Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1741: .You are always welcome

"Ye'er, you have become very disobedient recently. No matter what I say, you won't listen. Now, are you right?

Am I so disgusted? "His voice is low, as if suppressing something.

With a stubborn expression on her face, she stared at him: "Yeah, I dislike you, have you only noticed it now?"

She sneered and admitted without hesitation.

Lan Yichen's brows were locked in an instant, and the curve of his jaw was almost tightened into a straight line, and there was a coldness all over his body.


Emotions in his eyes were surging, but in the end it was calm. He let go of her, then sat upright and said, "We

I got up to pick up my daughter and daughter home. We are a family of three and live a good life, okay? "

Gu Qingye, who was relaxed, also sat up straight, but panted slightly. She turned her face to see that her expression was still cold.

The austere man, his red lips pressed tightly.

She knew that no matter how she struggled today, Lan Yichen would not let her go, she had miscalculated.

"Lan Yichen, at this point, why are you still reluctant to let go? Do you have to wait for the two of us?

Are you reconciled until you hate each other and the fish die? "Her eyes always looked at him.

And Lan Yichen looked ahead and drove the car. Regarding Gu Qingye's words, he didn't even frown, "I don't

Will let our marriage go to that point. "

Gu Qingye found it so ridiculous, wouldn't he get there?

"Why not? Just like you now, there is someone by your side who can replace me, and she will give you a baby in the future.

My child, maybe it won’t be long before you forget, forget about the daughter. "

People’s memory is good if you say it is good, but if you say it is bad, you can forget it in a blink of an eye.

I don’t know if it’s Gu Qingye’s illusion. She found that Lan Yichen was holding the steering wheel's hand, and because of the force, the joints were all


Even his voice seemed to have been immersed in cold water: "I said, it’s just an irrelevant

Only you, in my heart, from beginning to end, you are the only one. "

Lan Yichen’s emotions have always been restrained. Gu Qingye rarely hears it from his mouth if he confesses, but

Today, he said so clearly, as if he was afraid that Gu Qingye would not understand.

Gu Qingye didn’t believe it at all. It was because she knew Lan Yichen too well that she didn’t believe it. That woman just

Insignificant people.

"You don't actually need to explain to me, whether it doesn't matter or not, I don't care." She said, her tone extremely cold.

In the end, Lan Yichen stopped talking.

Two hours later, the car reached its destination.

Gu Qingye got out of the car and looked at the age-like house in front of him, using all his childhood memories.

She remembered that when she was very young, when her grandparents were still alive, Gu Ronghai would take her occasionally on New Year holidays.

Will come back to give them New Year greetings.

When she was a child, she always received new year-end red envelopes, but at that time she was young, so she didn’t know what it was.

Things, the memory of them in my mind up to now is just a vague shadow.

After getting out of the car, Lan Yichen stretched out his hand and walked in with Gu Qingye. Gu Qingye wanted to shake off his hand, but was

Lan Yichen held it tightly, showing no sign of letting go.

When I got inside, I saw Jiang Hui first.

Lan Yichen nodded slightly to Jiang Hui, and then said, "Thank you."

Jiang Hui shook his head, and then said to him: "Old Mr. Gu is taking the young lady to play in the back yard."

Lan Yichen nodded, then dragged Gu Qingye into it, passing through a hall, and then Gu Qingye saw Gu Ronghai

Holding her daughter, laughing and playing there, the old and the young are very happy.

The little guy sat on the chair, clapped his hands teased by Gu Ronghai and smiled. The child's happy laughter came from time to time.

Gu Qingye wanted to step forward, but was pulled by Lan Yichen, and then he whispered in her ear: "The reason why the 囡囡

She can laugh so happily because she is carefree now, but if you insist on divorcing me, wouldn’t it?

Ever thought, after she is in a single-parent family, will she still smile as much as she does today? "

Children from single-parent families are always missing something.

Not only the neighbors around me would say three to four, but even after school, the classmates would point her to her.

Gu Qingye actually has a little experience of this.

She stood in place with a complicated expression, looking at the girl who was smiling happily, she felt like a bunch of cotton stuck in her heart.

In the end, Lan Yichen let go of her, and then walked over first, walked to Gu Ronghai's side, and bent down slightly,

Nuan picked up from the chair, with a light and gentle smile on her face, and whispered: "Naun is playing with grandpa

What about the game? Unhappy? "

The little guy was also very happy to see Lan Yichen. During this time, she and Lan Yichen have also been familiar with each other a lot, so

Seeing him, Xiao Shou went to pat his face, and then even kissed him.

Gu Ronghai was stunned when he saw Lan Yichen approaching, then he looked up and saw his daughter standing not far away.

Er, he walked over, and then stood beside Gu Qingye, watching Lan Yichen playing with her daughter from a distance, Xiao

The guy stayed in Lan Yichen's arms, and the two faces, one big and one small, were really like carved out of a mold.

"Ye'er, in fact, during this period of time, my father has also thought a lot. After all, the nanny is still young and needs parental care. I think

In fact, Yichen also likes the nanny very much. After all, he is the child's biological father, and he will never treat him badly.

Oh, if you really have to get a divorce, there is actually no need to..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Qingye interrupted him. She almost responded without any hesitation: "Dad, tell me to give up

Nun, it is absolutely impossible, nun is my life, without nun, I would rather die! "

To be honest, Gu Ronghai never thought that Gu Qingye’s ideas would be so extreme, but now that it’s

At this point, he could only frown, and then said worriedly: "Dad is just talking about that, you

Don't take it to heart. During this time, Yichen has taken good care of us. "

He didn't mention it again. After all, he was a child raised by himself. Gu Ronghai couldn't understand Gu Qingye's thoughts.

Like him, she paid special attention to the family relationship between her children, so he never married again.

Wife, I'm afraid Aoba will be wronged.

With a slight sigh, he left space for this family of three: "You are here to accompany them, I will leave first."

After that, he turned and left.

After Gu Ronghai left, Gu Qingye just turned his gaze back when she realized that Lan Yichen was already holding her.

囡囡 walked to her.

The little guy was obviously happier seeing her.

Lan Yichen smiled and said, "Nanny, mother is here too, shall we take you home together?"

The little guy doesn’t know if he understands it, babble, and don’t know what he’s talking about, Lan Yichen is holding the 囡囡.

Then Gu Qingye turned his face and said, "Let's go?"

Gu Qingye frowned and said, "I don't want to go back." She didn't say that she didn't want to go back where she wanted to go.

However, Lan Yichen did not immediately refute, but after a while, he glanced at the nun in his arms and whispered

Say: "Then don't go back, stay here for two days, and wait until you are willing to go back."

Gu Qingye frowned, "That 囡囡......"

"The nun has been with your father for several days. Your father is in poor health and it is inconvenient to bother you. I will take the nun back.

went. "

Gu Qingye reacted quickly, frowning and looking at him, "Lan Yichen, you mean, don’t let me be with my daughter

Is it? Why are you? I gave birth to the nun, what did you do besides contributing a sperm

What? Why don't you let me see my daughter. "

Lan Yichen faintly squeezed the soft little face of the girl, the little girl has been fatter since she was found back.

It is even more refined.

He spoke to Gu Qingye in a gentle tone, which was clearly coaxing the child, "I never said no.

Let you go to see Nun Nun. Nun Nun is at Lan's house. You are welcome at any time as long as you want to come. "

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