Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1840: .If you care, I will just say it.

When Han Qianyu saw him as a rookie who had just entered the police station, his first task was to be assigned to Pei Shengye to be tortured.

It was really intolerable.

"It's alright, you can go back and rest first. Today you are responsible for the safety of the house. There is me outside."

"Sister, you are a girl..."

Han Qianyu couldn't stand his mother-in-law's temper, so she interrupted him directly: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, if you don't bear it

Me, then you just wait outside to freeze to death. "

Yan Hui's mind shrank, his whole body wilted, and he stopped talking.

"Okay, hurry in."

Han Qianyu drove people into the house.

She flashed a flashlight and circled the big garden of Pei Shengye’s house two or three times. Seeing nothing unusual, she only

Back down the corridor, leaning on the pillar, ready to rest for a while.

After a while, the butler came over and said, "Officer Han, go in and sleep."

If his husband knew that Officer Han had been outside in such a cold day all night, I would not know how many people there would be tomorrow.

To be unlucky.

"Officer Han, your room has been cleaned up, you can go back quickly, it's such a cold day outside."

"It's okay, butler." Han Qianyu was used to it a long time ago, and smiled softly, "I will continue to patrol after I sleep for a while."

"Police Officer Han, there are actually bodyguards patrolling in the manor. There will be no accidents. Don't be too nervous."

Han Qianyu knows that there are other bodyguards here. She didn’t go in because she couldn’t trust them, and she didn’t want to be punished.

Holy Ye caught the handle, and asked her and Yan Hui the next day.

The housekeeper persuaded each other for ten minutes. Seeing that Han Qianyu was still resolute, he had no choice but to return to the house.

Han Qianyu slept into the middle of the night and was awakened by a cold wind. When he looked at his watch, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

Her nose seemed to be stuffed with something, her breathing was not smooth, the biting coolness was like a sharp blade,

Cut small cracks in her bones one by one, then drilled in.

Han Qianyu couldn't fall asleep anymore, so he just got up and moved his body, carrying a flashlight to patrol.

In the garden past three o'clock in the morning, everything was silent and there was no one.

Han Qianyu walked around twice, but found nothing unusual, and then retracted back to the corridor, waiting for dawn.

After seven o'clock, the sky finally dawned.

Han Qianyu smelled the scent of breakfast floating in Pei's kitchen, and then turned back to the house.

"Small words!"

As soon as I entered the house, I saw Yueyue running down from the stairs and threw herself into Han Qianyu’s arms, but quickly let go of Han Qianyu.

"Xiaoyu, why are you so ice?"

"That's not it? The senior sister patrolled outside for all night."

Yan Hui said,

"You stayed outside all night?" Pei Shengye's face turned black in an instant, no matter who else was here, just

Scolded: "You have a brain disease?"

Han Qianyu was cold enough to slow down, and was scolded by Pei Shengye, his face was terribly ugly: "No

Did Mr. Pei want me and Yan Hui to patrol outside alone? I just follow the order, if I have to say yes

Illness means that the person making this request is also ill. "

Pei Shengye's eyes suddenly darkened.

"So you helped Yan Hui stand outside all night? Han Qianyu, you really didn't consider yourself a woman."

"I am a policeman first, then a woman."

Han Qianyu raised his head proudly.

Pei Shengye stared at Han Qianyu closely, then strode to Han Qianyu, took her arm, and took her

Pull upstairs.

"Senior Sister!"

As soon as Yan Hui wanted to chase after him, Yue Yue directly stood in front of Yan Hui: "Uncle Yan, you should have breakfast."

"Sister, he..."

"My dad won't hurt Xiaoyu."

Yan Hui didn't believe it: "That's not necessarily true. Why should I believe you?"

This Mr. Pei is an out-and-out devil, who knows what he will do to the senior sister.

"Because I know my father better than you!" Yueyue frowned, "Daddy won't hurt Xiaoyu."

Yan Hui seriously reasoned with this little kid who only reached his thigh, "Don’t forget, it’s causing the senior sister to be outside.

The person who has been frozen all night is your father. "

Yueyue snorted coldly, and the little devil said, "You are stupid. My father’s rules are clearly against you.

That said, you are still a man, so you let your senior sister patrol in the cold wind instead of yourself, and feel at ease.

Lie down in a warm bed, and now I mean to blame my dad! I really didn't take responsibility. Can someone like you be a policeman? you

Is our police academy out of students? "

Yan Hui looked at the little demon dumbfounded, unable to say a word that was stunned.

Pei Shengye really deserves to be a devil, and the son he gave birth is also a cruel character that cannot be offended.

Really biological.

Yan Hui blinked, bent down and asked the little guy: "Sister Sister is really fine, right?"

"No!" Yueyue stared at Yan Hui with a chill, "You should care more about yourself."

Yan Hui's scalp numb when he looked at him: "Why do you say that? I didn't provoke you."

"Just because you let Xiaoyu patrol you outside for one night, my dad won't let you go. If I were you,

Hurry up and leave! "

Yan Hui blinked, and was completely suspicious of life by Yue Yue's words.

"Why? Why? Why is the elder sister patrolling outside, your dad will not let me go? Your dad

Why worry about my senior sister? Is it because your father likes my sister? "

Yan Hui suddenly realized that his eyes widened, "Your father likes my senior sister?!"

Yueyue pouted: "It seems that you are not as stupid as I thought."

Yan Hui was shocked and speechless.

This Mr. Pei has a weird temper. He has only known each other for a day or two, and he has been tossed in half his life.

Will a man who is born with pleasure in torturing others also like someone?


It's too pitiful to be targeted by such people.

Yueyue lifted her chin and looked at Yan Hui coldly: "So you know why my dad sees you as a thorn in your eyes, right?

You linger around the woman my dad looks after all day, and it's weird for my dad to look good to you. Don't ask people to drag you out

Going for a fight is already saving you face. "

Yan Hui paled with fright, and could not see any blood.

"But Police Officer Han is my senior sister, I don't have that idea about senior sister..."

Yueyue raised her eyelids, "You really don't have that idea."

Yan Hui squatted down, with a bitter face, "I really didn't think, kid, if you tell your father, I

For the elder sister, there is really only respect, not the kind of love between men and women. "

"I said it was useless." Yueyue curled her lips: "My dad's eyes are watching. If you want to be safe in the future, just

Stay away from Xiaoyu. "

Yan Hui frowned: "But I want to learn from Sister Sister."

"Is learning important, or is your life important?"

Yan Hui couldn't say a word.


Here, Pei Shengye has come to drag Han Qianyu upstairs.

Han Qianyu didn’t know where he provoked this ghost Raksha, struggling fiercely, "Pei Shengye, what are you doing again?

What? ! "

Pei Shengye kicked open the bathroom door and pushed Han Qianyu in: "Take a hot bath, I will ask someone to give it to you

Go to make **** soup. "

Han Qianyu gasped: "What?"

"You stayed outside for so long, do you want to catch a cold and get sick?"

"How can I get sick so easily?"

"Then you don't die in pain!" Pei Shengye couldn't bear it: "The menstrual period is still wandering outside, I think

You didn't hurt enough last time, and when the scars are healed, I forgot to hurt them. "

Han Qianyu blinked.

Pei Shengye... Is this caring about yourself?

"Are you worried about me?"

This question seemed to stop Pei Shengye, who was obviously taken aback, and then said impatiently,

"I just don't want to have multiple patients in the family, and make this family sick and unlucky!"

"If you care about me, just tell me..."

Han Qianyu whispered a sentence.

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