Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1857: Daughter-in-law

In this regard, Pei Shengye raised her eyebrows, but actually didn’t like Han Qianyu’s phrase that she was afraid of angering her mother from heart disease.


While talking, Han Qianyu had already dialed the phone, and soon the voice of Han mother came from the other end of the phone: "Little language,

where did you go? Why can't I find you? "

"Mom, the police station called me just now. I'm going to have a task. I won't be back tonight. Do it yourself.

The meal will be ready when my dad comes back. "She lied without flushing and heartbeat.

Pei Shengye, who was so provoked that he was driving, glanced at her.

But I don’t know if she said something wrong, Han Mu was silent for a while on the other end of the phone, and then she called

The words are dead.

Han Qianyu glared at the hung-up phone, with a headache.

Pei Shengye glanced at her slightly frowned brows, and a smile was drawn on the corners of her lips, and asked, "It seems that I am a mother."

Han Qianyu put the phone in his pocket with some frustration, and then said, "My mother probably won't let me in even the door in the future."

Pei Shengye teased: "It doesn't matter, the door of my house is always open for you."

Han Qianyu glanced at him and didn't say a word.

Half an hour later, Han Qianyu looked at the manor with a sense of age in front of him, although he had seen many wealthy people before.

Villas or mansions, but this building looks like a medieval castle.

Is it because Han Qianyu can’t help but sigh? The wealth of capitalists is really beyond the imagination of mortals like me.

"Where is this?" After sighing, she asked Pei Shengye who drove the car into the manor.

"My home, but to be precise, it should be the place where I grew up." Pei Shengye said in a light tone, then said

The car stopped.

Han Qianyu pushed the car door, got out of the car, and saw several servants coming out of the house. Seeing Pei Shengye, they all

Called respectfully: "Master."

Han Qianyu felt that she might be dreaming, or the kind of mansion dream.

Pei Shengye walked a few steps and saw her standing still, so he stopped, looked back at her, raised his eyebrows.

Asked: "Why don't you leave?"

Han Qianyu came back to his senses, and immediately followed suit, and then said, "No, no, I just want to see more."

When he got inside, Han Qianyu understood what a low-key rich man meant.

Why is that vase so familiar? It seems to be from the Qing Dynasty, right? She remembers the historical materials in her father's study

It seems that there is a record.

That fresco seems to be a medieval painting, right? What is it called, in short, I am familiar with it.

Han Qianyu walked inside and didn't dare to touch things casually. If it was said that Wensen Villa had already made her feel Pei

The strength of Holy Eve, now this manor can make Han Qianyu only feel the happiness of the rich, she really imagined


"Xiaoyu, you are here!" Lu Wenmei, who had just come down from the stairs, saw Han Qianyu with a smile on her face.

Xing look.

Han Qianyu raised his eyes and saw Lu Wenmei. Although it was not the first time I saw him, every time I saw it, I felt a little bit different.

Sorry, especially now, the relationship between her and Pei Shengye has changed: "Auntie."

Lu Wenmei liked Han Qianyu 10,000, so when she heard her aunt, she laughed from ear to ear:

"How many times have I told Xiaoye before and asked him to bring you here? He always promised with his lips and never saw him.

The action, this time really brought it over. "

After speaking, Lu Wenmei took Han Qianyu’s hand and looked joyously: "Little language, come, come and follow me

Come here, Auntie prepared a gift for you. "

Han Qianyu was pulled into the room by Lu Wenmei, and a blood jade bracelet was put on his hand.

The body is all red, the red silk inside is like blood vessels moving, and the color of jade is extremely smooth.

Good quality is very valuable.

"Han Qianyu immediately evaded: "Auntie, I can't ask for it, it's too expensive. "

Lu Wenmei said, "Is there anything I can ask for? This blood jade bracelet itself was passed on to my Pei family daughter-in-law, so

So you don’t have to shirk, just wear it. "

Han Qianyu feels that Lu Wenmei really does not regard herself as an outsider. She has just been together with Pei Shengye, and there is still no one character.

Besides, if she misses evil in her heart and takes this blood jade bracelet as her own, wouldn't she be worried?

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoye in our house has been a dog-tempered since childhood. If you are wronged, tell me immediately, I

Will definitely help you. "Lu Wenmei's eyes are full of kindness, and that look inexplicably makes Han Qianyu think of

His mother.

Mother Han often does this, staring at herself with love.

Han Qianyu suddenly understood why Lu Wenmei was not afraid of taking this blood jade bracelet as his own, because it could

In their eyes, the more important thing is feelings, and money is nothing more than an external thing.

This point actually surprised her.

Because in her cognition, generally rich people, she can still regard money as life.

There are few such types as Lu Wenmei.

But she still couldn't take this bracelet, so she took off the bracelet from her wrist and put it in Lu

Wen Mei said on her hand, "Auntie, thank you, but I really can't collect this bracelet. It's really too expensive."

Lu Wenmei can see that Han Qianyu is not a person who likes to be greedy for petty things. This makes her like it even more.

The girl, then, put the bracelet on her wrist again and said, "Don’t shirk me anymore, if you do

In this way, the aunt can be angry. "

Lu Wenmei's eyes seemed to be really angry. In the end, Han Qianyu reluctantly accepted it.

But she thought, when she was outside, when she was alone with Pei Shengye, she would give him the bracelet and let him return it to Lu.


The two chatted in the room for a while, and Lu Wenmei came out with Han Qianyu, and Pei Shengye sat in the living room waiting

Then, seeing them come out, he asked with a smile: "Mom, don't scare the little girl."

Lu Wenmei coldly snorted: "Don't worry, I won't be like you. The little girl doesn't chase in front of her, but I have to

Be the mother's match. "

Han Qianyu is actually quite embarrassing, after all, now, without Lu Wenmei's match, they have already become.

Pei Shengye didn't respond to her either, but just stood up and walked to Han Qianyu's side, stretched out her hand and sat down with her.

When his hand was pulling her, he saw the blood jade bracelet on her hand at a glance, and the corners of his lips could not stop rising, and then turned back

Asked: "My mother gave it to you?"

Han Qianyu nodded, really embarrassed, and said in a low voice, "Yes, I didn’t want to ask for it, but Auntie

It's so enthusiastic, I have to hold it. "

The smile on Pei Shengye’s face has not been halved, and even the bottom of his eyes is stained with a smile and said: "Since she gave you

Yes, you take it. "

"You can take it back later, and give it back to Auntie, what's the matter if I hold it?" She bit her ear with him in a low voice.

In Lu Wenmei’s eyes, this scene made her happy from ear to ear. Sure enough, her son was completely opened up.

Yes, now I will tease my girlfriend.

Pei Shengye approached her and responded very lightly, "Even if she gave it to you, you have to return it to her yourself."

Immediately afterwards, Han Qianyu watched Pei Shengye walk into the restaurant first.

After dinner, because Lu Wenmei seemed to have something to do, Pei Shengye didn’t take her to stay longer, but instead

Before she left, Lu Wenmei reluctantly said: "Little language, remember to come often next time."

She could only nod her head again and again, and then looked at Lu Wenmei with a smile on her face and waved goodbye to her.

When she got in the car, she was relieved, then looked at the bracelet on her wrist, where she was in a daze.

Seeing that she hadn't spoken all the time, Pei Shengye asked: "What do you want to be so absorbed?"

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