Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1864: .Go to the hospital to check

After the picnic, Pei Shengye received a call from the assistant, saying that there was something he needed to deal with, so he needed to advance

Go back.

Han Qianyu saw that the time was still early, so he suggested to Pei Shengye: "Otherwise you go to the company to handle things first, I will take

Are you going to stroll here for a while? Then go again? "

However, Pei Shengye did not agree to Han Qianyu’s request. Instead, he said, “It’s not early, and Yueyue should almost

Go back first. And don't forget, the person you want to protect now is me. "

Han Qianyu's face instantly turned red.

I can only look at Yue Yue apologetically.

Yueyue shook her head: "It's okay, it's fine for me to be there alone, but you will remember to visit me next time."

Han Qianyu felt very uncomfortable and touched Yueyue's head: "Next time, Auntie will take you home."

Yueyue nodded, then looked expectantly at Han Qianyu and said, "Aunt Xiaoyu, I'll be waiting for you."

When returning home, Han Qianyu was sitting in the car, looking at the farther and farther place, suddenly feeling a little lost.

Pei Shengye, who was driving, saw Han Qianyu who seemed to be unhappy, so he asked, "Why?

Up? Is it uncomfortable? "

Han Qianyu shook his head, and responded lightly: "No, just a little bit reluctant."

In this regard, Pei Shengye is a rare comfort: "He always has to learn to grow up alone and take responsibility. Moreover, you just

Just said you want to take him home next time? Do you have a clue to the murderer? "

"Not yet." Han Qianyu shook his head.

"Since there is not, don't promise him."

"But he is still only a child. He is only five years old this year. A child as old as him should be self-willed.

When it makes sense. "Han Qianyu felt that Pei Shengye was too indifferent to Yueyue.

Can such a person really become her other half in the future?

Even the son who is connected to his blood is not in his heart, let alone the one who has been in bed with him several times is irrelevant

The woman you want?

"Can you treat him better?"

Pei Shengye obviously disagrees with Han Qianyu’s recognition: "Since his surname is Pei, he should understand that he is destined

Not the same as other people. "

Han Qianyu saw that there was no sympathy in Pei Shengye’s words, and he immediately became angry: "Pei Shengye, how are you?

If you don’t understand, how should you be a good father? "

In her impression, all fathers in the world should treat themselves as their own fathers

Good children.

But obviously, Pei Shengye treated Yueyue not like this.

It's not that he treated him badly, but that he feels less humane than other fathers.

"I give him the best things, compared to those children who go hungry and cold at birth, and cannot go to the hospital if they are sick.

Come, I think I'm fairly qualified. "He concentrated on driving, looked ahead, and said quietly.

Han Qianyu felt that the fatherly love he understood was totally different. She took a deep breath, "You should

Understand that for children, they are not saying that they want their father to give them anything, they just hope that the father

Be able to spend more time with yourself, do what you do, and have a father praise yourself. "

"The premise of praise, isn't it because he did it perfectly, so I would praise it?" Pei Shengye raised his eyes and swept his seat.

Han Qianyu on the co-pilot glanced.

"Of course it’s not exactly the case. You think, as a father, you have to enter regardless of the child’s actions.

Guidance and education, if done well, the necessary praise is indispensable. "Korean thousand words one word for one word,

It is very clear.

Pei Shengye smiled slightly at the corners of her lips and said, “It’s better than police officer Han to teach me how to be a good father.

Join this family and show by example how can you be a competent mother? "

As he talked, the topic turned to himself again, Han Qianyu was a little unexpected, this twists and turns is a bit big.

Han Qianyu said haha: "Where are you talking? Education Yueyue is your job."

"Then please shut up Police Officer Han and don't point fingers at my job."

Han Qianyu was completely speechless.

She was so naive that she thought of quarreling with Pei Shengye.

Isn't this looking for anger?

Pei Shengye is so aggressive, Han Qianyu almost doubts whether he is testing himself or whether he is actually early

Knowing that she is Yueyue's biological mother, just waiting for her confirmation.

Seeing Han Qianyu who was still talking about the truth, suddenly fell silent, Pei Shengye kept driving intently.

Car, didn't say anything more.

