Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1875: . Do you die if you like it?

Thousands of Korean: "..."

Pei Shengye shrugged his shoulders, and continued to bow his head to kiss Han Qianyu, all when what just happened did not exist.

Han Qianyu almost exploded.

A tie holding Pei Shengye.

Pei Shengye looked down at his torn neckline and smiled slyly: "Baby, don't worry."

"Don't be mean!" Han Qianyu was full of words "she and Pei Shengye were just seen by the secretary", "Your secretary just

See it! She won't tell the rest of the company, will she? Will they know, you and I..."

"Don't worry, the people around me have strict mouths, not to mention..." Pei Shengye bent down and gently bit Han Qianyu

"From the moment I led you into the company’s door, they knew about the two of us.

Baby, you are also a little bit behind the queen mother. "

Thousands of Korean: "..."

When Pei Shengye saw Han Qianyu blushing like a cooked prawn, he only felt dry and dry, and couldn’t help it anymore.

Hugged Han Qianyu Daheng.

"What are you doing?"

"You have prevented me from drinking ice coffee, then you are responsible for lowering my fire."

Pei Shengye held Han Qianyu and kicked a door directly.

Only then did Han Qianyu discover that there was actually a lounge, wardrobe, bed in Pei Shengye’s office...

One bedroom.

Pei Shengye gently put Han Qianyu on the bed, and his sturdy body instantly pressed up.

"Bai Shengye...Don't be in a place like this..."

"Can't wait."

Pei Shengye directly sealed Han Qianyu's lips.


When Han Qianyu woke up, the sky outside was a little gloomy, Pei Shengye was lying on her side beside her, her naked upper body was all Han

The red marks that Qianyu caught, Han Qianyu's face was blushing.

"Meise missed the country. I think if police officer Han comes to my company a few times, I won't open this company."

Han Qianyu frowned: "Is it you who played the rogue?"

After speaking, he put the quilt on his head.

Pei Shengye hugged him tightly, with a trace of hoarseness and deep magnetism in his voice afterwards.

"I'm just a little jealous."

"Jealous of what?"

Han Qianyu was bored in his arms and raised his head.

"I don't know which man who saved the galaxy in his life took you for the first time."

Pei Shengye's tone suddenly became sour

Thousands of Korean: "..."

It's you, you idiot.

Although Han Qianyu couldn't help laughing in his heart, he pretended to be unhappy on his face, sat up and pushed Sheng Pei away.

Ye: "Why, I didn't despise you for having a son with another woman. Isn't it the first time you despise me?"

Pei Shengye frowned.

Han Qianyu turned his head, "You still slept so many times when I hate you? Can't you find it yourself?"

Pei Shengye sat up, took her shoulders, and sighed: "When did I say that I dislike you? You again

Misunderstand me. "

"Then what do you mean by this?"

"I simply envy that bastard, can't I?"

Pei Shengye smiled and kissed Han Qianyu’s face: “Who is that person? I really can’t think of it. Besides me, there are

What kind of man can make a woman like Police Officer Han have **** with him willingly? "

"You are too confident."

Han Qianyu sneered, "Our police academy, who is the handsome guy who pulls out the mermaid line with eight pack abs? Not necessarily inferior to you!"

Pei Shengye's eyes froze, and when he turned over, he pulled Han Qianyu under him.

"Oh, it seems that your man is not working hard enough in bed, so I make you feel that I am not as good as your last man

People. "

Han Qianyu "chuckled" in his heart, and quickly said: "I'm kidding, kidding..."

"Unfortunately, I hate people joking with me the most, Pei Shengye, as soon as others make jokes with me, I think..." Pei Shengye

Biting Han Qianyu's lips, panting, "Zheng, die, her."


That night, everyone in the company knew that the woman who was led into the company by the president in the morning was

Their president held it out.

It’s said that the people in the same elevator also heard the president who they were never close to women softly apologize to the woman and say what

What: "Don't be angry, I will be lighter next time."

