Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1806: .How long do you plan to stand?

After ordering something casually, Pei Shengye’s eyes have been on the greasy man sitting opposite Han Qianyu.

In his body, he really had to doubt Han Qianyu's taste.

She is such a beautiful girl, she can actually see such a greasy man? Are her eyes really blind?

And here, Han Qianyu looked at the man sitting in front of him, he really didn't feel much in his heart, he even felt like he was gone.

Yes, but now, in order to make her mother feel at ease, so she held the urge to leave for the time being, and then smiled.

Mouth: "Meet again."

The other party nodded, then took a sip of the water in front of him, maybe because the drink was a little absent-minded, so again

Two drops of water dripped down his mouth onto his lap, Han Qianyu raised his eyebrows again, and felt nauseous in my heart.

A little worse.

She is actually a detail control, so in many aspects, she goes back to pay attention to some small details.

Just like now, after he put down the water glass, he looked at her with a smile, and looked at her undisguisedly.

Light is very uncomfortable.

Immediately after he had looked at it, he made a corresponding evaluation of Han Qianyu’s clothes: "In fact, Miss Han

If you marry me in the future, try to wear some conservative clothes style, otherwise, you wear it like this,

It's a bit of a badass. "

After hearing this, Han Qianyu looked down at this very ordinary plaid dress on himself, and suddenly couldn’t understand.

The rhetoric asked: "Wearing a skirt is an insult to morals?"

The blind date man said: "It’s not that you can’t wear a skirt, but that your skirt is a bit too short, and I still recommend it.

After getting married, don’t wear skirts. It’s more convenient to wear pants to do things.

Later, I have to take the children, do housework, and..."

"I wonder if you have misunderstood something, I am willing to come over today, not that it means that I agree to follow

Are you married or having a child, would you please figure out your own situation first? "

Han Qianyu almost didn't get angry. She felt that her coming over today was really a stupid decision.

When the blind date man saw this, he said indifferently: "I know, you say this now because you are shy.

But it’s okay. I will tune you up later. "

Han Qianyu's hand holding the water glass was shaking slightly, she kept telling herself, be calm, be calm, and don't be stupid

Force anger.

But the blind date man continued to say: "My family is just a child. If you marry our family in the future, you don’t need to

Those who suffer can be regarded as your family’s high climbers. All of our family’s property belongs to mine. I will treat you well, but

But I think that even if our family is in a good family situation, I don’t want you to be lazy and to sit and eat at home. "

Finally, Han Qianyu couldn't bear it. When he wanted to stand up, he suddenly saw him pressing on the shoulder of the blind date man.

A hand with long phalanx and then white, and the owner of the hand, Zhang Zheng, has an extremely handsome face, and his whole body is very noble.

"Sir, do you think that a woman with a listed company worth billions of dollars in her family will be able to take a fancy to your family

One or two broken houses? As a human being, you still have to weigh how many catties you have, or else you’ll blow too much

It's a face slap. "

The blind date man looked at Pei Shengye who suddenly appeared, and he immediately lowered his face and asked, "Who are you?"

And Pei Shengye walked directly to Han Qianyu's side, and then looked at her, with a hint of pampering pampering in her tone.

Han Qianyu has never heard from Pei Shengye’s mouth: "Just because you have a temper with me, so you come to see here

A man who looks like a toad? Are you too succumbed to yourself? "

When the blind date heard that Pei Shengye compared him to a toad, he jumped up: "What do you mean by this?"

However, before he came to Pei Shengye, someone immediately stopped him in front of him, staring at him with enthusiasm, as if

As long as he dares to move, the next second he will pay the price for his radical actions.

Han Qianyu saw that Pei Shengye didn't even know when he would follow him, so he frowned and asked, "Why are you here too?"

When Pei Shengye saw that there was even this blame in Han Qian's tone, he raised his eyebrows and asked: "You mean I shouldn't come.

Shouldn't you stop you from seeing this toad? "

Hearing these words, a certain toad jumped angrily again: "Hey! Why are you talking? Pay attention to your

Use words, or I will sue you! "

But after speaking, his momentum became weak, and he shrank his neck and stared at the bodyguard staring at him.

