Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1859: .Dating to be attentive!

Maybe it’s because I saw that Pei Shengye seemed unhappy, so Team Zhao didn’t get too entangled with Han just now.

Why did Qian Yu enter the door and embrace the question of Pei Shengye, instead, he continued to ask Pei Shengye: "Mr. Pei, also

Please tell us in detail what happened at that time. "

Hearing that Team Zhao said this, even Han Qianyu's eyes immediately focused on Pei Sheng who was sitting on the sofa.

Ye, waiting for him to tell what happened.

But after waiting for a long time, Pei Shengye just said lightly: "The other party should have figured out the route, no

He did it to me today, it should be only a temporary motive. "

Han Qianyu immediately retorted, disagreeing and said: "Whatever a temporary intention, he has done something to you, and how can it be temporary?

Intention? "

This is not true at all!

Even Team Zhao said: "I think since the other party started doing it, it should have already planned and even figured out you.

Did you see clearly the itinerary of the person? "

Team Zhao continued to question.

The family doctor has treated the wound on his arm, then stood up and said to Pei Shengye: "Mr. Pei,

Be careful not to touch the wound with water, and try not to use force during this time. "

Pei Shengye nodded slightly, and responded in a low voice, "I have work."

The family doctor stood up and packed the medicine kit, and left the office.

After the doctor left, Pei Shengye responded to Team Zhao’s question, raising his eyes to look at him, and his tone was very weak, even without

Excessive emotions said: "The other party is just an insignificant little character. Even if you find him, it may not be

What clues can be found from him. "

Han Qianyu keenly felt that when Pei Shengye responded like this, he obviously did not believe their police performance. Obviously, Zhao

The team was also aware of this, so they continued to say to Pei Shengye: "Regardless of whether it is a minor role, as long as it is a crime

The suspect, we are definitely going to arrest him. "

Pei Shengye didn’t speak, and Team Zhao continued: “Mr. Pei, please cooperate with our investigation or tell us the crime.

If you don’t want to talk about the appearance and characteristics of the suspect, we have to call for surveillance. "

After all, there is surveillance everywhere, so if you want to find the face of the suspect, you shouldn’t ask too much.


"Captain Zhao, I understand your eagerness to solve the case, but at the same time, I also hope that you can respect me."

The words of Holy Eve even brought a hint of coldness.

Team Zhao glanced at Han Qianyu, the expression in his eyes was obvious.

After Han Qianyu received the Zhao team’s sight, he immediately said to Pei Shengye: "Mr. Pei, we just care about your safety.

It's just dangerous, and it doesn't mean anything else. "

Han Qianyu's obviously soothing words were obviously angered to a certain extent, and Pei Shengye didn't say anything more.

When Han Qianyu came out of the office with Team Zhao, the expression on Team Zhao's face was not very good.

Han Qianyu understood that this Pei Shengye concealed the assassin’s face, and he did not tell them the relevant clues, even

It's so strange that even the surveillance system didn't want them to call it!

The two walked a few steps side by side, and Team Zhao turned around, looked at her and asked, "What do you think?"

Han Qianyu didn't seem to react yet, and asked in a daze, "What do you think?"

When she saw the frown on Team Zhao’s face, she immediately reacted, nodding her head and saying: "I know I know,

I think, maybe Pei Shengye knew the person who assassinated him, and maybe the relationship is pretty good, so I don’t want to

Intend to tell what the other person looks like. "

Although this possibility is not unavailable, Team Zhao frowned and said, "But the opponent even threatened his life.

And the life of his son, is he still concealing it now? Fight with fate? "

This fact seems to be enough to overturn Han Qianyu's guess.

If you think about it carefully, Pei Shengye’s character has always been very cold and poisonous, and he must report it if he really dares to

Acting on him, and also on Yueyue, he didn't look like someone who could do and protect the other side's actions.

Thinking of this, she really couldn’t understand what the reason was that made Pei Shengye unwilling to tell the murderer.

The real face.

The Zhao team also looked frowning when they saw her, but suddenly the topic changed, and then asked about some goodbyes in Wensen recently.

The work of the villa.

After Han Qianyu reported one by one, Team Zhao suddenly asked: "You and Mr. Pei, look at

It seems that the relationship is not ordinary. "

Han Qianyu reluctantly explained with a smile: "Mr. Pei is my employer after all, so naturally I want to do a good job with him.

It's a matter of fact. You know Team Zhao. He is cold-tempered. I naturally have to spend some thought. "

Although she explained well, obviously Team Zhao did not choose to believe all of them. Instead, she continued to say: "Little

Han, I don’t care about your private life. I just hope that you can protect yourself at any time, especially now.

Now, the enemy is in the dark, and we are in the dark. If you are not careful, you may be worried about your life. "

It was already a miracle that Han Qianyu escaped from those people before.

"Yes, I know, thank you Team Zhao, I will pay attention." Han Qianyu nodded and responded in full.

In the end, Team Zhao didn’t say much, just glanced in the direction of the president’s office, and then replied.

Miscellaneous said: "You'll still go in later to check your breath. If you can find clues, then it would be better, understand?"

Han Qianyu nodded: "Don't worry, leave this to me."

When Team Zhao left with someone, Han Qianyu returned to the office, Pei Shengye sat on the sofa, just watching

The phone does not seem to be affected.

She walked to him and asked without warning: "You give me some reaction, you were assassinated, how do you think

Come as if you are all right? "

Isn't it true that the status of the victims she has encountered in the past is completely incompatible?

Pei Shengye removed his eyes from the phone, and then landed on her face. Seeing her frowning appearance, the corners of her lips were hooked.

Leaving a hint of a smile but not a smile, he asked, "It seems that you are really worried about me."

Han Qianyu really admires him. When is this still joking, she took his hand and watched him tie

The bandaged hand said: "Since the dagger scratched the wound, it proves that the murderer was very close to you at that time. You should

There is time to see what his face looks like. "

Pei Shengye stretched out his hand and suddenly pulled the person into his arms. Han Qianyu was caught off guard by his arms, paused.

Shi twisted to escape, but Pei Shengye clasped her slender waist, and then whispered a warning: "Don't move."

His scorching breath gushes into her ears, making her blush inexplicably.

But she has not forgotten that now she is doing business, so she is still chasing the previous problem.

Fang: "You refuse to say whether you actually know the person who assassinated you, or that you are afraid of revenge.

So dare not say? "

But Pei Shengye didn’t say a word, holding her with warm lips on her neck, Han Qianyu pushed him back, but

Then continue to rationally analyze: "But based on your personality, it is obviously impossible to be afraid of the other party, so you still tell

Me, who is the other party and who is your old friend? "

Pei Shengye's teeth suddenly bit Han Qianyu, the painful Han Qianyu suddenly flinched, and then pushed away.

He clutched his neck and stared at him: "Are you a dog?"

Why do you still bite?

Her neck must be red now.

Pei Shengye smiled and showed his teeth. The smile was dazzling: "I'm just teaching Officer Han, what is concentration."

She didn't understand at first, but when she understood, she stared at him, clutched her neck and said, "Shut up!"

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