Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1796: .Corpse


In a blink of an eye, a week passed.

The atmosphere of Winson Manor was not relieved by the safe return of the young master, but became more solemn.

Pei Shengye often goes out early in the morning and comes back late at night, sometimes sitting on the sofa in the living room without knowing anyone

Think anymore.

Everyone in this villa knew that Pei Shengye was worried about that Han Qianyu.

That Miss Han has been missing for more than a week, except for the pool of blood found at the scene, no one has found anything.

Get clues to Han Qianyu's whereabouts.

She seemed to have evaporated from the world, not seeing anyone alive or a dead body.

Several servants crowded upstairs and whispered.

"You said, Miss Han, is it already..."

"I think it's mostly bad luck. When the young master disappeared, the husband didn't panic like that."

"No, the kidnappers had a purpose in catching the young master. The goal was not achieved. Of course, the young master would not be in danger.

This Miss Han is different. The bad guys want her to be useless. It is estimated that she would have killed them a long time ago. "

"Yes, it's a pity, I kind of like Miss Han..."

"The police are really too dangerous."


At the door of the room, Yue Yue clutched the door frame with a pale face and bit her lips.

When Han Qianyu just disappeared, he would still hold Pei Shengye and ask him when to find Aunt Xiaoyu back, Pei Sheng

The nightclub told him he was coming soon.

Or comfort him and let him not worry.

Until that night, he saw Pei Shengye smoking a cigarette in the living room alone, his expression was solemn and sad, and Yueyue had no idea.

Bai, Dad is also worried about Aunt Xiaoyu, even more worried than him.

So from that night, he never took the initiative to mention Aunt Xiaoyu in front of his father.

Now that the servants are doing this, asking my father to hear them will definitely be sad.

Yueyue took a deep breath, released her hand, and walked out.

"What are you doing?"

When the servant heard Yue Yue’s voice, he turned around and smiled hurriedly: "Little Master, are you up? Let’s talk about Miss Han’s

Things. "

"Say what?"

"It's really a pity to say that Miss Han is so young, so why..."

A servant had a sad look on his face.

Yueyue's eyes turned red, and she said angrily: "What a pity! She will come back safely! I want you to be here.

Talk too much, be careful, Dad knows, and kick you out! "

The servant's complexion changed, and he smiled hurriedly: "Little master, you... don't be angry, we just talked casually. Han

Miss... she... naturally she is fine. "

"Yeah, yeah, we just said a few words casually."

Yueyue didn't want to care about these people and went straight downstairs.

"Brother Ye! My grandfather hit some hares and asked me to give it to you!"

Ouyang Fei's bright voice came from the gate, and when she saw Yueyue, she ran over immediately: "Yueyue, where is your father?"

Yue Yue was silent.

Dad, I must have gone to Xiaoyu again.

As soon as Ouyang Fei saw Yue Yue's pale face, she squatted down immediately, "What's the matter? Your father taught you a lesson? Tell me,

Can I help you teach him? "

Yueyue still shook her head.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Miss Ouyang, Aunt Xiaoyu is gone..."

Ouyang Fei did not respond, "What does it mean to be missing? If there is no accident for a person like her, why?

Maybe it will disappear, don’t worry..."

Before she finished speaking, Ouyang Fei's eyes widened: "She... has an accident?"

"Hmm... She was injured in order to save me. I don't know where the bad guys took her." Yueyue's voice was hoarse: "You said

Is she dead? I dare not ask Dad. "

"Pooh, pooh." Ouyang Fei covered Yueyue's mouth: "Don't say such unlucky words, although I have never seen that

Aunt Xiaoyu, but from your description, she is a very powerful woman, isn't she? "


"So she will be fine, for sure."

Ouyang Fei comforted Yueyue.

Yueyue was in the mood for just a while, and a woman walked in outside the door.

It was Jin Nasha.