When the car was halfway down the road, Han Qianyu realized that the road seemed to be heading in the direction of Wensen Villa, so he went

Very strangely asked: "Didn't we go to your company?"

"I'll go to the company alone. You can go back and have a good rest. I have been tired for a day today."

"No need, I'm not tired at all." Han Qianyu felt that she was very energetic, and she was not weak.

Sister, the wind will fall down as soon as the wind blows. Whenever you need to stroll around the zoo, you need to go home and lie down to rest.

But Pei Shengye insisted: "Your body should not be too tired."

Han Qianyu: "?" Shouldn't you be too tired? Is she terminally ill?

She tried to communicate with him: "Mr. Pei, have you misunderstood something? I am actually in good health, not at all.

It's as bad as I imagined. When I used to do physical tests, running 500 meters in 50 seconds was no problem at all! "

Bae Shengye didn’t seem to hear what Han Qianyu was saying at all, and just continued to speak; “Tonight, I

The family doctor will come over and you will be prepared in advance. "

Han Qianyu was silent for a while, and finally asked: "Did I have some terminal illness?"

Pei Shengye:...

"What are you talking nonsense?" Pei Shengye chuckled.

"Since it's not a terminal illness, well, what do you ask the family doctor to do?" Han Qianyu felt something was wrong, well

Land, calling the doctor over is not a cure, so what is it? "

"It's just a physical examination, routine examination, what are you afraid of?" Pei Shengye explained lightly.

Han Qianyu believes that he has ghosts, so she directly refused: "No, I have a physical examination every year, so good

It's so delicious, and the body is good, so I don't bother Mr. Pei to ask me for a doctor. "

"No, it must be checked." Pei Shengye didn't give her a chance to refuse, and directly issued an ultimatum.

In the evening, the family doctor came as expected. Han Qianyu refused to let the family doctor diagnose and treat. He was pretty sure.

To Pei Shengye, who stood in front of her and looked at her, said: "I don’t check, I said, I’m fine, you have to check yourself

Check it out. "

Han Qianyu really thinks it’s weird. Pei Shengye’s flustered, so suddenly he went to the family doctor.

Here, I have to check her, it's mysterious, and I can't say clearly.

At exactly this time, the servant put the stewed blood bird’s nest in front of Han Qianyu, and said softly: "Miss Han, just cooked

Yes, be careful. "

When Han Qianyu looked at it, he immediately asked Pei Shengye: "Why did you let the servant stew this for me again? I didn't say no

Yet? "

Pei Shengye’s attitude towards her was so good that she had an excessive attitude, although the relationship between the two had changed, but she

Still not used to it, plus the fact that the gap between her and Pei Shengye is actually really big.

Therefore, she did not want to take advantage of these for nothing.

Maybe it's because Han Qianyu's way of speaking is a bit cold, so Pei Shengye's tone is also a little cold in response:

"These things are also kept, if you don't eat them, you can throw them away later."

Han Qian almost gritted his teeth.

The bird’s nest has been stewed, she can’t really let Pei Shengye be dumped, it’s shameful to waste food, not to mention,

Such a precious blood swallow.

Han Qianyu hesitated, took the bowl of blood bird's nest, and drank slowly.

When the drink was over, the family doctor also checked Pei Shengye’s body, and then said to him: "You have some blood

Loss, usually pay more attention, do not overwork. "

Pei Shengye nodded, then turned to look at Han Qianyu who was sitting on the sofa and said, "By the way, let the doctor check you up.

Check to see if there is any problem. "

When Han Qianyu saw the family doctor coming over, he immediately showed an extremely resisting appearance: "No need, really no need, I

Good health. "

The doctor over there is also persuading: "Miss Han, just check it, it's just a delay, there will be no problem."

Han Qianyu shook his head and continued: "I really don’t need it. I know my own body very well.

Big problem. "

Immediately afterwards, she stood up from the sofa, and then, at the moment she stood up, she clutched her belly and frowned at Pei.

On Holy Eve, the doctor in front of me said, “Don’t tell me, my stomach hurts a little, and I feel like nausea. I’ll go to the bathroom first.

You don't have to wait for me. "

After speaking, she hurried to the direction of the bathroom.

But when Pei Shengye saw Han Qianyu's back, his eyes grew darker.

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