Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1867: .Two ancestors

Mother Han went directly to the bathroom without any hesitation, pulled Han Qianyu out, and then sent to him without a word

Walking away, his face is very ugly.

Han Qianyu looked a little strange as his mother pulled her away: "Mom, where are you taking me?"

Mother Han said, "Go to the hospital, just now!"

Han Qianyu thought his mother felt something was wrong with her body, so she responded with a relaxed smile:

"Mom, I'm fine. I may have eaten my stomach recently. I just need to raise it for two days."

But Han Mu abruptly pulled Han Qianyu out of the police station, walked to the side of the road, and then reached out and stopped a taxi.

First, Han Qianyu was stuffed in, and then she sat in, and then said to the driver's master: "Master,

Please go to the municipal hospital. "

Han Qianyu frowned, only to realize that his mother seemed to be really not joking.

"Mom, I said, I really don't have any problems, I really don't have to go to the hospital."

"Shut up for me!" Mother Han glanced at her, then said nothing more, looking ahead, frowning.

When she arrived at the destination, Mother Han pulled her down, so strong that she even pinched her.

But Han Qianyu tried to make a final struggle: "Mom, I really don't have any problems with my body, shall we go home?"

But Mother Han didn't listen to any of her arguments at all, and dragged her in.

And here, Shengye Pei is processing the most recent urgent in the company, but when he just signed a document, he placed it on hand

His cellphone rang, and on the other end of the phone came a respectful voice: "Mr. Pei, Miss Han and her mother

When I went to the hospital, it seemed that things were not quite right. "

"Hospital?" Almost instantly, Pei Shengye got up from the chair with a cold expression on his face.

"Yes, Mr. Pei, and he is walking towards the obstetrics and gynecology department." The subordinate continued to report.

And then, Pei Shengye didn't even think about it, so he directly ordered in a deep voice: "Continue to observe their movements, if

Be sure to report to me as soon as possible. "

After speaking, he took his coat and car key and opened the door of the office and walked out. The secretary outside the door happened to hug him.

I walked in with the documents and saw that Pei Shengye was leaving, so he immediately said: "President Pei, there are some urgent items for you

not yet……"

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Pei Shengye: "I will deal with it when I come back."

The secretary watched Pei Shengye leave her sight.

God, what is the urgent matter? President Pei is so anxious...

Han Qianyu felt that her mother must be crazy, and she would take her to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

"Mom, why did you bring me to the obstetrics and gynecology department?"

But Han Mu didn't speak, she just walked in after the registration, leading her in line.

Han Qianyu saw that Han Mu had a cold face and did not speak, she could probably guess something, so she vowed to heaven.

Said: "Mom, I promise, I am absolutely not pregnant, really."

"Have you slept with Pei Shengye?"

Such a straightforward question made Han Qianyu silent, and his cheeks were red.

Mother Han got a clear glance and sneered: "Since you have done it, why are you embarrassed to say that it is impossible to get pregnant?"

Han Qianyu sighed quietly.

Of course it's impossible, she has taken medicine.

"Mom, I really don't. I promise you will only waste time here and question the innocence of your baby girl."

Mother Han didn’t say a word, she just sat there, and the only place where her emotions leaked was that she was holding the medical record book.

The hands are slightly white.

Soon, he was called Han Qianyu's name.

Han Qianyu didn't want to go in, she turned to look at the mother of Han beside her, and mother of Han almost asked her with a cold face:

Although you said you were not pregnant, why didn't you dare to go in? "

Han Qianyu knew what his mother meant. In the end, he could only sigh deeply and walked over.

Check it out, on the contrary, the body is not afraid of the shadow leaning.

It just so happened that she could take the inspection report back and throw it on Pei Shengye's face.

There is another one who thought she was pregnant.

After the blood is drawn, you need to wait for the test results.

Mother Han sat in the same place, quietly waiting for the report, and never said a word, no matter how Han Qianyu spoke to her,

She looked like she would not speak.

So Han Qianyu could only helplessly say: "Mom, don't do this, I am not a child anymore, I will protect

Good my own. "

But Mother Han sat there, and said after a long silence, "You know that back then, when I brought it for an examination

When, what kind of mood do you have? "

But before Han Qianyu could respond, the mother of Han continued to say: "Just like now, she kept telling herself, no

Yes, there won’t be any problems, but later, when I got the results, you know how much I hate that

A beast that ruined my daughter? "

At that moment, Han Qianyu looked at the red-eyed mother in front of her, not knowing what to say, if she said, she

I never know why, my mother hates me so much and opposes me being with Pei Shengye, so now

Now, she somewhat understood.

Maybe because she lost her memory, she couldn't understand the mood at the time.

But now, my mother is the one who remembers all the pain, how can she let her do it, but there is no complaint

Relieved to accept Bae Shengye?

For a while, she went silent.

At this moment, at the end of the corridor, footsteps suddenly came, very urgent and fast.

Han Qianyu didn’t pay attention. He just heard the footsteps, but didn’t pay attention to it until the footsteps reached her.

Before stopping, Han Qianyu saw a pair of leather shoes in front of her eyes. She slowly raised her eyes and saw Pei Shengye, Yin

With a handsome face, she almost gritted her teeth and asked her: "Han Qianyu, what do you want to do with my child?"

Thousands of Korean: "..."

Brother, what do I want, I have to have children in advance.

You haven't planted the seeds successfully, is it very difficult for her to pull out the seedlings?

At this moment, the nurse's voice suddenly came from the place where the test results came out: "Han Qianyu! Who is Han Qianyu?"

Han Qianyu immediately raised his hand and responded: "It's me, I'm here."

Immediately afterwards, she quickly walked over. When receiving the test form, the nurse said without raising her eyes:

"I'm not pregnant, go back and continue working hard."

After speaking, she turned around and went inside again.

Han Qianyu was not surprised by this unexpected result.

Mother’s face was suddenly relieved, but Pei Shengye directly reached out and grabbed the test report in her hand, carefully.

Observe carefully.

Until his eyes stayed on the final result for a long time, he even asked incredulously: "How is it possible?"

Han Qianyu didn’t quite understand Pei Shengye’s lost soul expression. He stretched out his hand and shook it before his eyes, then asked.

Said: "Pei Shengye, what's wrong with you? Is it something uncomfortable?"

How much does this man wish he was pregnant?

After losing his soul for a while, Pei Shengye immediately dialed out and waited until the other party was connected.

Mouth: "I'm at the municipal hospital. I will arrange for a doctor to do a maternity screening right away. Be quick!"

After speaking, he took Han Qianyu and was about to leave, but Han Qianyu’s other hand was held by Han Mu: "Bae

Sir, please let go of my daughter. "

Pei Shengye’s eye sockets are a little red, but his attitude towards Mother Han is still respectful and polite: "Auntie,

Please let go, I have something to confirm with her. "

Mother Han said straightforwardly: "I don't care if you have anything to confirm with her. She is my daughter.

Can take her away from me. "

Her attitude was very firm, her eyes met Pei Shengye, even without the slightest timidity.

Han Qianyu looked at the appearance of the confrontation between the two people, so he persuaded: "Pei Shengye, Mom, you two stop first.

Next, can we have something to say? There is no need for you to do this. "

But two people said to her in unison: "You shut up!"

Han Qianyu shrank her neck and decisively shut up.

Please, two ancestors.

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