Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1733: .Divorce Lawyer

After speaking, Jiang Hui turned around and left, but Gu Qingye called him again aloud: "Jiang Hui, you speak clearly!"

It seems that everyone feels that this incident is her fault, and Lan Yichen is not at all wrong, all wrong

She, she didn’t know what to do, she hooked up with people outside, she made trouble for a little bit of so-called "trivial things" and

Li Mochen quarreled.

Jiang Hui's footsteps stopped in response.

Gu Qingye walked up to him quickly, staring at him sharply, with a cold tone: "I think I do everything

Things have always had a clear conscience. "

After Jiang Hui heard this, he raised his eyes and asked, "You always think that if you let your child donate blood, it is because Lan Shao will go his own way, or even hide it.

As you proceed, have you ever thought that Young Master Lan is also the father of the child, and this child is also bleeding from him

Mai, he was sad when he watched the child donate blood. How was he less than half a point less than you? "

"Furthermore, when you disappeared at the beginning, Lan Shao sent everyone out to find out, and finally got a clue.

When I got there, I was told that you were walking with a man. You know that at that moment, you have been looking for

For Lan Shao, what kind of blow was it? Do you know, Master Lan's body..."

Every word and every sentence is full of questions. Jiang Hui is the assistant who has been with Lan Yichen for the longest time, and he is also a bystander.

Even he felt that Gu Qingye's blame was too unfair to Lan Yichen.

"But when we tried our best to find you back, you mentioned to Lan Shao about your divorce, even if your heart is frozen.

Yes, it's been so long, it should be hot. "

Gu Qingye retorted: "I never asked you to find me, and Jiang Hui, you are not me, you will never

Understand my feelings. "

Seeing Gu Qingye’s tough attitude, Jiang Hui no longer said anything, but directly said blankly: "It seems that I said

You didn't even hear a word of these. "

After speaking, he was not staying, and continued to lift his foot out of the hallway.

Gu Qingye stood there, breathing deeply, suppressing the restlessness that was constantly flowing from the bottom of his heart.

Lan Yichen did not return that night.

Gu Qingye didn’t care about this at all, but Lan Yichen never came back for three days in a row.

Jiang Hui came to fetch everything.

Aunt Hang also discovered this problem, so she once saw Gu Qingye watching when she was sending snacks to Gu Qingye.

The nun was sitting there playing with toys. While putting the pastry on the table, she cautiously said, "Madam,

The husband seems to have not come back these days. "

Gu Qingye didn't seem to care very much, and she faintly replied, her eyes constantly falling on the girl in front of her.

Seeing that Gu Qingye had no objection, Aunt Hang continued to say: "Mr. should have been in public these days.

Secretary working overtime, it happened that I made some pigeon soup, why don't you give him a copy? "

Gu Qingye refused without even thinking: "No need."

After that, she seemed to have thought about it and added another sentence: "Next time Jiang Hui comes to pick up something, you can ask him to drop by

Take it over. "

Aunt Hang Gu Qingye refused quite thoroughly, so she didn’t know what to say, so she finally answered silently.

Come, leave the room with an empty tray.

After Aunt Hang left, Gu Qingye glanced at the direction Aunt Hang was leaving, and suppressed the complex emotions in his eyes.

A heart is held tightly by a person, tightening together with the lungs.

Gu Qingye looked down at the carpet under her feet, and her mind drifted away.

It wasn't until there was a plop in front of her that she suddenly came back to her senses and looked at the little girl in front of her, clutching her fingers.

Suddenly there was an astonishing cry on his forehead.



Inside the hospital.

"Children’s bumps are very common, but fortunately they didn’t hurt the vitals. Don’t worry too much, but parents still have more

Serve snacks, the children are lively and mischievous, if something happens, it will be bad. "The doctor took a film and looked

After that, I came to a conclusion.

Gu Qingye's face is still pale now.

But he was relieved, and then thanked the doctor.

