Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1829: .Jealous? !

Han Qianyu turned his gaze to Yueyue on the bed, and saw that he was pale and wearing an oxygen mask.

People have penetrated thousands of big holes.

The eyes couldn't help but resolute, and from looking at Pei Shengye again, "I understand."

After speaking, Han Qianyu withdrew from the ward.

The next morning, Han Qianyu appeared in the city bureau.

"Little Han."

When Team Zhao saw Han Qianyu, his expression was very clear.

This kid is smart, hardworking, and daring to fight. When he was in the police school, Team Zhao was very optimistic about Han Qianyu. She was a policeman.

He’s a good seedling, so as soon as Han Qianyu graduated from the police academy, he transferred Han Qianyu to work under his own.

After Qianyu left his post, his subordinates couldn't find anyone who could take over Han Qianyu for a while.

"Xiao Han, why do you have time to come here today?"

Han Qianyu smiled faintly: "Team Zhao, I am here to talk to you about reinstatement."

Team Zhao was eager for Han Qianyu to come back. When he heard Han Qianyu saying reinstatement, his eyes brightened and he put down his hands busy

Teacup, "Xiao Han, are you thinking about it? Didn't you say you couldn't come back last time?"

"I have been working outside for so many days, but I still feel that being a policeman is more suitable for me."

"That's right. I have been a police officer for so many years. I can tell at a glance that it is a good material. If you are willing to come back, it is

It couldn't be better, I will have someone go through the reinstatement formalities for you right away. "

"Thank you Team Zhao."

Han Qianyu nodded.

"You kid, what do you say thank you? I really want to say that I want to thank you. You don’t know it, you leave

After that, I have lost my backbone, and none of the newcomers from the police academy this year can match yours. You come, also

So help me take them. "

"Junior brother and sister just started working, it is inevitable that there is something wrong with you. You must be too strict in Team Zhao."

"Where? When you were at the police academy..."

Han Qianyu frowned and interrupted Team Zhao, "By the way, when it comes to the police academy, Team Zhao, last time I asked you about my

What tasks have been performed during that period, and now I am reinstated, can I transfer the files to me? "

Team Zhao nodded, "This is not a difficult task. When your reinstatement procedures are completed, I will find someone to transfer it to you immediately."

"Then thank you Team Zhao."

"It's okay." Team Zhao finished speaking, and shouted "Xiao Yan" directly at the room inside.

A hairy boy in his early twenties "rubbed" out.

"Xiao Yan, this is what I told you, Han Qianyu, police officer Han. Your senior sister." After speaking, I told Han Qianyu again

Shao: "Xiao Han, this is the intern Xiao Yan who just arrived, please bring him more."

"Okay, Team Zhao."

"Then I have something to do, you two talk. Xiao Yan, your Senior Sister Han is a legend in our police world, you have to be good

Learn from her. "

Yan Hui's eyes lighted up, "Okay, Team Zhao."

Han Qianyu's return this time is more for Yueyue and the file, and it is not as good for bringing newcomers as it was in previous years.

What's your heart, it's Yan Hui, who followed Han Qianyu's buttocks all afternoon and asked Dong with a small notebook.

Asked West.

Even if Han Qianyu was going to the hospital to see Yueyue, Yan Hui had to follow him.

Han Qianyu was really helpless, "Yan Hui, I am going to the hospital to see patients, you don't need to follow me."

"But Sister, I heard that this patient is your former employer. I want to see how you perform this kind of job.

Service. "

Han Qianyu just wanted to refuse him, who knows, Yan Hui already bowed ninety degrees: "Please, Senior Sister!"

Han Qianyu's throat was blocked.

How can you refuse this?

She quickly patted the shoulder and pulled the person up, and smiled embarrassedly, "It's OK, it's not a big deal.

Matter, go if you want. "

Yan Hui smiled immediately, two sharp teeth: "Thank you, Sister!"

"I don't have any opinion on your going, but I can remind you that this Mr. Pei is a deadly pervert.

He's so stinky, rich and sick, if he shakes your face, just ignore him. "

Yan Hui tapped his head like a rattle, and vowed to pat his chest and said: "Don't worry, Sister, I will ignore it.

