Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1760: .How could there be such a bad woman as you?

"Cough—" Han Qianyu was choked by the juice in his mouth.

The people in the restaurant held back their laughter desperately.

Pei Shengye's face couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, especially after the woman's reaction was still so big, it was even more embarrassing.

The awkward atmosphere pushed it to its limit.

Han Qianyu's face flushed with cough, and when he raised his head, he just met Pei Shengye's eyes.

So immortal, she remembered the touch of his belly again.


Why did she think of that picture again? When was her thought so serious? She has always been rooted

Good comrades.

Pei Shengye cleared his throat and asked seriously, "Do you want to eat?"

"...I don't want to!" Han Qianyu controlled his breathing, gritted his teeth and smiled.

"Xiaoyu, my father's eggs are delicious." Yueyue winked at Han Qianyu.

Han Qianyu was about to kneel for the father and son.

She patted Yueyue's little head lightly, "Auntie is full and doesn't want to eat anymore. Auntie went out first.

See you! "

After speaking, she retracted her hand, got up, and quickly left the place that made her go crazy.

Yueyue looked at Han Qianyu who was running away, and was very confused. He turned his head and asked Pei Shengye innocently, "Dad, Xiaoyu

Why are you shy? "

"That's because you have to let her eat Dad's eggs!" Pei Shengye replied with an unpredictable face, but his eyes were dark.

A flash of jokes flashed through.


After breakfast, Pei Shengye went to the company.

Han Qianyu accompanied Yueyue to kindergarten.

After Yueyue entered the classroom, she found a place to sit outside the classroom.

In the classroom, the teacher played games with the children, and Han Qian was bored with his mobile phone to play.

When she opened WeChat, she clicked into the group of colleagues, and she just sent a smile on her face, which caused a huge bombardment of information.

"How does it feel to live in a mansion?"

"Is the food particularly good? Take a picture and send it to a circle of friends!"

"Honestly, such a handsome host, would you really have a little romantic interaction with him without looking for him?"

"Why don't we protect and protect Thousand Words, it's possible to become a mother of other people's children!"

Han Qianyu rolled his eyes.

In other words, they are also people's police, all of them are still gossiping.

She quit WeChat and the phone rang again.

Pei Shengye called.

Why is he calling?

She went on the phone, "Hello, Mr. Pei, is there anything wrong?"

"I will pick you up at the kindergarten at noon. Come over at about 12 o'clock and you will wait for me at the door." Pei Shengye is there

Said in a commanding tone.

"Yueyue won't go to school this afternoon?"

"Going to kindergarten just allows him to experience the fun of his peers. One morning is enough. He still has a lot of

Many things to learn. "

Hey, being a child of a wealthy family is really hard.

"Okay, I see, you have nothing else to do, I'm dead!"

Just as Han Qian was about to hang up, Pei Shengye’s voice came from the other end of the phone, "Police Officer Han, I think there is something

I want to tell you. "

Is it a clue to the kidnapping case of Yueyue?

Han Qianyu immediately sat up straight, "Okay, please speak."

"When you slept last night, that snoring was like a cow screaming, which seriously interfered with my sleep. Besides, you

I also rubbed my saliva on my pillow. To be honest, I have never seen you such a rough and bad woman. Introduce

Since we have to live together for a while, you have to correct this problem. "Pei Shengye's tone is faint, quite high-profile


"..." Han Qianyu was stunned, and the fire went straight to her forehead. She took off the phone and yelled at the receiver.

You sleep with me! "

She snapped and hung up the phone.

Next, a teacher passed by and heard Han Qianyu's words, his expression was very subtle.

Han Qianyu suddenly wanted to find a hole to go in.



Pei Shengye came to pick up Yueyue.

Han Qianyu glanced at him from the corner of his eye, wondering how he looks so good and his personality is so bad?

If the police could beat someone, she would definitely split the man into the wrong body, and beat him half-bodied. She would

I have never met a man with such a poisonous tongue and so arrogant.

In the car, Yueyue and Pei Shengye chatted about interesting things in the kindergarten in the morning.

Han Qianyu tilted his head and did not add to the topic.

After a while, the car stopped in front of a restaurant.

It can be seen from the decoration that it is an extremely high-end restaurant, and the restaurant manager respectfully came out to welcome Bae’s Eve.

In the box, Pei Shengye and Yueyue sat down, but Han Qianyu sat on the chair in the box alone.

"Xiaoyu why are you sitting there?"

"Yueyue, our discipline stipulates that we can’t dine with the guardian outside, so you

Let's eat, I'll eat it later. "Han Qianyu answered patiently.

She didn't want to eat with Pei Shengye.

"But aren't you hungry?"

"I'm not hungry!"

Yueyue still wanted to talk, but was stopped by Pei Shengye, "Yueyue, discipline is a very important thing, don’t embarrass Han

police officer. "

"Well then!" Yueyue nodded, not saying anything.

Exquisite and hearty dishes came up one after another.

The scent drifted into Han Qianyu’s nose for a while, and she didn’t have enough for breakfast. The scent hooked up her appetite.


Han Qianyu swallowed.

The father and son over there didn't eat much. They ordered a table of dishes and ate less than 20%, which is a waste.

Staring at the Kobe beef on the table, she felt she could eat it with her eyes.

"Xiaoyu, do you want to eat this steak, you can take it over and eat it!" Yueyue found Han Qian, a young and warm man

The urgent look of the language.


Han Qianyu thought about how to agree with him in a decent way. He only listened to Pei Shengye’s tepid background, "Police officer Han is a

The bones, how can they eat what we have eaten. "

Han Qianyu only felt like a target, and a slap of a knife hit her chest.

"Right, Officer Han?" Pei Shengye cut a bit of beef and put it in his mouth.

"...Yes!" Han Qianyu can only say right.

"You see, discipline is such a tormenting thing, such a delicious food, you can’t taste it together.

What a pity. "Pei Shengye looked at her sympathetically.

Han Qianyu wanted to strangle him in various ways.

She got up, "I'll go outside and wait for you."

"Personal protection for 24 hours. According to discipline, Police Officer Han cannot leave Yueyue." Pei Shengye returned lightly.

"..." Han Qianyu froze for two minutes, then sat back angrily, "Yes, Mr. Pei is right."

Hey, she shouldn't have trouble with the food.

Watching them eagerly after eating, the tears in her heart flowed into rivers.


in the afternoon.

Yueyue is going to take piano lessons.

The piano teacher came to the manor to teach.

The piano is placed in the Pian Hall on the first floor. Han Qianyu is in the corner of the Pian Hall. Observing the pianist, he is very beautiful.

A beauty, thin and fair, with a good temperament.

"Is there anything suspicious about her?" There was a sudden heat in her ears, and her ears were numb.

This low magnetic voice, you know who it is as soon as you hear it, Han Qianyu moved to the side and answered formulaically.

"It's not certain at the moment, it needs to be investigated after investigation."

"Has Police Officer Han always handled cases so perfunctorily?" The heat wafted again, and it seemed to be hotter than last time.

Han Qianyu moved aside again.

Where did she perfunctory?

Is this man purely looking for fault? And why does he keep standing behind her!

"Mr. Pei, can you please not hinder my work?"

"I have the right to know the progress of your investigation. If your work efficiency is not high, I can only change people." Pei Shengye's thin lips

Sticking to her ear, continue to speak in a low voice.

"I'm not a fairy--" Han Qianyu was a little mad.

She turned her head violently, and suddenly her lips swept across a soft spot.

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