Yueyue has always hated Jin Nasha, and he knew it was Jin Nasha who let Han Qianyu risk herself to save herself, because

And there was a cold "hum".

"Yueyue, is Mr. Pei here?"

Jin Nasha asked.

"He's not here, Aunt Xiaoyu is gone, do you think that everyone is like you, just idle all day?"

Jin Nasha turned white, startled, and said, "Yueyue, you have misunderstood. I asked Mr. Pei just because I have something to do.

She said. "

"what's up?"

"We found a body in the river where the accident happened."


Yueyue's eyes widened instantly, and her little head shook desperately: "Impossible! It can't be Aunt Xiaoyu's!"

Jin Nasha frowned: "Yueyue, I want to meet and discuss with Mr. Pei on this matter. At this time, don't play tricks with me.

Is the child getting angry? "

Yueyue bit her lip, and finally turned around to call Pei Shengye.

Within twenty minutes, Pei Shengye arrived in a hurry.


Yueyue threw herself into Pei Shengye's arms, thinking of the news that Jin Nasha had brought, she couldn't help tears anymore.

"Xiao Fei, you take Yueyue up first."

Pei Shengye handed Yueyue to Ouyang Fei.

Ouyang Fei took Yue Yue upstairs.

Pei Shengye looked at Jin Nasha tiredly, her voice trembled: "Found the body?"

"Yes." Jin Nasha nodded.

Pei Shengye's eyes swayed and gritted his teeth: "Are you sure it is her?"

"Not sure." Jin Nasha shook her head: "The body has been soaked in the water for a long time, almost completely beyond recognition. It has been sent to the forensic doctor.

Libby has dna. However, Han Qianyu had an accident there, Mr. Pei, you must be mentally prepared. "

"Heh, what mental preparations do I have to do?" Pei Shengye sneered disdainfully.

This week, he had already expected the worst result from the hopefulness from the beginning to the calmness now.

Jin Nasha stared at the handsome face in front of her, but at this moment, there was a gloomy man between her eyebrows, she finally said

One sentence: "No matter what, we don't want that corpse is hers."

She and Han Qianyu are colleagues and college classmates after all. It can be said that the years of acquaintance are not short, no matter what

How they fight, but she has always respected her competitor.

Pei Shengye didn't answer the conversation. Instead, she turned around and turned her back to Jin Nasha and said, "Tell me when the result comes out."

Before the conclusion is clear, he will never believe that the woman who is clever tongue and has perseverance everywhere,

Would really die.

When Han Qianyu opened his eyes, he found that he was still in the cabin, which was the room he came to before.

Now, her hands and feet are free, and she is not tied with a rope.

She opened her eyes quietly, then looked around the room, and found that there was no one in the room, and she was relieved immediately.

Angry, and then sat up from the bed.

She just poured herself a glass of water, and when she was about to drink, she suddenly heard footsteps coming from the door, and she immediately dropped the water

Cup, and then quickly lay back on the bed.

Immediately afterwards, the door was opened, and then she heard An Chen's voice: "Is she still awake?"

The bodyguard who followed An Chen should have been guarding the door before, and replied respectfully: "Yes, sir."

An Chen squinted his eyes slightly, those beautiful and excessive eyes fell on the sleeping Han Qianyu, and he looked for a while.

Soon, he turned around and planned to leave.

However, his eyes suddenly fell on the cup full of water on the table.

The corner of his lips suddenly formed a curve, and then he pulled the chair again, and sat down like that, no more leaving.


Han Qianyu lying on the bed heard that there was no movement in the house, but he did not hear their leaving.

The sound was very strange for a while.

However, when she was not sure that the other party had left, she seemed a little uncomfortable to be too public and startled.

Maybe it’s been a long time to wait. An Chen sitting there said with a faint smile, "This is the sea, basically

No ships will pass by, so even if you are lucky enough to escape from this room, you think you can get out of this sea

Escape? "

Got it! My little trick was really seen through.

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