Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1803: . Can't find people

Mother Han responded lukewarmly: "Do you think you haven't come back, can I sleep?"

Han Qianyu walked slowly into the kitchen, took out a can of milk from it, opened it, and said doglegally, "What you said

I'm not a three-year-old kid anymore. You don't want to look so tightly. "

Mother Han sneered: "You also know that you are not three years old? So I don't need to worry about doing things? Then how did you

He was injured, and almost took his life a few times.

Got it! Haven't said a few words yet, her mother is planning to **** her again, anyway, now, she doesn't look pleasing to herself.

"Didn't I have already resigned?"

She squeezed the milk, walked out of the kitchen, then walked towards her room, and said as she walked, "Mom, time

Not early, I was a little sleepy, so I went to bed first? "

After speaking, she planned to enter the door, but as soon as she opened the door, Han Mu raised her voice: "Why do you sleep? Come here."

Suddenly, Han Qianyu walked up to the mother of Han with some tears, and said helplessly: "Mom, I really

I’m very sleepy, can we talk about it tomorrow, OK? "

After speaking, she yawned to prove that she was really sleepy.

But Han Mu didn't believe her at all, and patted the place next to her, with an irresistible command in her tone: "Sit down.

Come next to me. "

Han Qianyu didn't move.

Mother Han twisted her eyebrows: "Han Qianyu, don't let me say the third time, sit down!"

Although the mother of Han is usually very gentle, she usually initiates the fire gently, so it is extremely deterrent, so Han

Qian Yu obediently walked to Han's mother and sat down, just like her grandson, and whispered: "Mom, what's the matter?

Let's talk about it. "

Mother Han looked at Han Qianyu, who was sluggish and obediently in front of her. She knew her sleek tricks a long time ago.

Yu Xin, so no matter how well-behaved she is, Mother Han should still ask: "Today you think your Uncle Xu

How is the son of the family? "

Han Qianyu asked cautiously and tentatively: "Do you want to listen to the truth or lies?"

Mother Han raised her hand to hit her: "What do you think? Are you looking for a hit?"

Han Qianyu immediately shrank his neck and responded: "I just said that. You are really getting more and more fierce now. Be careful of your dad.

So scared, and then went to find the little fairy daughter outside. "

"He dare!"

However, Han Mu didn't fall for her, but immediately said: "Don't give me anything wrong, tell me quickly,

What is going on? What's the situation today? "

Han Qianyu focused on the important part of today and narrated it to Han Mu. Finally, he also specially emphasized: "You said you also

If you don’t find someone who is more reliable, it’s ugly. I plan to find a free nanny, and I have to report it when I return to my natal family.

When his house is the inner courtyard of the palace? Do you have to apply for an account when you go out? "

Comparing to Han's complaints in Qianyu, Hanmu said rationally: "Now boys are looking for wives, it’s not all like this.

Is it required? In addition, this is just proof that they are people who can live their lives. "

Han Qianyu almost didn't get angry: "Will live? Mom, you are pushing me into the fire pit! Have you seen

Where did you say that you have to give birth to a boy before you have a baby, and you have to report it when you go out? Are you now

Think that as long as I am a man, I can marry? "

Han Qianyu couldn't believe that his mother would say such a thing.

To be honest, she used to think that her mother was someone who knew her very well, and even understood her, but now she

Inexplicably, my mother has changed, and she is no longer the mother who only considers her.

Mother Han stared at her. There was a look in her eyes that she could not understand. She said to her, "Xiaoyu, mom.

That’s not what I mean, it’s just that my mom hopes that you can marry a right man who can live with you in peace, but not

It’s to marry someone who is obviously our Pan Gao Zhier.

I hope you will have a good life. It's just that. It's not something ordinary people like us can live. Do you understand? "

Suddenly, Han Qianyu smiled. She looked at the Han mother in front of her and said directly: "Mom, don't say anything, I know, you just

I’m afraid that there will be something between me and Pei Shengye, but I can tell you very clearly, it’s absolutely impossible.

Time, the relationship has ended since the moment I resigned. "

After speaking, she stood up from the sofa, her tone of voice, with undisguised disappointment towards Han Mu: "So, you are also

It doesn't have to be a man to plug me here, I am not a garbage recycling station. "Then she stood up.

And Han Mu was sitting on the sofa with a hint of worry in her eyes.

"This little Xu is really as bad as you said?"

"The worst can't be worse, it refreshes my three views, Mom, if you want me to be with him, I would rather fight for one generation.

You can be a bachelor or a nun. "

"If that's the case, then forget it. After two days, I will help you choose... Are you hungry? There is food in the kitchen."

"I will not eat."

"You kid, lose weight again..."

"Isn't it just what you want to get thinner and get married earlier?" Han Qianyu returned to the room.

Han Qianyu who entered the room lay down on the bed with a bit of depression, buried his face in the quilt, and said in his heart

The feeling of mourning that does not come out.

Before today, she always thought that her mother loved herself very much, but her mother’s various abnormal expressions made her

Really doubt it.

As long as he thinks of that greasy blind date man today, Han Qianyu feels that the air is not very fresh.

After sleeping in a daze, early the next morning, she opened her eyes again and found that it was late.

She glanced at the sunlight outside the curtains, and suddenly narrowed her eyes slightly. Since resigning, she was the first true

Lazy sleep in the positive sense.

Stretching, she yawned and went out of the room door.

At a glance, I saw my mother who was standing on the balcony drying clothes, her back slightly shy.

Han Qianyu was a little stunned. She realized that she hadn’t seen her for a while and her mother seemed to be old. She had never

I discovered that my mother's back was bent so hard.

There was something wrong in her heart, but at exactly this moment, Han Mu turned around and saw her standing in the living room, so she said casually

Angrily said calmly: "There is breakfast in the kitchen, wash up and eat while it is hot."

"Okay." She responded, and then went into the bathroom silently.

After eating breakfast, Han Qianyu saw her mother who had been busy there, so she said: ",

Mom, take a break and don't always be busy. "

Mother Han said: "After getting married and having a child, isn't it just busy all day long?

Life, that's it, didn't I also be busy every day before? "

Han Qianyu always felt that his mother's words meant something, and suddenly he didn't answer.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Mother Han didn't say anything, she just picked up the basin in front of her and walked forward.

Because Han Qianyu was planning to find a job, she cleaned up after eating breakfast and then came out of the house.

Her top priority now is to quickly find a job, so she took out her mobile phone and continued to look for

The address of the company listed.

However, because she had graduated from the police academy before, many companies did not match her major.

Some people also asked her why she didn’t work in the police station. After all, she went to college at the police academy.

Nine were all in the police station or the army.

In response, she just responded that there was a special reason, so she didn't go in.

After looking for it all morning, she found nothing, she was a little disappointed.

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