Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1739: .Are you sure you want to do this?

"Dad, I don't want to explain why I want to do this, but... 囡囡I will never give it to Lan Yichen.

Since he won't give it to me, I will try to take her away. "

Gu Ronghai sighed helplessly, "I know, don't worry, I will take my daughter back to the old house, no one knows

I will be there, even Lan Yichen can't find us. "

Gu Qingye lowered her head to check the contents of the bag, and then handed it to Lan Rulang, "The milk powder and the milk bottle are all inside.

If you are missing something, you can buy it again. The child’s health is not good, so please be careful. "

"You are the one who brought me up, do you still need to teach me this?" Lan Rulang smiled.

Thinking that more than 20 years ago, Gu Qingye was like a nun, a little pink and tender dumpling, Gu Ronghai

I feel very emotional and embarrassed.

Gu Qingye nodded, "You take the nanny and go first. When I finish the divorce procedures with Lan Yichen, I will go to you."

"Lan Yichen will probably not divorce you, and even if the nun is not there, he will not sign." Lan Yichen's head

Mind, Gu Qingye's plan may not be so easy to implement.

"If you don’t get divorced, I will spend time with him slowly. As long as the nanny is not there, I have a chance and I will find a way to leave. You

Don't worry about me, just take care of my daughter. "

"You can rest assured."

That night, after eating, Gu Ronghai took her daughter home.

Lan Yichen didn't seem to have any doubts, and even sent a driver to take them back in person.

For the next two or three days, Gu Qingye stayed in the villa honestly and did nothing. She estimated this time

At that time, his father had already taken the nanny to the old house, and waited for Lan Yichen to return home from get off work before telling him.

"I'm looking for something to do with you."

Lan Yichen pulled off his tie and looked a little tired, "Let’s eat first."

"I will..."

"I said eat first." Lan Yichen impatiently interrupted Gu Qingye's words, faintly in his cold eyes

The meaning of warning.

Gu Qingye was stunned, knowing that at this time I would provoke him again, maybe I won’t be able to talk tonight, I can only be honest

Sit down at the table.

A meal, two people eat quietly.

No one spoke much until Lan Yichen put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth with a tissue.

"Are you finished?"

Gu Qingye said immediately, "Then I can talk?"

"Say it."

Gu Qingye immediately took out a document from behind and handed it to Lan Yichen, "I hope you can sign it."

Lan Yichen took it and took a look. It was a few big words "Divorce Agreement".

The bottom of my eyes was cold, I didn't even look at it, I just threw it back.

Two thin sheets of paper slowly fell on the floor beside Gu Qingye's feet.

Gu Qingye immediately bent over, picked it up, carefully smoothed the folds at the corners, and handed it to Lan Yichen again, "You

Take a look first. "

Lan Yichen directly tore the paper into pieces.

Gu Qingye's fingers tightened, and a wave of blood surged from her throat. She firmly grasped the corner of the dining table, pressing

The anger was about to explode, and it took a long time to get up, smile, "It’s okay, I still have an electronic version there, I’ll go

Newly printed, it doesn’t matter how many copies you want to tear. "

"I won't divorce you. Don't waste your effort."

Lan Yichen sneered behind her.

"Then I can only fight with you."

"Please." Lan Yichen raised his hand with a sneer on his face, "If you can find a lawyer who is more powerful than Jinmocheng, just

Just go. "

Gu Qingye's face instantly froze.

Jin Mocheng fought him in a divorce case, and that man can say black as white, and she knows his ability best.

Gu Qingye turned her head to look at him angrily, "Lan Yichen, don't you think you are very mean?"

"You are looking for a lawyer, it is legal and reasonable, I am looking for a lawyer, is it mean?"

Lan Yichen also stood up and walked in front of Gu Qingye step by step, "I advise you to retreat in the face of difficulties, don't do it.

A waste of effort. "

Gu Qingye's face was pale for an instant, she squeezed her fist and stared at Lan Yichen angrily, then turned her head back to the room.

