

The man immediately turned around and asked Gu Qingye next to him: "What is the child's name?"

Gu Qingye wrinkled her eyebrows for a while when she heard the words, and uttered a name: "囡囡."

Later, during the diagnosis and treatment and taking medicine, the man ran before and after, because the child was still young and his body

Relatively thin, the hospital recommends hospitalization.

When the child was finally settled down, Gu Qingye sat on the side of the bed, watching the child with his eyes wide open, smiling.

Rong Chan looked at her brilliantly, and her heart gradually fell.

And the man bought some white porridge and the things that the child needs when he came back. Seeing that the child woke up, he said with a smile.

Sentence: "This child really looks like you."

Gu Qingye turned her head, it seemed that she had remembered something, she immediately stood up by the window, and then got out of her bag

He took out a few sheets of Grandpa Mao and handed them to the man: "Thank you so much. If it weren't for you before, but

But I still don’t know what to do. You accept the money. "

The man looked at the stack of money in Gu Qingye's hand, and chuckled lightly. On his slightly soft face,

Qing Qian smiled: "It's just a matter of effort. By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Shen Mo."

Gu Qingye saw that Shen Mo didn't seem to intend to take the money. After all, she is still being tracked by Lan Yichen, so she

He didn't take the initiative to reveal his name, but stuffed money into Shen Mo's hands, his tone of gratitude was unabashed.

Meaning: "Mr. Shen, thank you very much, although it is a simple effort for you, but for me

Said, it's just sending charcoal in the snow, so you take the money. "

Shen Mo looked at the money in his hand and the serious expression on Gu Qingye’s face, and then he did not shirk any more, but instead

Went around the hospital bed, looking at the girl lying on the bed, with **** and white eyes open, where is it?

Yeah, I don't know what is muttering in my mouth.

He took out a rattle from his arms and shook it in front of Nun Nun's eyes, coaxing softly: "Nun Nun, here."

Gu Qingye was surprised, how did he know the child's name?

But when she saw the name on the medical record on the bedside, she remembered that it was the name she had just reported.

Seeing Shen Mo teasing the child, Gu Qingye pursed her lips, then walked behind Shen Mo and said softly, "Mr. Shen, thank you very much.

Your help, you don't have to delay your time here. If you have anything, you can do it first. "

Shen Mo thought it was funny. It was a matter of hiring people before and after. It didn’t take long before the other party issued an order to evict customers.

You are welcome.

"Then I will wait until the father of the child arrives. It is not convenient for you orphans and widows in the hospital."

Gu Qingye paused and said lightly: "I broke up with the father of the child, and he won't come over."

Shen Mo realized that he seemed to be poking the woman's sore spot, and apologized in a hurry, "I'm sorry."

Gu Qingye smiled, "I broke up peacefully with him. I neither regret nor feel sad. I don't need to apologize."

Shen Mo nodded.

Gu Qingye was about to let him go, when the child on the bed suddenly began to cry.

Gu Qingye coaxed for a long time, but it was not good.

"Maybe I'm hungry." Shen Mo looked at Gu Qingye, "Would you like to breastfeed?"

Gu Qingye was a little embarrassed, "She eats milk powder."

I ran out of the hospital after giving birth. A woman with a young child quickly became stretched.

In order to take care of the children, she could only do odd jobs, and she didn't maintain her body at all, and she didn't have any milk.

The daughter drank milk powder when she was born.

Gu Qingye gently put the child on the bed, patted her gently to comfort her, while struggling to get the wallet.

"Can you please help me buy a can of milk powder?"

Men bought only diapers and other things before, and did not buy milk powder.

Shen Mo responded immediately, without waiting for her to take the money, "You can give me the money later."

He finished speaking, turned and left, and soon returned with a bag.

Shen Mo poured the milk powder into the milk bottle, added warm water, and tested the temperature before handing it to Gu Qingye.

"The temperature should be just right."

Gu Qingye paused, took it slowly, and nodded in embarrassment, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Shen Mo smiled.

Gu Qingye hugged her baby girl. The little guy was crying, but now he smelled the scent of milk, and both hands fight

The one who lives is going to Gu Qingye’s side, Gu Qingye hurriedly handed the pacifier over, and the nun just bit into it, her mouth tender and tender.

His lips moved and sucked.

Two beautiful eyes are also crooked and shining with smile.

Gu Qingye's heart softened.

It's really a little guy who is easy to satisfy.

Shen Mo looked at the little guy babbling milk, laughing, "Your daughter is very cute."

"Thank you."

Being so praised by others, Gu Qingye still feels a little proud. After all, she is the daughter she gave birth to, so naturally the most


Shen Mo said again, "I just don't feel like you."

Gu Qingye said, "Much like her father."

"Why did you break up with him?"

Shen Mo asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Gu Qingye paused and smiled unnaturally, "Why do you ask?"

"Most women, for the sake of their children, would choose to give each other a chance? Why did he commit

Forgive the mistakes? "

Gu Qingye shook his head and explained faintly, "It's nothing, it's just a disagreement in personality. He felt the child was innocent and was born."

Shen Mo looked at Gu Qingye, the woman dressed very plainly, and the clothes on her nannies were usually dozens of dollars.

Good thing, the little guy doesn’t have a single piece of gold or jade, thinking about the change in Gu Qingye’s wallet, I want to come.

This woman should be living very tightly.

What kind of cruel man?

Even if they break up because of their disharmony, they have a child, how can they be a mother and a daughter?

People fall to this point?

In the past few days, Gu Qingye stayed with her daughter in the hospital, but Shen Mo came every day and sometimes bought her some lunch.

Meals or fruits.

The nun is still young, so naturally there is no way to eat anything except milk powder, and all these things have entered Gu Qingye’s belly

Zi Li.

Until one day, Shen Mo brought some mushroom chicken soup, which tasted very good.

And Gu Qingye has been under his care for a few days. To be honest, this makes her feel pressured.

Therefore, when Shen Mo entered the door today, Gu Qingye was holding her daughter and playing with her. Seeing him coming, she actually

Reached out to him for a hug.

Shen Mo immediately put down the fruit in his hand, and reached out to pick up the girl in Qingye's arms, with a smile on his face: "囡

Nun, do you miss uncle? "

The little guy babbled in Shen Mo's arms, those big grape-like eyes flickered, cute

Very, there was saliva flowing down the corners of her mouth, Shen Mo took a wet tissue to wipe her saliva, the corners of her lips raised slightly

He spoke softly: "Look at you, the saliva is all coming down."

Gu Qingye saw Shen Mo taking care of her very patiently, her eyes dropped slightly, hesitated for a while, and finally she spoke.

Said one sentence: "Mr. Shen, thank you for this period of time. She can be discharged from the hospital today."

She didn't finish the rest of the words, but Shen Mo knew what she meant.

After Shen Mo wiped the saliva for the little guy, he sat down on the sofa with her in his arms, but what Gu Qingye said was only light.

Replied with a smile: "It just so happened that I drove over today, and I can take you back by the way later."

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