So the whole company knows that there are really women in Pei Shengye, and for a while, countless people want to make it for Yueyue children.

Mother's woman dream is broken.

By the way, the embarrassed Han Qianyu and Pei Shengye had a cold fight for one night. The next day, before Pei Shengye could speak, they closed

He picked up the hemp and ran back home to explain the misunderstanding a little bit.

Mother Han can’t lose her temper with Han Qianyu now. She has beaten and beaten, and scolded. She understands her daughter’s temper, no

She doesn't know how bad she is to suffer.

Han Qianyu was in the kitchen, tried some small breads, and planned to bring them to Pei Shengye in the afternoon to taste.

Mother Han shook her head when she saw it, and whispered on the side: "It's so big, I didn't see you baking bread for me and your dad..."

Han Qianyu quickly took a piece and handed it to Han Mu’s mouth to coax the people, and put the rest of the bread in a heat preservation box.

Taken to Pei Shengye's company.

As soon as he arrived at the office door, the secretary walked over with a look of embarrassment.

"Miss Han, President Pei now has guests in there..."

"It's okay, I won't disturb him."

Han Qianyu ignored the secretary's obstruction and walked into the office with his foot up.

As a result, as soon as I opened the door, I saw a coquettish woman, twisting the waist of the water snake, and holding Pei Shengye coquettishly.


"President Pei, people miss you, you don't come to see them, so I have to see you." That twisted the water snake

The woman at the waist spoke with a delicate voice, almost able to pinch water out, and the scalp of the listener was tingling.

Han Qianyu, who suddenly opened the office door, was originally smiling and happy, but when she opened the door,

At that moment, looking at the woman hanging on Pei Shengye, her disheveled appearance, her heart sank instantly.

Then, almost instantly, she kept herself calm and said: "Excuse me, excuse me."

After speaking, she closed the door.

And Pei Shengye in the office pushed away the woman who was hanging on him, frowning and cursed:

"Get out! Throw this woman out for me!"

Li Sisi didn't expect that Pei Shengye would suddenly get angry, her eyes flushed suddenly, watching Pei Shengye tearfully

: "Mr. Pei..."

The voice dragged on for a long time. I think she was a big star, and was hot in the entertainment circle. Which man met her, no

Are you obediently bowing your head to the court? Only this Pei Shengye, there is a rumor outside that he is not good at female sex, but she does not believe in evil.

Pei Shengye didn't even look at her, walked quickly toward the door of the office, and chased it out.

Li Sisi was left staring at the direction Pei Shengye was leaving, and stomped angrily.

Pei Shengye finally saw Han Qianyu at the elevator entrance. She happened to enter the elevator and saw that the elevator door was about to close.

Holy Eve quickened its pace and squeezed in one second before the elevator closed.

And when Han Qianyu saw Pei Shengye coming in, he almost instinctively took two steps back, as if he didn’t want to follow

He got on the side.

Pei Shengye said: "The woman just came in by herself, I don't..."

"Mr. Pei should have misunderstood. I didn't think there was anything, but suddenly remembered that there is something else at home.

Love, waiting for me to deal with it. "

After speaking, she was about to move forward when the elevator arrived, but she was pulled by Pei Shengye and pulled Husband.

Come, press in the elevator, stare at her condescendingly, and whisper: "Since there is no misunderstanding, why are you running?

Is it a fire? So anxious? "

Han Qianyu raised his eyes, those indifferent eyes that looked at him with almost no emotion, even Yu Chao

Unexpectedly calm response: "Yes, there is a fire at home, so please let me go!"

She tried her best to push away the Pei Shengye who was holding her, and went to press the key of the elevator, but she was caught by Pei Shengye again

Pulling it back, her black eyes locked her tightly and gritted her teeth: "Are you women all so duplicity, say something

Will you die if you are unhappy? "

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