It’s okay. Since Lan Yichen expressed the idea of ​​not getting a divorce last time, Gu Qingye has no longer expecting a divorce.

Looked up.

With Lan Yichen’s strength, let alone Jinmo City, there is no one. It is estimated that no one can easily cross Lan.

Yichen agreed to go through the divorce procedures for her.

That’s why she figured out a way to send her daughter away first. She wanted to understand that even if she and Lan Yichen could not be married, the big deal, she

You can still sneak out at a chance like before.

Now she just wants to bring up her daughter and daughter in a healthy manner, and she has no idea of ​​looking for someone again. Two consecutive failed marriages

About, she was exhausted, and she didn't want to have anything to do with creatures like men.

Divorce or divorce makes no difference to her. She just waited for Lan Yichen to be unable to hold on, and came over to find her for a divorce.

By that time, the problem will be much easier to solve.

Thinking of it, Gu Qingye was also relieved, and she didn't know how she was doing now.

In order to prevent Lan Yichen from being aware of the whereabouts of her daughter, Gu Qingye didn't even dare to make a phone call.

I haven't seen each other for several days, and I don't know what happened to the little girl. She is not there and if she misses her mother.

Gu Qingye couldn't help but feel sore while thinking about her nose. After taking a shower, she went to bed quickly, planning to rest early.

My mind is very messy, no matter how deeply I breathe, I can’t fall asleep quickly, so Gu Qingye closed his eyes, confused.

When she was confused, she heard the sound of someone opening the door and then coming in.

Gu Qingye raised his eyelids and glanced at the corner of his eye.

I saw Lan Yichen opening the closet and rummaging for a clean change of clothes.

After Lan Yichen found the clothes, he went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then lay down beside Gu Qingye.

The two of them hadn't slept in the same bed for a long time, and Gu Qingye was more weird than nervous.

Counting the days in detail, it hasn’t been a few months, but now I feel the man’s body temperature, and it always feels like I was stabbed

Like, dense pain.

Gu Qingye couldn't help but moved to the side of the bed.

Then the dissatisfied moved again.

"Move it again and it will fall down."

An arm stretched out suddenly and took Gu Qingye back.

Gu Qingye turned her head in a panic, facing Lan Yichen's chilly pupils, "I will eat you?"

"Oh, I just feel sick. Who knows if Lan Shao has ever slept in a bed with a client outside."

"I think you have a good relationship with that Shen Mo."

Gu Qingye sneered, "Shen Moqing and I are innocent, don't bother you, Lan Shao, worry about you, don't worry, don’t get divorced.

Before, I would not give you a cuckold, of course not for you, but to save face for the nanny. "

Looking at the irony on Gu Qingye's face, Lan Yichen couldn't suppress the fire in his heart.

When he turned over, Gu Qingye was pressed under him.

"let me go."

"Let go of you?" Lan Yichen sneered, "We are a husband and wife, isn't this your duty to fulfill?"

Gu Qingye's face turned pale.

Lan Yichen said that he did not continue to move, her jet-black eyes stared at Gu Qingye tightly, seeming to be waiting for her answer.

Gu Qingye froze for a long time, then stretched out his hand to push Lan Yichen away.

Before he could speak, he bowed his head and unbuttoned his clothes.

"If you want to do it, do it quickly. I have to rest earlier." She looked at Lan Yichen coldly, "Also, remember to wear

Set, I don't want to make you a child again. "

Lan Yichen gritted his teeth fiercely, pinched Gu Qingye's chin, and kissed it...

Soon there was only an ambiguous gasp in the room.


Gu Qingye didn't know when she fell asleep, Lan Yichen seemed to have infinite physical strength tonight, she was just confused

I remembered that Lan Yichen kept calling "Ye'er" in her ear, and then he was carried to the bathroom again.

When Gu Qingye woke up again, it was noon the next day.

Lan Yichen has long been missing, maybe he has gone to work.

When Gu Qingye got out of bed, she found her body aching terribly, and she was struggling to stand.


Gu Qingye couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

She changed a set of clothes, finished washing, and walked out of the room.

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