Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1820: .Call someone else's mother

Han Qianyu touched his arm subconsciously, and then responded with a smile: "It's almost done, just skin

It's just trauma. "

Pei Shengye said, "Let me see."

Han Qianyu thinks that Pei Shengye may be crazy. She has gauze wrapped around her arm. How can she show him?

And she is leaving now, okay?

Therefore, she directly frowned and refused: "Mr. Pei, I am leaving, and I really don't have my hands..."

Before she finished speaking, she was held by Pei Shengye, and then walked towards the house, and heard Pei Shengye's tone while walking.

Shen said: "I won't eat you again, and Ms. Han and I have seen so many times, how come it seems

Like strangers. "

Han Qianyu really wants to say that even the children are there. This is not a state that strangers should have, but she is still

Did not say.

After all, she doesn’t know whether Pei Shengye knows the truth, or whether he actually knows that he is Yueyue.

'S biological mother just didn't really want to have anything to do with her, so she didn't make it clear.

Before that, she would not say much.

Pei Shengye dragged her to sit down by the sofa, and then immediately after, Pei Shengye came over with the medicine box, acting well.

For practice, put out simple, disinfectant water, and some medicines.

She watched him move skillfully, but asked: "You are quite skillful."

In this regard, he smiled and said, "I have dealt with it a lot, so I became a doctor for a long time."

When Han Qianyu heard this, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "So what Mr. Pei meant is that you used to get hurt often?"

Pei Shengye stretched out her hand, raised her arm, then gently rolled up her sleeves, and then took it

Pick up the scissors and cut the gauze on her wound.

"It's almost like that." He replied, his eyes focused on her wound.

Hearing this, Han Qianyu felt strange: "It is reasonable to say that Mr. Pei is rich in the enemy's country. Why don't you ask two more security guards?

Darts protect yourself? "

Rich people like him should be the most life-saving, but Pei Shengye does not look like that kind of nouveau riche.

As soon as I went out, there were a lot of people hula la behind me. On the contrary, they were not low-key. Basically I traveled with only

With an assistant.

Pei Shengye removed the gauze from her hand, and explained with a smile at the corners of her lips: "Do you think you are acting in a TV series?

With ten or eight bodyguards? "

Han Qianyu is noncommittal.

"If someone sincerely wants to do something to you, even if there are hundreds of bodyguards behind him, they will still have the opportunity to play.

It would be better to do it yourself to the point where you can protect yourself, which will save a lot of unnecessary trouble. "

This is a response that Han Qianyu didn't expect, and she didn't expect Pei Shengye to have such a consciousness.

Protect yourself? Does he think so?

"So now, Mr. Pei has the ability to protect himself?" She asked back.

Pei Shengye cleansed her wounds, treated some of the suppurative parts on her, and then suddenly raised his eyes, the pair was like

With dark eyes as deep as the dark night, staring at her with a serious look: "Miss Han, would you like to try?"

Having been staring at her like that, Han Qianyu had a momentary heartbeat and missed half a beat, she was almost obsessed.

Knowingly avoided her sight, he stammered in response: "Try... Try, I'm just kidding."

She didn't even understand how Pei Shengye's sentence tried, so she refused. "

Pei Shengye was not annoyed, but continued to look down and deal with the wounds for her intently.

Soon, Han Qianyu felt that his arms were a little hot, and he felt a trace of coolness. He looked down and saw Pei Sheng.

Ye Gesitu dealt with her wounds seriously and attentively, with extremely gentle movements, as if he was treating a treasure.

She looked slightly surprised. It is undeniable that he is really very good-looking, with extremely cold facial features, deep

The combination of sharp eyes, high nose bridge, and thin lips, the whole face is really harmonious and beautiful.

Someone used to say that some people's facial features look very ordinary, but when put together, they are inexplicably beautiful.

It should be Pei Shengye, but you can’t find out, what is his facial features that surprises you?

Combined, it makes people unable to move their eyes.

Perhaps because Han Qianyu’s gaze was too warm, Pei Shengye suddenly raised his eyes, and said with a smile, "Miss Han,

Don't look at me like this, I will think you are in love with me. "

Although Han Qianyu knew that this was just a joke from Pei Shengye, she blushed suddenly and stammered

Hastily denied: "Who... who is in love with you, don't talk nonsense!"

Suddenly, Pei Shengye's smile brightened a lot. It's like a long-lost cloudy sky, and the sun is all over the sky all at once


When Yueyue came in, she saw Han Qianyu sitting there, and Pei Shengye squatting in front of her.

Harmonious appearance.

He suddenly walked over with a smile, and then said: "Dad, when I just walked in, I thought Dad

Dad and Aunt Xiaoyu are in the same family. It would be better if Dad married Aunt Xiaoyu and let her be my mother, OK? "

Han Qianyu's head exploded all of a sudden, and the boy was really speechless.

"Yueyue, can't you talk..." She wanted to tell Yueyue not to talk nonsense, but she interrupted than Pei Shengye before she finished speaking.

"Okay, why don't you help me ask your Aunt Xiaoyu, would you like to marry me?" Pei Shengye's eyes were full of smiles.

People can't tell which sentence is true and which sentence is false.

Yueyue really jumped to Han Qianyu and asked very seriously: "Aunt Xiaoyu, my father is actually very nice.

Yes, he is handsome and rich, except that his character may be a bit bad, but I believe that he is like Aunt Xiaoyu.

Well, you can definitely subdue him, so Aunt Xiaoyu, you might as well consider my dad. Look, you and

After my father gets married, I will definitely treat you like a mother, and you don’t have to worry about family disharmony

Problem! "

The little guy is very smart and doesn't know where to learn about these family disharmony issues.

And Han Qianyu, especially when she heard Yueyue say that she would treat her like a mother, she felt like

It was the same as a needle stabbed, and the pain was fine and dense, and her eyes were slightly red because of the pain. For a while, she couldn't tell.

Words come.

Maybe it was because Han Qianyu's reaction was a little unexpected, even Pei Shengye himself felt a little strange.

So he raised his eyes and asked, "What's wrong? Miss Han is so happy that she can't speak?"

Han Qianyu shook his head: "No, I just feel that I don’t know how Mr. Pei educates the child, so he can

Education is so sensible. "

She reached out and wiped her eyes to prevent her tears from streaming.

In fact, there is one thing that worries her very much. If today, standing here is another woman, not herself

Ji, isn't Yue Yue, would say the same to her.

As long as the thought of Yueyue calling other women's mothers back, Han Qianyu was inexplicably jealous.

Just thinking about such a scene made her breathless.

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