Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1844: .I really sympathize with you

Seeing that she was asleep, Pei Shengye didn't bother her anymore, but quietly looked at the file and sat on the sofa to accompany her.

She, then observe the temperature change on her body at any time.

Later, when he felt the temperature on her forehead recede, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The big rock that had been pressing in my heart just fell like that.

At least the fever is temporarily gone.

At night, because Han Qianyu was still asleep upstairs, when dining downstairs, only Yueyue and Yan Hui were left.

And Pei Shengye.

Yan Hui sat there, like sitting on pins and needles. He felt that as long as the senior sister was not there, he really couldn't be alone.

Survive here.

Pei Shengye is simply terrible!

However, throughout the whole process, Pei Shengye only ate silently, and did not speak to Yan Hui, or let him go out for a tour.

Luo just ate without expression all the way, taking the three words Shibuyan to the extreme.

After Pei Shengye had finished his meal and left the restaurant, Yan Hui was finally able to breathe in the cracks and breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Yue Yue, who was sitting opposite, saw the fine beads of sweat emerging from Yan Hui's forehead, and asked in surprise, "Are you hot?"

Yan Hui reached out and touched his forehead, then nodded, "Yes, it's very hot."

"Why? Isn't it winter outside? It should be very cold." Yue Yue didn't quite understand.

And Yan Hui thought for a while, and then asked, "You shouldn’t understand what is the feeling of deep waters and hot water.

After the solution, I understood why I sweat now. "

Yueyue picked up the spoon and stuffed a spoonful of rice into her mouth, then tilted her head and thought, shook her head, and continued to be quiet


Yan Hui also hurriedly ate the food, and then wondered whether he would go patrolling outside or see the senior sister inside the house.

It's just that Senior Sister is bound to meet Pei Shengye's ice face. After thinking about it, he should go out and patrol.

When he was about to leave the restaurant, Yue Yue, who put down the spoon, said abruptly: "I really feel sympathetic

Yours, it's not easy for you after all. "

Yan Hui wiped a handful of bitter tears and continued to walk out of the restaurant. He was already reduced to the sympathy of a four-year-old child.

To the point.

Han Qianyu was awakened by her stomach. When she opened her eyes, she found someone in the house.

Pei Shengye was sitting on the sofa, where he was looking at the documents.

Realizing that she woke up, she closed the file, then walked over from the sofa and asked: "How about? Is your head still dizzy?"

Then he stretched out his hand and probed her forehead, feeling that her temperature was normal, and he was slightly relieved.

Han Qianyu shook his head, and then said: "I'm not dizzy anymore, just a little hungry."

While talking, her belly called out in time to cooperate with her, and she instantly felt a little embarrassed.

Pei Shengye didn’t think there was anything. Instead, he said to her: “It happened that I asked the servant to warm the porridge for you.

They bring it to you. "

While talking, he turned and walked out.

Han Qianyu lifted the quilt from the bed and got out of bed. He just walked two steps, and when he passed the coffee table, he glanced at it, but

It was found that the file on it was open.

And that opened file contains his own information.

She just wanted to pick it up and look at it. Footsteps already came from the door. She immediately retracted her hand and looked up.

To the door, his face looked normal.

Pei Shengye walked back, followed by two servants with trays in their hands, and then put the cooked porridge and the previous

The prepared side dishes were placed on the table.

Pei Shengye said: "These porridges are soft and thick. They should be very good. Come and try them."

She didn't refuse, she just sat there and saw the porridge in the bowl. It was indeed as soft as Pei Shengye said.

Thick, very nice look.

She immediately opened up her appetite, then stretched out her hand to scoop the porridge, and asked casually: "Are you reviewing documents?"

Pei Shengye also responded in a normal tone: "Well, some documents of the company have not yet been processed."

Han Qianyu nodded, did not ask any more, just concentrated on eating.

By the end of the meal, Pei Shengye had closed the document, and someone came to take the document away, and Pei Shengye sat with her


Seeing him looking at himself, Han Qianyu pointed to the remaining porridge in the porcelain cup and asked, "Would you like to eat some too?"

Pei Shengye shook his head: "No, I'm not hungry."

Han Qianyu nodded, then put the spoon in the bowl and touched his stomach contentedly, feeling satisfied and feeling refreshed.


She raised her hand and glanced at the time on the watch, and found that it was late, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

She actually slept for so long, which was beyond her expectation.

However, after she got up from the chair, she was about to walk out, and Pei Shengye asked her: "Where are you going?"

Han Qianyu said: "Go and hand over, and then continue to patrol."

After all, when the illness is cured, things will naturally continue to work.

Pei Shengye thinks that Han Qianyu may not be very good at her brain, she has to continue to blow in the cold wind until the fever has subsided.

What? What else is she taking care of her?

"Come back! I don't need you outside, just rest here, understand?" Pei Shengye stretched out his hand and pulled her

Came back.

Han Qianyu was pulled back by Pei Shengye, raised his eyes, and crashed into a deep eye.

In those black eyes, like a surging sea, emotions surged, making people want to indulge in it.

Her heart began to jump wildly uncontrollably, rippling little by little.

Pei Shengye dragged the person into her arms, then bowed her head full, about to kiss the corner of her lips, but two

When the people were close enough to breathe each other, the little guy’s voice suddenly came from the door: "Dad, I just heard that

Yu has woke up. "

Han Qianyu almost immediately pushed away the Bae Shengye who was holding her, but Pei Shengye did not expect that Han Qianyu would suddenly be absent.

The sign would push himself away, so he was pushed away by surprise.

Yueyue, who entered the door, felt that the atmosphere between the two people seemed to be something wrong, so she asked strangely: "Xiaoyu, you

Why is his face so red? "

Han Qianyu suddenly became more nervous, and he stuttered in response: "You should have read it wrong, I just finished eating.

The meal is hot. "

But Yueyue said strangely: "You are all so strange. First, Uncle Yan Hui sweats on his forehead in the winter, and Aunt Xiaoyu

As for you, it's really strange that you can turn your face red after eating. "

Pei Shengye said over there, "Okay, Yueyue, kids don't ask more about this."

Yueyue knew what Pei Shengye meant, and didn't say much, just walked up to Han Qianyu and said to her: "Little

Yu, are you better now? "

Han Qianyu smiled and said, "It's getting better, thank you Yueyue for your concern."

The little guy responded with a smile: "Don't be so polite as a family!"

The Shentemo family immediately made Han Qianyu stunned for a while, and then his face started to flush again.

When Pei Shengye heard these words, he nodded with satisfaction, looked at Han Qianyu and said, "Since Yueyue has said so

Now, should we hurry up? "

Han Qianyu blinked his eyes and pretended to be silly: "What do you hold on tight? Why can't I understand?"

Seeing her pretending to be stupid, Pei Shengye smiled more and more intentionally and said: "It's okay, I don't understand now, I'll wait a moment.

You can explain it to Police Officer Han separately. "

Han Qianyu heard the hidden meaning in Pei Shengye’s words, and immediately smiled and shook his head and refused: "No need, I understand

Yes, I understand. "

Yueyue didn’t understand what dumb riddles the two were playing anyway, but continued to say to Han Qianyu: “Xiaoyu, tomorrow

I want to go to kindergarten, can you send me there tomorrow? "

"Go to kindergarten? Can I go now?" Han Qianyu turned around and asked Pei Shengye.

After all, it is not clear to her whether Yueyue's physical condition is suitable for kindergarten.

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