Yueyue on the side also said to Han Qianyu: "Aunt Xiaoyu, this uncle is really ugly, I think

He is not worthy to be friends with us. "

Han Qianyu suddenly felt a little helpless. Has this little guy been ugly since he was a kid?

However, she just said to Pei Shengye: "You let him go."

She didn't want to be unable to explain to her mother.

Seeing Han Qianyu's eyes on the blind date man, Pei Shengye frowned suddenly: "How

What? Do you really like him?"

He said that his voice was extremely slightly upset.

Han Qianyu shook his head helplessly and explained: "What's your interest in him? After all, he was introduced by his mother's colleague. Anyway,

I have to have an explanation from my mother. "

After Pei Shengye heard this, he let the bodyguard let him go, and then he walked up to the blind date man and stared at him with deep eyes.

Xing and carrying a coldness: "In the future, don't let me see appearing in front of her again, understand?"

However, the blind date stared at Pei Shengye in a daze. He frowned and his tone became colder: "Didn't you understand?"

The blind date man immediately nodded: "I understand, I understand."

Soon after, he quickly turned and left the restaurant.

Seeing the figure of the blind date man running away, Pei Shengye sneered, and said to Han Qianyu with a look of disdain: "But just

It's this kind of garbage, you still keep your eyes open in the future, but don't even recognize the pearls and fish eyes. "

Hearing the sarcasm in Bae Shengye’s tone, Han Qianyu frowned and said, “You care if I can get the share.

Is it clear about fish eyes and pearls? This does not seem to have much to do with Mr. Pei?"

Han Qianyu was very angry at the point that he was following himself, but he never expected that he was not at all

I felt that there was something wrong with tracking myself, and even mocked myself preemptively.

When Pei Shengye saw Han Qianyu frowning and staring at him, he was obviously unhappy, and even his words were lukewarm.

"Aunt Xiaoyu, don't be angry. Dad and I are also afraid that you will be cheated by bad guys. Look, the uncle just now

It's so ugly, if it wasn't for my father and I to show up in time, you would have been cheated away. "The little guy helps Pei Shengye

Explaining, it should have been seen that Han Qianyu was unhappy.

"No need to explain to her, anyway, she thought we were wolfish ambitions." Pei Shengye scolded Yueyue and told him to shut up.

The little guy was wronged and didn't dare to say anything more.

Han Qianyu stood up directly from the chair, no longer cared about them, and was about to leave.

However, she was held back by Yueyue: "Xiaoyu, don't be angry anymore, we know that we were wrong, we won't be able to do it again, okay?"

Han Qianyu looked at the little guy's soft voice begging for herself, her heart softened all of a sudden, where is it true?

Being able to be angry with the little guy, but in my heart, is still slightly dissatisfied with Pei Shengye's approach.

I don’t know when it will rain outside. When Yueyue saw it was raining, she immediately took her hand and said:

"It's raining outside, why don't we leave after eating here?"

Han Qianyu did not speak and wanted to refuse.

However, Pei Shengye had already taken the lead to walk towards the original position in front, regardless of Yueyue and herself.

In the end, she had no choice but to lead Yueyue behind her, and then sat down at the dining table that had just added a pair of cutlery.

After a meal, Pei Shengye frowned throughout the whole process.

The food here is really as unpalatable as he imagined, so he didn't take a few mouthfuls during the whole process.

But this scene saw Han Qianyu in front of him, that was whether Pei Shengye was always dissatisfied with him.

Even when I was eating, I frowned all the way and didn't eat a few bites.

On the contrary, Yueyue was very happy. He ate a lot, and said something excitedly while eating.

So even Han Qianyu didn’t eat much by himself. If it weren’t for Yueyue’s delay, I guess they

The meal was finished quickly.

But after eating and walking to the door, Han Qianyu realized that the rain outside was still heavy.

Immediately afterwards, the bodyguard took the lead in holding the umbrella and hugged Yueyue to the car, while the other umbrella was standing next to him.

Pei Shengye's hands.

She was expecting that the bodyguard eldest brother could kindly come over and hand herself an umbrella after sending Yueyue.

But obviously, she had a wrong estimate, and after waiting for a while, she didn't wait for the eldest brother to come over.

She stood there until she was holding an umbrella beside her, and Pei Shengye, who had not left, said in a low voice, "You still

How long do you plan to stay here? "

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