Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1791: .What about the child? !

Han Qianyu did not speak, but pointed at the big man with an iron rod again, and asked with sharp eyes: "You caught it.

Where is the child? "

Hearing this, the big man seemed to understand something, and his eyes were full of disdainful smiles: "It turns out that it was here to save people.

Mr. Pei was really getting worse and worse, and he sent a woman over. "

Han Qianyu didn’t care about Dahan’s disdain. She had been on missions many times, and she also encountered eyes many times.

The previous situation was looked down upon by others, but at the same time, this attitude has an advantage for her, at least

Able to give the opponent a fatal blow while taking the opponent lightly.

But now, she didn't have the time to spend with him, so she directly took the iron rod in her hand and rushed on it.

The other party probably didn't expect that Han Qianyu would just rush over without saying a word. He was shocked and quickly concentrated on

Knowing how to deal with it.

But after a few tricks, he discovered that the beautiful woman in front of her was not like her Kung Fu, but just a fancy.

He gasped slightly and started to back away slowly.

Han Qianyu is vaguely worried. The longer she spends with this big guy here, in case she gets caught

Now, then next, don't say to save Yueyue, she will even sink into it.

Taking a deep breath, she squeezed the iron rod in her hand, and then violently waved towards the big man in front of her.

It was also strictly guarded, but still found an opportunity than Han Qianyu, and then did not hit him like that.

On his back, he staggered forward suddenly, she also used a hand knife, and then stunned the opponent.

After solving this line of defense, Han Qianyuxin breathed a sigh of relief, shook a somewhat sore arm, and then

The two people dragged them behind the shelf, and tied the two together in the same way.

She squeezed the iron rod in her hand and walked slowly inside. There was a corridor in front of her. She took a look.

There was no one to guard, stepped lightly, and walked in.

But halfway through, she suddenly heard the voice of someone speaking, as if they were walking in her direction.

She glanced at her surroundings, and there was no such good hiding place. Her cold sweat instantly dropped, and her voice was getting closer and closer.

Her heart almost fell into her throat.

"Did you hear any strange noise just now?" one of them asked.

"Are you going to have auditory hallucinations? Was it too tired last night?" Another smile was inexplicably wretched, already

The referent said.

"Googling, you talk a lot." Another person cursed, and then the two slowly walked out of this corridor.

It wasn't until the two figures disappeared completely at the end of the corridor that she came out from behind the water tank door on the wall.

She almost suffocated her by hiding inside.

As soon as she came out, she walked forward at the fastest speed, and soon passed the corridor.

But the end of the corridor is divided into two parts, one on the left and one on the right, with doors blocking it, so you can't see the inside.

She frowned slightly, raised her hand and glanced at her watch. From the moment she entered to the present, she has spent ten minutes,

And the two people who just went out may find that no one is guarding them after passing the first and second lines of defense.

What is the problem?

The situation did not allow her to think about it, she walked directly to the left hand, then squeezed the long stick in her hand and pulled it away.

Closed the door.

There was no one guarding behind the door, which surprised her.

However, she didn't think much, but accelerated her pace and walked inside.

When she reached the end, the whistling engine's rotating sound came from inside, which caused a lot of noise, which just covered her


I don’t know if she was lucky today or what, she was at the end of the corridor and saw her hand tied.

The little guy sitting there.

He was a little embarrassed at this moment, his white and tender face was stained with smudges, but he did not cry or make trouble, and behaved very well.

He even chatted with his guards: "Big brother, do you have strawberry cake here?"

That big guy is five big and three thick, so he is a little bit far from his big brother's level, and it’s a shame.

The little guy is quite witty.

The big man glanced at Yueyue, and then responded with patience: "Didn't you say it before, there is no such thing here."

Yueyue nodded. After a long time, she seemed to think of another question, and then asked: "Are there any lollipops here?"

The big man seemed to have poor patience, and his tone was much worse than before: "No! Can you stop your child?

Er, do you think you are like this, when you eat these? "

Yueyue was not surprised by the bad attitude of the big man, but she continued to say, "Big brother,

Since you are responsible for guarding me, you should meet my requirements for so long, in case I am hungry and thin, or starved

Now, what should I do? When the time comes, my father will definitely be upset when he sees me like this. "

"You are like this, do you care about your father's height?" The big man snorted coldly, seemingly too lazy to talk nonsense with a child.

Yueyue smiled, and then said, "Of course, my dad can love me, so ah, he will definitely find someone

Come to rescue me, big brother, I advise you to buy me strawberry cake. Really, my dad just in case.

When I arrive, I can tell her that you bought me a strawberry cake, so I'll be more tolerant of you. "

And Han Qianyu who stood outside heard these words almost laughed out loud, the little guy is really weird.

The kind that doesn't idle a word.

However, there are too many people inside, and it is not a wise choice to break in now.

At this moment, the big guy who was talking to the little guy just now seemed to have his cell phone rang.

He immediately slid down the answer button, with a respectful tone: "Sir."

"Yes, people are with us, and they are well taken care of, you can rest assured."

Immediately afterwards, the phone seemed to be hung up, and then someone came over and asked: "What's wrong?"

"Mr. is on his way here, he should be coming soon." said the big man.

When Han Qianyu heard this, his heart sank.

She didn't even care much, so she broke in like that.

This is the dumbest, but also the most effective method.

The four people standing in the house shouldn’t have thought that a woman would break in like that, and then wait.

They asked, and the woman rushed up with the iron rod just like that.

One of the big guys stretched out his hand to block, and suddenly took a breath of pain.

The four people went up together, trapping Han Qianyu in the middle.

Although outnumbered, she has seen such battles during training. The number of people is the most effective.

The method is to attack its weakness,

The weaknesses of men are much easier to find than women.

She wielded an iron rod and attacked the middle of the man’s leg almost every time, and she brought down two of them just like that.

Both were defensive, and both tried to grab the iron rod in her hand.

Han Qianyu is also impatient. After all, foreign aid is coming in. Her mission today is not to catch the murderer.

Hand, but to take away Yueyue.

A careless, she got a kick on the back.

It hurt so much that she frowned slightly, then staggered forward.

Behind her, a worried voice came from Yue Yue, who had never dared to say anything and was afraid of distracting her: "Aunt Xiaoyu!"

Han Qianyu stood up straight and squeezed the iron rod in his hand. His face was pale, and a thin layer of forehead penetrated.

Thin sweat: "I'm fine."

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