Aunt Hang, who followed her, sent the doctor out of the ward. When she came in again, she watched Gu Qingye standing by the bed, watching

Lying on the hospital bed with her tiny figure, a big purple bag appeared on her head, which looked very scary.

Aunt Hang comforted: "Madam, don’t be sad. The doctor said, it’s fine to raise it for a while.

Children bumping and bumping are very common, so don't think too much about it. "

Gu Qingye nodded.

At this moment, there was a movement from the door of the ward, and then someone pushed the door in. Two people watched it at the same time.

When I went, I saw Lan Yichen at the door of the ward, who hadn't seen him for several days.

As soon as Aunt Hang saw Lan Yichen, she immediately greeted her and said, "Sir, you have finally come. You are not here during this time.

Both the madam and the young lady miss you very much. "

Lan Yichen didn't seem to have too much reaction to Aunt Hang's words, and even his eyes never fell on Gu Qingye.

She had been on her body, but she walked directly to the bed to check her daughter, and then asked Aunt Hang: "What did the doctor say?"

Aunt Hang responded immediately: "The doctor said that there is nothing serious, just two days of raising, you don’t need to worry, this age

For children, bumps and bumps are common when they are learning to climb and walk. "

Lan Yichen's gaze wrinkled slightly when he touched the swollen bag on her forehead, and even her voice became heavy.

Points: "Who led her to do this?"

At this time, Aunt Hang hesitated completely and glanced at Gu Qingye, who was standing by and still silent, and she didn't dare to say much.

Say something.

Seeing Aunt Hang not speaking, Lan Yichen suddenly turned his face and looked at her with a sharp and oppressive gaze: "I didn't listen.

Understand? "

Aunt Hang still didn't speak, but lowered her head to avoid Lan Yichen's gaze.

At this moment, standing aside, Gu Qingye, who had never spoken since Lan Yichen came in, said quietly:

"I brought it."

Lan Yichen landed on her indifferent face with an angry look, her eyes sinking, like a storm is about to

On the eve of the coming, it was as deep as ink, but in the end, he still said nothing, retracted his gaze, and reached out to touch the nun.

Nun's face should be checking whether she has a fever.

Aunt Hang was standing aside, and she was quietly relieved to see that Lan Yichen didn't say anything in the end.

So, she walked slowly to Gu Qingye's side and whispered, "Madam, it just so happened that Mr. is back. You are called Mr. Zhong.

Go back to dinner at noon, I will cook more dishes for you and your husband. "

After speaking, she turned and left without waiting for Gu Qingye to refuse.

After Aunt Hang left, only Gu Qingye and Lan Yichen were left in the ward, as well as the girl who was asleep on the bed.

Lan Yichen sat by the bed for a while, and suddenly there was a noise from his mobile phone. He stretched out his hand and took a look. Gu

Qingye noticed that his dark eyes seemed to light up a little, and then he went to Huaxia House to answer the call.

Key, his tone was more gentle than he had just said: "What's the matter?"

I don’t know that the person on the other end of the phone said, but Lan Yichen said softly again: "Okay, I know, it will be soon."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, he was still sitting by the bed, showing no sign of leaving.

Gu Qingye said, "If you have something, you can do it first."

Lan Yichen didn't say much, just got up from the hospital bed, and then walked out, making a look in the meantime.

I didn't give Gu Qingye who was standing by, ignoring her completely.

However, when he walked to the door of the ward, he suddenly stopped and said: "I will not go home during this time."

After speaking, he left the ward without waiting for Gu Qingye to respond.

Gu Qingye was left standing there, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

According to reason, she should be happy, after all, now, Lan Yichen will finally no longer force her, nor too much

Pay attention to her, let alone stay under the same roof with her, she should laugh happily.

But she couldn’t laugh, and she was even vaguely lost. Even the call he just answered, she was

What is in doubt.

At this moment, a phone call interrupted her thoughts.

"Hello, Miss Gu." A slightly unfamiliar voice came over the phone.

She didn't even react for a while: "You are?"

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