Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1720: .Goodbye, see you again.

"Check where this man lives, find out his identity, and give me the information tonight at the latest." His voice

The sound seemed to be mixed with ice balls, and the frozen person shivered.

"Okay, Master Lan."

The moment Lan Yichen turned around, he suddenly remembered that he had found traces of Gu Qingye in the municipal hospital before.

When she said she was following a man.

Could it be related to the man in front of me?

Gu Qingye, how dare you!

Late at night, when Gu Qingye returned home, she found that the light was on in the house, there were hot meals on the table, and her nose was full.

It's the smell of food.

She looked up in a daze, and the scene was inexplicably similar.

When she was at home with her father, his father would occasionally prepare a table of food to wait for her to return from get off work.

When she walked in, Shen Mo happened to bring out a bowl of soup and put it on the dining table. Seeing her coming back, his eyes filled with tenderness.

Smile: "You are back."

Gu Qingye nodded unaccustomedly.

While Shen Mo took off the apron on his body, he said, "The girl just went to bed after playing for a while. It happened that I was late.

I took her to the supermarket and bought some ingredients. I thought that you should not have dinner at night, so

I made some dishes and waited for your return. "

Even though he said that, Gu Qingye still saw five dishes and one soup on the table, which were very rich.

"Shen Mo, you..." She wanted to say something.

But Shen Mo walked up to her, pressed her on the chair by the dining table, smiled and said, "Okay, what's the

You can wait to sit down before speaking. "

Immediately afterwards, Shen Mo passed the chopsticks to Gu Qingye's hand.

Gu Qingye took the chopsticks, and then did not speak.

Shen Mo filled Gu Qingye with a bowl of chicken soup, put it in front of her and said, "First, drink some chicken soup to warm your stomach."

After taking a spoonful of chicken soup and taking a sip, Gu Qingye suddenly felt that Shen Mo was really versatile, even

The food is so delicious.

Seeing Gu Qingye's action of drinking soup stopped, Shen Mo smiled and asked, "What? Isn't it right?"

Gu Qingye shook his head: "No, it's so delicious."

It's not too much to do with those kitchens in five-star hotels.

When Shen Mo saw Gu Qingye praise him, he smiled and explained: "I learned from the chef of Michelin restaurant before.

Cooking for a while, although a long time has passed, it hasn't been wasteful. "

Seeing Shen Mo saying this, Gu Qingye asked: "You have always said that you work at home.

What do you do? "

She always felt that Shen Mo didn't look like an ordinary person, she could detect it from his speech and behavior.

Shen Mo paused for a while, then smiled and explained: "It's a design."

Gu Qingye asked curiously: "Clothing design or interior design?"

Shen Mo paused for a while, and continued: "Interior design."

Gu Qingye didn't ask more afterwards, eating the food in silence.

On the contrary, Shen Mo asked inadvertently: "You and Nun Nun's father really broke up because of disagreements.

Is it? "

Gu Qingye’s movement of picking vegetables slowed down like that, and the expression on his face changed a little, but in the end, it was only clear.

Faint response: "Yes, the personality does not fit."

"Then have you ever thought, maybe if you leave with your child, he will still be looking for you?" Shen Mo's question today, okay

Like a lot of special.

Gu Qingye seemed to be poked into the painful spot, she suddenly put down her chopsticks, and her eyes were slightly sharp and even aimed at

Sexually raised his eyes and looked at Shen Mo who was sitting opposite, his tone became cold unconsciously: "Sorry, I am full.

No, you take it easy, I'll go see the girl. "

After speaking, she got up from the chair, then turned and went into the room.

Shen Mo was left sitting at the dining table, watching the delicious food on the table, and suddenly lost his appetite.

When Gu Qingye came out again, Shen Mo was no longer in the apartment, and the dining table was cleaned up, leaving only

A note telling her that he has prepared breakfast, so she can warm it up tomorrow morning, and don't forget to eat it.

Seeing these words and sentences full of caring instructions, Gu Qingye actually felt a little headache.

Shen Mo has never forced her to force her. Today, she just asked a few questions casually, and she was like that.

Treating him, even she herself felt a bit too much.

In the study room of the Blue Villa.

Jiang Hui handed the investigated information to the man sitting behind the desk and explained: "This man is called Shen

Mo is the only son of Shen Yunhe of the Shen Group. "

However, Lan Yichen only cares about one question: "Is he married?"

Jiang Hui froze for a moment, but did not expect Lan Yichen to care about this issue: "No, the investigation shows that he is unmarried.

And there is no girlfriend. "

The corner of Lan Yichen’s lips outlines a sneer, but his eyes are somewhat relieved: "Since I’m unmarried, how can I be

have kids. "

Jiang Hui was noncommittal about Lan Yichen's theory.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Yichen asked directly: "Check out his current movement and find out the child he was holding before.

Son, where did it come from? "

Jiang Hui nodded, but he was still a little curious about why Lan Yichen was so interested in this Shen Mo.

Lan Yichen saw that Jiang Hui hadn't left for a while, his eyes condensed slightly, and his lips opened and asked, "What else is there?"

"Sao Lan, please forgive me for talking too much. The development project in Hexi will start soon, and it is only now reported to the city.

As for Shen Mo's uncle, who is now in power, if our actions are noticed by the other party, will it be affected? "

This development project requires an investment of several hundred million and a huge cost. If there is a gap, the whole thing will be shaken.

The foundation of Lan's.

Lan Yichen raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "It's okay, just let it go."

Although the people do not fight with the officials, but now, the person from the Shen family can sit in this position.

Although it is not on the table, if you turn it over, it will still happen.

Seeing that Lan Yichen didn't seem to care at all, Jiang Hui didn't say anything in the end, and turned to leave.

Lan Yichen’s eyes fell on the album next to the desk, and on it, Gu Qingye’s smile looked like a flower, and his eyes

Star bright.

He reached out, took the album in his hand, and stroked her cheeks, eyes, and the bridge of her nose.

Once, he once had Gu Qingye with such a bright smile like the morning sun, but now, just because

Because of his mistake, he was lost.

Ye Er, if I say that I am wrong, can you forgive me and come back to me.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door. After Lan Yichen said lightly to come in, Uncle Yang pushed in and saw

Lan Yichen said, "Mr. Lan, I just received a call from Miss Wanxi, asking you to come and see her tomorrow."

Hearing this, Lan Yichen's brows frowned suddenly, and his tone was not as clear as before, and he responded slightly coldly:

"Got it."

When Uncle Yang saw Lan Yichen's eyebrows suddenly became cold, even the response was so cold, he was waiting for Lan Yichen.

The old man beside him still persuaded: "Young Master Lan, I know that my wife and Miss are missing, you are very worried.

But... other people are also very worried about you, you must take good care of your body. "

Hearing this, Lan Yichen only responded indifferently: "I'm fine, you should go out first."

It’s not that I don’t want to see Wanxi, but Lin Wanxi... His good sister has always spoken "viciously", knowing that at this moment.

Gu Qingye and his daughter are his weakness and a scar in his heart. Lin Wanxi still wants to uncover the scar.

Sprinkle salt on the **** wound.

He was scared.

Seeing that Lan Yichen obviously didn't want to tell him more, Uncle Yang didn't hit the gun any more, turned and left silently.

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