Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1763: . Her secret!

Pei Shengye's hand tightened slightly to make the two fit closer.

He leaned to her ear, and said in a very soft but very provocative voice: "This is the man! Understand? Little sister!"

Han Qianyu only felt a hot air blast from his ears and spread all over his body.

She elbows him angrily.

Pei Shengye leaned back and avoided.

Han Qianyu hit a hole and immediately fisted and punched him, Pei Shengye freed a hand to pinch her fist.

"So excited, can't you wait to let me take out the gun and try it?"

Han Qianyu settled.

Then it suddenly dawned on him what he meant from just now, and now another fist that was even more embarrassing was also slammed.

Go, "You nasty!!!"

Pei Shengye expected that she would make this hand, and the other wrist was easily caught, and said jokingly, "It's nasty to make your face

Is the egg blushing, short of breath, and blurred eyes? "

"Shut up! Shut up!" Han Qianyu was irritated and lost her senses, and her lower body was free. She twisted her waist and kicked.

Legs, wanting to break away from his restraints.

It turned out that Pei Shengye just wanted to play with her, but being moved by her like this, she really lit her body.

"Don't move!"

"You let go!"

"If you move again, you will bear the consequences!"

"If you dare to mess around, I will kill you!"

The two twisted in the car, from the seat to the ground, Han Qianyu was pressed under him.

Han Qianyu was lying on the ground panting, with messy hair, and his red lips slightly opened because of his anger.

Seductive. The well-behaved shirt in the scuffle with the fragrant shoulders on the side of Zaluo is extremely sexy.

Pei Shengye's eyes were deep as if there was a beast hidden inside.

He stared at her lips, slowly getting closer...

What does he want to do!

Han Qianyu had nowhere to escape, and when he was about to stick to her, he closed his eyes forcibly.

During the lifetime of "Wow-", the car door suddenly opened.

The two looked outwards reflexively.

When the driver saw the glamorous scene inside, he was embarrassed and his tongue knotted in fright, "Yes, yes, sorry,

I don't know, I close the door immediately. "

He closed the door, Han Qianyu pushed open while Pei Sheng was distracted, kicked the car door with his foot, pulled his shirt, and

Ran off the car without returning

Pei Shengye sat up.

Seeing the woman running into the gate of the hospital, there was a slight fluctuation in her heart.

Xu...really a bit too much.

"Sir, do you want... to chase?" the driver asked cautiously.

"No, go back!" Pei Shengye said coldly, retracting his gaze.


Han Qianyu rushed into the bathroom on the first floor of the hospital.

She turned on the faucet and washed her face with cold water.

People gradually calmed down. She recalled what happened just now, and she wanted to kill someone with shame.

She was actually suppressed by him to death, and she had no power to fight back.

Let alone being occupied, the most unbearable thing is that she can't beat him...

hateful! ! !

When the murderer is caught, it is his death date, Pei Shengye, wait for me!

After finishing her thoughts, she went to her father's ward.

At this moment, only the mother was with him in the ward.

And father, lying on the hospital bed, was hanging water with an oxygen tube in his nose and an electrocardiograph between his fingers.

"Dad——" Han Qianyu walked quickly to the hospital bed's father, very worried, "How is your dad?"

"I'm fine, it's fine!" Han Zhengming smiled weakly.

"I said it's okay, it's all like this." Han Qianyu felt sorry for his father, but he is not a doctor. What can he do?

"What the doctor said, do you need an operation?"

Mother Guo Wanni said, "The doctor said to observe for one night first. If the bleeding can be stopped, no operation can be performed."

Han Qianyu was relieved now. Since the doctor said so, it means that it is not very serious at present.

She pulled the chair from the side and sat down.

"Is the police station busy lately? I heard Xia Qing said that you saved a kidnapped child before." Guo Wanni asked casually.

"Yeah! It's amazing to say that I was a tired driver and accidentally bumped into the car in front that morning, only to realize

The driver has a problem. "Han Qianyu said.

"It's really a coincidence. The kidnappers didn't expect this mistake to happen in the middle. The kid must be from a rich family.

Baby. "Guo Wanni answered as he poured water on Han Qianyu.

"The family is quite rich, have you heard of the name Pei Shengye?"

Bae Shengye.....

Guo Wanni's expression changed drastically, and the cup in his hand fell to the ground.

"What's the matter, mom?" Han Qianyu quickly got up and squatted over with a tissue to wipe the water stains on her legs.

Mother's legs are red.

Han Zhengming was also confused and surprised over there, "Take your mother to the bathroom and rinse with cold water."

Han Qianyu helped Guo Wanni to the bathroom, told her to take off her shoes, turn on the shower, and point at the hot spot.

