Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1725: .she is mine!

But Shen Yunhe didn't even ask, but first warned: "Shen Mo, how did I and your mother teach since I was young?

You, I think you should know that in our old Shen family, only you are a son, and the people standing next to you will only

Can you be from an innocent family and be comparable to you in every aspect, do you understand what I'm talking about? "

After all, it was his own father, Shen Mo naturally understood that every word in his words meant something.

"I know what you mean, but Dad, I have never asked you anything in my life. I only ask for it today.

The other half can be chosen by myself. "He has an unprecedented firmness in his tone.

"Shen Mo, you still didn't understand what Dad meant. In this world, there are many things that are more important than feelings.

I want a lot. You don’t understand it now, but you will know it later. I’ll leave it here today, you

Want to marry someone else, it is absolutely impossible! "

After speaking, Shen Yunhe hung up the phone.

Shen Mo stared at the phone in his hand, almost crushing it.

In the evening, Gu Qingye simply made some dinner, ate a little casually, and teased her with her nanny.

The little guy has gained a lot during this time. Although his body is weak, the meat that should grow is not growing at all, but

It is Gu Qingye, who has lost a lot of weight.

There was a knock on the door while she was teasing her daughter with a rattle.

She paused slightly, then dropped what was in her hand, walked to the door, and looked out from the cat’s eye.

Eye, is an elderly man in a suit and leather shoes.

She did not open the door immediately, but asked through the door: "Who may I ask?"

A slightly smiling voice came from outside the door: "Miss Gu, hello, I am Master Shen Mo's housekeeper."

Seeing that she knew Shen Mo, Gu Qingye opened the door, and the middle-aged man who was over 50 years old stood at the door.

Seeing Gu Qingye, she still said respectfully and politely: "Miss Gu, my young master would like to invite you to a light meal today."

When Gu Qingye heard this, she shook her head with an apologetic smile on her face. "Sorry, it's too late.

And I have eaten it too, it is really inconvenient, so I won't go. "

Despite being rejected, the housekeeper still had a clear smile on his face, elegant and polite: "I know so

It’s very inconvenient for you to take a trip late, but I still ask you to come with me, because if you don’t go today,

Our young master may not come out of Shen's house so easily in the future. "

I don't know why, Gu Qingye heard an unusual smell from this passage.

For a long time, she knew that Shen Mo’s identity should be unusual, but how unusual is it?

She was not very clear, and she didn't bother to ask if the other party didn't say it.

After all, Shen Mo was willing to tell her, then she would listen, but it didn't matter if she didn't.

"I don't quite understand what you are talking about. What does Shen Mo's matter have to do with me?" She couldn't understand.

"In short, as long as you understand one thing, only you can save him."

When Gu Qingye came to Shen Mansion and looked at the manor house with a sense of time in front of him, he suddenly sighed, Shen Mo’s family

It turned out to be so rich.

The yard was so big that the car drove in for several minutes before reaching the destination.

She got down from the car in her arms, and the housekeeper who came to pick her up led the way.

When she took the child into the entrance, she saw Shen Mo sitting on the sofa at a glance, and the other person’s eyes were touching her.

When he got up from the sofa, he asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Before Gu Qingye could explain, Shen Yunlu, who was also sitting on the sofa, said quietly: "I asked the butler to invite her over."

Suddenly, Shen Mo frowned and said loudly to Shen Yunlu: "What on earth do you want to do?"

Shen Yunlu’s well-maintained face didn’t have much emotion, but his voice was not as clear as before: "Yes.

You don't want to agree to my request. In that case, I just have to invite people over. "

Gu Qingye was holding her baby girl, standing aside in confusion, not understanding what the two men were talking about.

The blue veins on Shen Mo's forehead loomed, but in the end, he suppressed all his emotions and walked straight towards

Gu Qingye stretched out her hand to take the nanny from her arms, and said to her, "I will send you back."

This is not where she should be. Under the current circumstances, he does not guarantee that he will be able to follow along calmly.

Father negotiates.

Shen Yunlu behind him suddenly asked again: "Shen Mo, where can you take her? What is her identity,

If you are not sure, I can tell you. "

Suddenly, Gu Qingye's footsteps stopped like that, she turned around, her eyes slightly sharpened towards the sitting

Shen Canal there.

The other person's gaze also looked over accurately, and he whispered: "Mrs. Lan, you have been missing these days, Lan

Shao Ke is about to turn over the entire imperial capital. "

Gu Qingye made a squeak in her heart almost instantly, she reached out and grabbed Shen Mo and was about to leave, but it was too late.

A person came in again in the hallway. The person was tall and straight, wearing a black windbreaker, as if to be with the night outside.

The colors merged into one, but the coldness on that face remained the same.

It's just that when I saw her, there was a slight smile in those eyes that were as thick as ink:

"Aoba, welcome home."

She even wanted to scream without her voice, but all the voices were stuck in her throat like that, disappointed and desperate, almost

Driving her crazy, she snatched the nanny from Shen Mo's hand and hugged her in her arms. The action was too rude, very

To scared the child.

The girl began to cry.

But Gu Qingye didn't even have time to coax, but she backed away guardedly, holding her crying nun tightly.

Shen Mo didn't expect Lan Yichen to appear in the Shen family, and never thought that Gu Qingye would be his wife.

But all this happened so fast that he didn't even have time to react.

And Shen Yunlu, who was still sitting on the sofa before, saw Lan Yichen coming in, but his tone was not as polite as before: "Lan

Few, people have found it for you, and I hope you can keep your promise. "

Hearing this, Lan Yichen raised his eyebrows slightly, and responded faintly: "This is natural. It's just Mr. Shen. In the future, the noble son's education plan

Noodles need to be strengthened. After all, other people’s things are not so easy to grab. "

Before Shen Yunlu could speak, Shen Mo immediately responded: "Lan Yichen, don't deceive others too much!"

Going to other people's homes and blaming other people's tutors is something Shen Mo cannot bear.

"Too much deception?" Lan Yichen seemed to have heard a very funny joke, with a smile on his face, but that

The laugh was obviously not enough, and even the voice seemed to be a little cold: "Master Shen, in the Shen family, everyone respects you.

I’m a master, but when I go outside, no one will recognize you, so I’ll have to do more in the future

Learn the rules of this society from your father. "

After finishing speaking, at the moment he passed him, he smashed away and stood hanging on his sides, his hands almost clenched.

Shen Mo of Fist.

He walked to Gu Qingye, who had almost retreated to the corner, and reached out to her with a very soft tone, almost gentle.

Coaxing: "Give me the child."

Gu Qingye kept shaking her head, and tears fell on her face instantly: "No! No! She is mine!"

The slender and well-knotted fingers held Gu Qingye's arm, with a hint of warning, although his tone was still gentle,

But there is a hint of fear that makes you breathe a sigh of relief: "Now, you have two choices, either follow me,

Either I take the child away, Aoba, don't make me embarrassed, after all, this is in someone's house, I don't want to make trouble too ugly. "

Gu Qingye still wanted to shake her head to refuse, but when she saw Jiang Hui standing at the door shook her head slightly to remind her, she suddenly

Then he gave up completely.

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