He will do. "

Seeing Yan Hui's assurance, Han Qianyu took him to the hospital to see Yueyue. Downstairs, thinking that Yueyue loves to eat

Han Qianyu bought a small bag of kiwi fruit.

"Let me help you, senior sister."

Yan Hui grabbed the bag without saying a word.

It’s been a long time since Han Qianyu saw such an energetic little policeman, and he only felt fresh in his heart.

Entered the ward with a smile.

Yueyue was already awake at this time, and there was only the little guy in the ward. He leaned on the bedside, lowered his head and played half of it.

The Rubik's Cube, with thick gauze wrapped around his forehead, looks lonely and very poor.

"Yue Yue."

"Small words!"

Seeing Han Qianyu, Yueyue's eyes brightened obviously.

"Yueyue, why are you alone? What about your father?"

"Dad, he is busy with work, so he went out to answer the phone."

The little guy lowered his head and turned the Rubik's Cube.

"This Bae Shengye is really true, why leave you here... how did he become a father?!"

Yueyue stopped her hand movement, "Xiaoyu, don’t say that to my dad. He didn’t sleep last night and he didn’t want to work.

Busy. "

Seeing that Yueyue is so sensible, it's all like this, and knowing to help Pei Shengye speak, Han Qianyu feels relieved and distressed.

How did she and Pei Shengye's kind of heartless, heartless and unrighteous life have such a sensible and well-behaved child?

She didn't know whether this was a good thing or an unfortunate thing.

"Then Auntie will be here with you this afternoon, OK? Oh, yes, this is Uncle Yan Hui, a colleague of Auntie."

Yueyue raised her head and glanced at Yan Hui, her tone inexplicably cold, and said lukewarmly, "Hello, Uncle Yan Hui."

After Han Qianyu sat in the ward for a while, Pei Shengye returned with his mobile phone.

"How will you be here?"

Pei Shengye's gaze first stared at Yan Hui for a while, and then asked Han Qianyu somewhat displeased.

"I'm reinstated now, so I can come to see Yueyue, right?"

Pei Shengye didn't expect this woman to be so fast, frowned, and asked: "You can come, doesn't it mean other people

Three or four people can come. "

"He is not a stubborn person, he is Yan Hui, my junior, a newcomer to the police station, and the team is called

I take him. "

"I don't care what he is a new person or a new person, but in my case, he is a different person."

Yan Hui's face was a little awkward.

Although Han Qianyu had warned him before coming, this person named Pei Shengye had a bad temper, but he did not expect

It was a bit more difficult to deal with than he thought. The rookie in the workplace was blushing and didn't know what to say.

Han Qianyu could see his embarrassment, and gently attached to his ear to comfort him: "Don't pay attention to him, he is just such a person."

"it is good."

"A night lady's face all day, we owe him five million for it."

When Pei Shengye turned his head, he saw Han Qianyu and Yan Hui biting their ears, whispering, and stealing from time to time.

Laugh, grunting.

He hadn't disliked someone biting his ears in front of him before, but at this moment, the more he watched this scene, the more angry he became.

There is always something in my heart that can't be said hurry up, sour.

"If you have something you don't want me to know, just get out and come in after talking!"

Han Qianyu was confused: "Pei Shengye, are you okay? Did we mess with you?"

"Let him go!"

Pei Shengye was impatient.

Han Qianyu is depressed. Which of the tendons is wrong for Bae Shengye today is the same as eating a dynamite bag.

Without wanting to mess with him again, Han Qianyu could only let Yan Hui leave first.

"Senior Sister, I will call you then."

Yan Hui slipped away holding his own things.

"Is there no one in your police station? I want you to be a woman to bring the new guy."

"What's the matter with our women? Pei Shengye, what age are you now, don't you still look down on women?"

"I look down on you." Pei Shengye sneered: "A woman who can throw herself down on foot, still think about what to do

So take care of yourself and worry about other people's affairs. "

After Pei Shengye finished speaking, he went out again.

Han Qianyu was left confused.

Han Qianyu shook his head, walked to the bed, peeled a kiwi for Yueyue, and couldn't help but complain: "Yueyue, I found

Your father's temper is really getting worse. "

"In fact, Dad is usually very gentle, but today he is just jealous."

"What...what?" Han Qianyu almost bit his tongue in surprise: "Jealous?"

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