Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1862: .Miss you!

When Han Qianyu came out of the bathroom after vomiting, she felt distressed because she wasted those bird’s nests.

It really hurts!

But when she finished washing her mouth, when she came out of the bathroom, she saw Pei Shengye leaning on the door, her eyes were slightly light

Staring at her deeply, she didn't know what she was thinking.

She felt rather strange and asked: "What's wrong?"

Pei Shengye looked at her, and then asked: "Did you just feel sick in your stomach?"

Han Qianyu didn’t take it seriously in response: “It’s just that I accidentally eaten my stomach, don’t worry about it, after two days

It's just fine on its own. "

She didn't think so. After all, she had gastrointestinal intolerance before, but it was a pity that Emma was really a pity that bowl of blood bird's nest.

Pei Shengye seemed to want to say something, but Han Qianyu said to Pei Shengye without any serious consideration: "The stars have not yet

After watching it, let's continue to have a look? "

The sky is beautiful tonight, let alone, it's really beautiful.

At the moment when she was about to go out, Pei Shengye stretched out her hand and dragged her back, and then faintly said: "Okay, Shi

It's not early, it's time to go to bed. "

Han Qianyu protested: "It's obviously still early! You can watch it for a while!"

But Pei Shengye didn't give her a chance to go out and detained the person back.

Early the next morning, Han Qianyu woke up, the sun was shining outside, and I don’t know if I spent a long time with Pei Shengye recently.

In a good mood, I always feel that the surrounding environment has become much pleasing to the eye.

She stretched slightly, just about to wonder if she could go and see Yueyue or something today.

Before she finished thinking about it, although a feeling of nausea rushed to her throat, she covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom quickly, feeling

It was really terrible, well, why did she have a stomachache, she didn't eat anything early in the morning!

After she came out of the bathroom with a slight collapse, she bumped into the servant who happened to come in. The servant over there

Seeing her, I was shocked, and then said with a smile: "Miss Han, you are up."

Han Qianyu nodded: "Yeah."

After speaking, she was about to go out, but did not notice that the servants behind him looked at her with a clear shock in their eyes.

Because Bae Shengye was injured, he seemed to be recuperating at home for the past two days, but Han Qianyu was eating breakfast.

Hou, suggested to him: "The weather is so good today, should we go see Yueyue?"

Hearing that, Pei Shengye did not object, but said to Han Qianyu: "You care more than my biological father.

He and I, I think Yueyue should be very happy to know. "

Han Qianyu was almost shocked when he heard Pei Shengye's words, but he still tried to make himself look calm and smiled and said:

"How come, you are Yueyue's biological father, you will only care about him more than me, an outsider."

Up to now, she was even afraid that Pei Shengye would find any clues in her words.

Thus doubting her.

"Really? But I think you care about him more than I do. After all, I haven't thought about it until now. I want to see him."

Pei Shengye said casually.

Han Qianyu had a headache, how should she respond, so she put down the milk in her hand and said, "Yueyue

This little guy is very likable, so I think, I haven't seen him for a long time, and I really miss him. And you

How could this dad say such things? How sad Yue Yue heard it. "

It took a long time for Pei Shengye to respond to her proposal: "My son, Pei Shengye, how can he be obsessed with this kind of love for children.

If you miss him, then go meet him, and I didn't stop you. "

Han Qianyu, who got permission, secretly raised his eyes to look at Pei Shengye, who was sitting opposite, and saw that there was nothing strange on his face.

His expression gave a sigh of relief.

After breakfast, the two of them drove in the direction of their destination.

When they arrived at their destination, they were greeted by a **** from the police station. This place is dedicated to protecting hostages.

Fang, so it's pretty safe.

And Yueyue's daily life is also taken care of by this lesbian.

"Xiao Zhang, you have worked hard." Han Qianyu said as soon as he entered the door.

And Zhang Yan responded with a smile: "Senior Sister, what are you talking about? It's all for work. What's the hard work?"

Zhang Yan entered the police station two years later than Han Qianyu. Although she was in the police station for a short period of time, her ability was extremely good.

Team Zhao occasionally praises.

"Right, where's the kid?"

Zhang Yan glanced at the tall man standing beside Han Qianyu, and she was immediately attracted.

This man is really too handsome, standing with the beautiful senior sister, he is really worthy!

Han Qianyu asked again, seeing Zhang Yan's eyes always looking at Pei Shengye beside her, so she poked herself

Pei Shengye at the side coughed slightly.

After receiving the signal, Pei Shengye asked normally: "Is my son in there?"

Zhang Yan suddenly nodded when she saw such a handsome man asking herself, and then repeatedly said: "I'm here.

You can see it when you go in. "

As soon as I entered, I saw the little guy sitting on a stool drawing, with paint on his hands, and his body dirty.

Yes, but the painting is quite serious.

Han Qianyu stepped lightly and walked over quietly.

Zhang Yan wanted to call Yueyue to remind him that his father had come to see him, but was stopped by Pei Shengye and said in a very soft voice:

"Please wait a minute."

Zhang Yan heard the low and deep voice, and immediately felt that the Creator was really unfair. This man not only looks

Shuai, just a word, the voice is not good.

Han Qianyu walked lightly to Yueyue, who was concentrating on painting, and saw that his drawing paper was on the seaside.

There was a small house built by the side, and there were two adults holding a child, and the child was smiling happily.

She suddenly said softly: "Yueyue, Auntie is coming to see you."

The little guy raised his head instantly. When he saw himself, he was stunned for two seconds. Then, he called out and threw himself in.

In his arms.

"Aunt Xiaoyu, you are here, I want to kill you!" The little guy's tone was very wronged, full of longing.

Han Qianyu was so soft in his heart that he patted the little guy on the back to comfort him: "Sorry, Auntie is late."

The little guy withdrew from her arms, then shook his head, and said sensibly, "It’s not too late, as long as Aunt Xiaoyu

It's never too late to come and see me. "

Han Qianyu touched the head of the little guy lovingly, his eyes filled with longing and distress.

She actually wanted to miss him very much, but for his safety, he must live here, before he found the real murderer

Before, he had to live here.

When Yueyue withdrew from Han Qianyu’s arms, he discovered that the paint on his body had caused Han Qian

Yu's clothes were dirty, he frowned slightly, and said embarrassedly: "Auntie, I accidentally took you

My clothes are dirty, sorry. "

Han Qianyu didn't think there was anything, on the contrary, he was distressed compared to the sensible and sensible of distressed Yue Yue.

She stretched out her hand and stroked his head, and said softly, "It's okay, the clothes are dirty, just wash it, yes,

What are you drawing? "

She took his little hand, and then discussed with Yue Yue about his paintings.

Here, Zhang Yan said to Pei Shengye: "Senior Sister is really patient with children, I never knew it before."

Pei Shengye looked at Han Qianyu's patience with Yueyue and the gentle smile under his eyes, and the corners of his lips unconsciously outlined

Smile, he thought, she likes children so much, she must have two more in the future.

Because today is very good, Han Qianyu proposed to take Yueyue to outing in the suburbs, but this proposal was rejected by Zhang

Yan vetoed it.

"Sister, this is not so good, you know, now this little guy is our key protection object, and

It's not safe outside now, so he is safer to stay here. "

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