Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1873: .Beauty

Pei Shengye frowned, his eyes full of weirdness: "You took the wrong medicine today? What kind of messy things did you say. Inexplicable

Wonderful, say, what are the attempts? "

"No, no." Han Qianyu's heart tightened, and the palms of his hands were sweating. "How could I have tried, what I just said

It's definitely from the heart. "

Pei Shengye's eyes were cold: "Since I hate that I spend less time with you, why should I stay with you?"

Han Qianyu waved his hand immediately and said, "No, no, you don’t need to be with me at home, anyway, my duty is

It’s useless to protect you at home. It’s better to accompany you to the company, which can also protect you by the way.

The best of both worlds, right? "

The corner of Pei Shengye's mouth twitched twice.

Han Qianyu stared at him, looking at himself, his voice rarely became a little soft, but cute and tight...but

Well, it's also very weird.

At first glance, she knew she had no purpose.

I'm so stupid, I can't tell a lie.

He wanted to see what tricks this woman was playing.

Pei Shengye's eyes skipped a trace of cunning, and he pretended to be thinking, as if he was weighing.

Han Qianyu looked at Pei Shengye sitting there, pondering slightly, she didn't care much, got up from the chair and walked around

When I came to Pei Shengye, I looked at him and said, "Pei Shengye, think about it, the situation is still very serious now.

Before the end, you were attacked in the company, so in order to avoid similar things happening again, I really feel

It must be necessary, let me protect you, and I promise, I will definitely not disturb you! More importantly, you

If something goes wrong, I will be the first one to be blamed as a policeman, and I will be punished. "

Pei Shengye looked at Han Qianyu who was standing next to him, almost swearing by Han Qianyu, with a serious look, almost unbearable

Live laugh out loud.

"Then you kiss me, I may agree to your proposal." His tone was serious.

Han Qianyu blushed. He glanced at the servant standing at the door and said, "No, so many people, I'm not used to it."

Pei Shengye also followed her gaze and glanced at the servant standing at the entrance of the restaurant, and faintly opened her lips and said: "Sister Gui,

Go down first. "

The servant retired immediately and closed the door of the restaurant intimately.

Pei Shengye smiled and looked at Han Qianyu who was blushing in front of him: "There is no one here, can you kiss?"

Han Qianyu looked at Pei Shengye’s handsome face, knowing that if he didn’t have a lot of money today, it would definitely not work, so she

Simply close your eyes, and then just kiss the corner of Pei Shengye's lips, very lightly.

He quickly removed it from his lips, and when it was over, the blushing could bleed in response: "Is it all right now?"

Pei Shengye shook his head unsatisfactorily, and looked at her disagreeably: "This is called a kiss? It seems to be me.

The usual teaching is not good enough, now I will teach you what is a kiss. "

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pulled the person into his arms, and then kissed deeply.

At that moment, Han Qianyu only felt as if the air had become thinner, and Pei Shengye in his arms had been holding her tightly.

Her head didn't even have time to think of other things.

When Han Qianyu was released, she was breathing constantly, leaning against Pei Shengye’s arms, and her body was almost soft.

A puddle of water.

Pei Shengye smiled at Han Qianyu nestled in his arms, raised an eyebrow and asked, "Have you learned it?"

Han Qianyu wanted to say that she hadn't learned it, but looking at the smile in Pei Shengye's eyes, she just

Stuttering response: "Learn...learned."

Hearing this, Pei Shengye nodded and said: "Then you kiss me now to see if it is qualified."

Thousands of Korean: "……:"

Why does she always feel as if she suffers a lot in responding to herself?

Seeing Han Qianyu still, looking at him, Pei Shengye asked in return: "What? Haven't you learned it yet? Or I will teach it again?"

Han Qianyu immediately shook his head: "No need, I learned, I learned."

When Han Qianyu finally stepped into the Pei Group, he felt that he had to find Wen Rui no matter what.

But she sacrificed completely for nothing today!

When I think of early in the morning, in the restaurant, Pei Shengye teaches himself kissing skills, over and over again, tirelessly, but he

Knowing that he was deliberate and daring to be angry but not speaking, she felt frustrated.

It's really embarrassing. Now all the servants in Wensen Villa know that they kissed Pei Shengye in the restaurant.

In fact, she didn't know what was going on behind her back, after thinking about it, she wished to find a place to sew in now.

Pei Shengye walked next to Han Qianyu, and he wanted to laugh when he watched her look so pitiful and unlovable.

In the morning he just wanted to tease her, but he didn’t expect that she couldn’t help teasing so much. After every kiss, he hurried

Ask him in a panic if it's all right.

That appearance really makes him feel cute even after thinking about it.

The elevator opened, Han Qianyu didn't know what he was thinking, and there was no sign of going in. Pei Shengye saw her still and went straight.

Picked up from the elevator, and then pulled her in.

And the Pei’s employee standing outside looked at the beautiful woman who had just stood with the president, and suddenly asked.

Another colleague said: "Before Pei was always with a woman just now, did he pull her into the elevator?"

The employee also just recovered from the shock, and then nodded: "It seems so."

Suddenly, the entire Pei Group exploded, big news! President Pei, who has always disliked women, finally has a situation!

Han Qianyu followed Pei Shengye out of the elevator and walked to the door of the president’s office. He saw assistant Wen Rui walking towards him.

With a gentle smile, he said respectfully: "President Pei, I have prepared today's itinerary for you."

Pei Shengye responded indifferently, and then took Han Qianyu into the office and arranged her to sit down on the sofa.

He instructed his assistant: "Go and prepare some fruit plates and snacks. By the way, go to the library to borrow some books about the case.

Some books are here. "

Wen Rui wanted to do it right away, but was blocked by Han Qianyu: "Wait a minute! Those books I follow Wen Zhu

Just go and borrow it. After all, I read a lot of books before. Maybe Assistant Wen can’t be sure.

I have read this book, and which one has not been read. "

Pei Shengye raised his eyes and looked at her, there was not much emotion in his eyes.

Han Qianyu continued: "I will come back when I finish borrowing, and watch it here."

In the end, Pei Shengye agreed, but only told Wen Rui: "Take care of her."

"Okay President Pei, I see." Wen Rui responded respectfully, and then led Han Qianyu toward the elevator entrance.

When the two people entered the elevator, Wen Rui pressed the floor and stood there, Han Qianyu suddenly spoke: "Wen

How long has the assistant stayed with Mr. Pei to work? "

Wen Rui chuckled, his tone of voice was not much different from when he talked to Pei Shengye: "Probably five or six years."

Han Qianyu nodded. In five or six years, maybe he can match his own things back then.

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