"Mom, do you know Pei Shengye?" Judging from his mother's reaction, Han Qianyu confirmed that his mother knew him.

And... it seems that it's not just serious and simple.

However, mother and Pei Shengye are completely impossible to fight.

Guo Wanni was silent for a few seconds, and then pretended to smile relaxedly, "He is a billionaire, of course I have heard of him, just now I

I was so surprised. I didn't expect you to save the son of such a big man. "

Han Qianyu raised his head, his eyes became more suspicious, "You know it's a son again!"

"Xia Qing said that he saved a boy. It was not a son or a daughter." Guo Wanni responded quickly.

"Mom, I think you are very strange!" Han Qianyu stared at his mother like exploration.

"I have something weird, don't you have an occupational disease, and try to treat everyone as a suspect, OK?" Guo Wanni asked.

Face, looked a little angry.

"I didn't say that you are a suspect, that is not your own weird thing, it made me think about it!" Han Qianyu sees his mother not open

Heart, busy coaxing her.

"What are you thinking about? Is it possible that your mother can hook up with that Pei Shengye when she is too old!" Guo Wanni was still stern.

"..." Han Qianyu held back a smile and shook his head, "Then I really don't think so."

Guo Wanni is not talking, and Han Qianyu is not talking anymore.

She thought that it was possible that her father suddenly had a cerebral hemorrhage, which scared her, and her thoughts were still chaotic, that's why it was so abnormal.

When she helped her mother out, Xia Qing came.

"It's Xia Qing here, sit down." Han Zhengming liked him very much, and always wanted his daughter to develop with Xia Qing.

Xia Qing sat down, after a few words of concern, turned around and asked Han Qianyu, "How did you come here?"

When he asked, Han Qianyu immediately flashed Pei Shengye’s face in his mind, plus what happened in the car, her watch

Feeling a little unnatural, he touched his ears and said, "Pei Shengye sent me a car."

Han Qing is a psychiatrist. He is best at observing the subtle facial expressions of people. He immediately saw the clues, "Oh,

That's it! "

"Why did Pei Shengye send you a car?" Guo Wanni was nervous again.

"Because the child is still in danger of safety, the bureau sent me to protect him." Han Qianyu answered his mother's question.

"So, you have been living in Pei Shengye's house now?"

"You can say the same."

Guo Wanni turned his back, his expression faintly solemn.


The next day.

Yueyue woke up and found that Han Qianyu had become Jin Nasha, very, very unhappy and lost her temper.

Jin Nasha couldn't coax it anyhow.

It wasn't until Pei Shengye came and told him that Han Qianyu would come back, that he calmed down a bit.

"Why did Xiaoyu leave? I'm bad, doesn't she like me? Or is my dad too bad and she doesn't want to see you?"

Yueyue asked sadly.

"Neither!" Pei Shengye knocked his son on the head, "Her father is sick, and she is going to the hospital to accompany him, so

Let this auntie Jin replace her for one day. "

As soon as Pei Shengye finished speaking, Jin Nasha, who was dressed again, went over to squat in front of Yueyue, showing her warmth like a favor.

With a soft smile, "Yueyue, Auntie Jin will take good care of you, and soon, you will like me."

While smiling, she peered at Pei Shengye's face, extremely shy.

Yueyue shrugged her shoulders with a cool expression, "Another nympho!"

"..." Jin Nasha twitched.

This dead child is not cute at all!

For Pei Shengye, she must find a way to stay.


In the evening.

Before the observation period was over in the hospital, Han Qianyu was worried and stayed with him.

In the manor, Yue Yue was very depressed, "Will Xiaoyu be back tomorrow?"

"I don't know!" Pei Shengye returned with a blank expression.

"Or, let's go to the hospital tomorrow!" Yueyue thought of a good idea, and her little face suddenly became bright.

Pei Shengye glanced at his son's untouched dinner, and said, "If you have eaten dinner, I will consider your proposal."

Yueyue immediately lowered her head and ate obediently.

Jin Nasha was a little jealous, inserting the meat on the plate, why Han Qianyu could get attention when she was not there.

After dinner, Pei Shengye went into the study as usual.

After a while, Jin Nasha came and knocked on his door.

Pei Shengye frowned slightly, his voice was low, "Come in!"

Jin Nasha pushed the door in.

"Officer Jin, what's the matter?" Pei Shengye closed the file in front of him, leaned back on the back of the chair, his expression alienated.

Jin Nasha walked to him, "There is something I want to tell you."

"Oh, Officer Jin has a clue to the murderer?" Pei Shengye guessed.

"It's not about the murderer, but about Han Qianyu!" Jin Nasha looked at him with a mysterious tone.

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