Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1834: .Take away forcibly


As soon as Han Qianyu left, Pei Shengye didn’t have any thoughts to work. The words on the contract made him upset, so he turned off the phone.

Nao, leaving the study, happened to run into the butler who was delivering coffee.


"I'm going to the gym." Pei Shengye said.

"I'll take the coffee to the bedroom for you." The butler said as he walked towards Pei Shengye's bedroom.

Pei Shengye paused twice before turning around and calling him: "What about the woman?"

The butler was taken aback and realized who he was talking about, and replied respectfully: "Inspector Han and Officer Yan are talking about

What is it? "

Pei Shengye had a headache when he heard the words "police officer Yan", and he felt like a stone in his heart, uncomfortable, and his tone was very

Chong: "Tell her to rest early. If there is anything, I can't wait for tomorrow morning."

"Don't worry, I have asked people to clean up the rooms of Officer Han and Officer Yan."

"Wait, isn't that woman's room the one next to Yueyue?"

The butler frowned and explained: "It was the one that was originally prepared. After all, Police Officer Han lived there last time, but

Police officer Han said just now that the second floor is your private space. It’s not convenient for her to go up as an outsider, so she’s in the strict police

He fell asleep next to the officer. "

"Stupid things." Pei Shengye couldn't help but cursed.

The housekeeper’s cold sweat is coming down: "Sir, otherwise, I will ask Officer Han to come up and rest? Don’t be angry, this too

It's not a big deal. "

"When do I get angry? She sleeps wherever she likes to sleep. What does it matter to me?"

Pei Shengye turned and left.

The housekeeper just stood up straight, with an old face agonizing, "You said you are not angry. You are so angry that you will lift the roof.

OK? "

Pei Shengye practiced in the gym for an hour. When he was under pressure at work, he always liked to come here for a run to relieve himself

For a moment, tonight, the more he runs, the more irritable he gets.

The scene of Yan Hui talking and laughing with the woman was like the freeze frame of an old movie, and it couldn't be driven away.

Pei Shengye’s breathing was short, and people felt a lot more tired than before. Turning off the treadmill, he walked down sweating profusely.

Randomly pulled over the towel and wiped the sweat from the back of his neck.

The heart beats wildly, and there is something hot and boiling in the blood vessels. It can’t be suppressed.

The same came out of his body.

Such emotions and perceptions are foreign to Pei Shengye.

He didn't know what was wrong with him.

The cell phone standing aside "buzzed", Pei Shengye returned to his senses and picked it up to see that it was a call from his mother.

He put the phone in his ear and connected: "Mom."

"Aye, will Yueyue be discharged from the hospital tomorrow? I have discussed with your dad and brought Yueyue to us.

time. "

Pei Shengye wrinkled: "You and Dad are in bad health, and Yue'er is naughty and will bother you."

"I see that Yue Yue is more sensible and obedient, and only you, your father, will think he is naughty."

"I just feel... troublesome."

Lu Wenmei sighed, "A Ye, Mom knows that this child came here inexplicably, and you have not been used to being a father these years.

But Yueyue is your biological child, and you have been checked. No matter what, you have to consider your safety. "

Pei Shengye squeezed his eyebrows, "Mom, I know that I will bear the responsibility. Yue'er will still be with me.

Well, don’t worry, I have called Han Qianyu to protect Yue’er at home, she is very smart and capable,

With her, there will be no trouble for Yue'er. "

Lu Wenmei paused: "Han Qianyu? Is that the girl I saw last time in the hospital? You took her home.

Up? "Lu Wenmei's voice suddenly changed with excitement: "Son, your speed is okay. When are you going to get married?" "

"Where did you think, she is a policeman."

"It's okay for the police. Our family doesn't reject girls who have jobs. As long as you like them, mother will like them."

"Mom, I don't like..."

"What, don't you like Han Qianyu?"

Pei Shengye stopped instantly.


This unfamiliar word suddenly jumped into Pei Shengye's head, and then it became clear a little bit.

The heart is full of strange emotions as if being held tight by someone.


Does he like Korean?

Funny, he would not like anyone else.

"Son, what's the matter with you?" Lu Wenmei sighed: "You have been a strong kid since childhood.

Xi, without a second word, I immediately found a way to get it. Why did it become fearful this time? This is a bit

It's not like my son anymore. "

"Mom, I don't know what like is."

Lu Wenmei was silent over there.

Pei Shengye is born relatively indifferent to the relationship between men and women. She knows that the rich children from families like them,

There are many women playing outside at the age of sixteen or seven, but only Pei Shengye, hiding in the study, reading and studying, waited

At the age of twenty, there is still no opposite **** around him.

Lu Wenmei also introduced several girls to Pei Shengye. Every time Pei Shengye came back, she said it was okay, but those girls cried.

He called and said he didn't want to.

I don't know what Pei Shengye said badly.

Just when Lu Wenmei was anxiously getting angry, one afternoon, Pei Shengye suddenly brought a child back and said yes

his son.

Lu Wenmei was shocked.

After asking for a long time, Pei Shengye didn't say where the child came from, only left a paternity test report.

Lu Wenmei couldn't ask why she came, and she simply gave up. Anyway, she has her grandson. What will happen to Pei Shengye?

She didn't want to care anymore.

In the hospital ward that day, she could tell at a glance that the girl had a different status in Pei Shengye's heart.

Nowadays, the son who has always been arrogant and never bowed his head is on the phone again, talking about this topic carefully, Lu Wenmei only feels

The defensive Yunkai sees the moon.

Her stupid son seems to be really about to get a hang of it.

"Like just want to own her, take possession of her, Ah Ye, tell your mother honestly that you treat that police officer Han,

Does it feel like this? "

Pei Shengye didn't speak, he didn't understand what possession is.

However, when he saw Han Qianyu talking and laughing with other men, he was very upset.

What else the mother said later, Pei Shengye didn’t even listen. He hung up the phone, went back to the bathroom to take a shower, and put on a new one.

The black pajamas went downstairs to find Han Qianyu.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard bursts of laughter from the room.

Pei Shengye frowned and pushed the door open directly——

Yan Hui and Han Qianyu sat on the carpet face to face, looking at themselves "together", Han Qianyu also held a

The doll, the smile on the corner of his mouth has not had time to take it back.

"What are you doing?"

Pei Shengye looked at Han Qianyu coldly, and even he himself didn't realize how abnormal his tone was.

Han Qianyu got up from the carpet, walked in front of Pei Shengye, frowning: "Mr. Pei, no one ever taught

Do you want to knock before entering? "

"I entered my house, why did I knock on the door?"

Thousands of Korean words are instantly lost.

"I asked what you are doing."

Pei Shengye's voice has become a little impatient.

Yan Hui was about to answer immediately. Han Qianyu turned his head and glared at Yan Hui, and then smiled and said to Pei Shengye, "This is me

We are sorry for the police's secrets, but the organization stipulates that it is not allowed to tell outsiders. "


Pei Shengye was startled, his face changed, and he suddenly grabbed Han Qianyu's wrist and tried to drag him out of the room.

"what are you doing?"

Han Qianyu was shocked and furiously resisted.

"Go upstairs, I have something to tell you."

"Is there anything I can't say here, Yan Hui is not an outsider?"

"Yan Hui is not an outsider, so am I an outsider?"

Han Qianyu doesn’t know what Pei Shengye’s nerves are today, his temper is so much worse than before, when he sees Yan Hui

It's like seeing an enemy.

She took a deep breath and said with a steady voice: "Mr. Pei, you let go first, I can go upstairs and talk slowly with you."

"It's late, can't wait."

Pei Shengye directly pulled the person out.

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