Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1900: .Uncomfortable

If it is a boy, it must be a child as smart and stable as Yueyue, if it is a daughter, Yueyue will

One more lovely sister.

The more Han Qianyu thought about it, the more irritable he became. He suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside. He panicked and threw the contraceptive stick quickly

In the trash can, and then went out.

Pei Shengye was standing in the closet and untie his tie.

"what happened?"

Han Qianyu shook his head quickly: "No, you came back early today."

"Well, the company is not very busy, and employees basically have holidays."


Han Qianyu nodded thoughtfully.

During dinner, Han Qianyu was still a little absent-minded. Before the two father and son finished eating, he threw down his chopsticks and went back to the room.

Pei Shengye watched Han Qianyu's back, frowning, and asked the opposite person.

"Did you make her angry?"

"Not at all." Pei Chenyue put down her chopsticks faintly, "How could I make my mother angry? I think it's your dad.

Him. "

"How is that possible, I will come back after get off work."

Pei Shengye frowned.

"Then I don't know, maybe girls are like this, there will always be a period of bad mood every month."

"She is not a person who makes her temper for no reason." Pei Shengye tapped the table lightly with his fingers.

Yueyue raised her head.

"Give you a task to help me ask what happened to your mother."


Yueyue accepted the order, and when she let go of her chopsticks, she ran upstairs like a whirlwind.


Han Qianyu was sitting on the side of the bed in a daze. She estimated that she was pregnant for more than a month, which was when she was unstable.

It is necessary to refuse Pei Shengye again at night.

It doesn't matter once or twice, but if you refuse more, Pei Shengye will doubt it sooner or later...

No, she kicked a little **** in her belly now, and she couldn't hide it.

Han Qianyu only felt a headache, so he threw himself on the bed.

Blame Bae Shengye!

The bedroom door was gently clicked twice.

Han Qianyu raised his head: "Who?"

"Mom, it's me."

Yue Yue's voice came from outside the door.

"Yueyue, come in."

Yueyue opened the door and walked in.

Han Qianyu sat up and smiled softly at him: "What's the matter?"

Yueyue frowned: "Mom, do you have something on your mind?"


"I always feel that my mother is hiding something from me." Yueyue sat next to Han Qianyu.

"No la."

Yueyue was silent for a while, and then looked at Han Qianyu seriously: "I won't tell Dad, OK?"

Han Qianyu was stunned for an instant. Before he could speak, the little guy solemnly stretched out a finger, "Pull

Hook, I do what I say. "


Han Qianyu frowned embarrassedly.

Are you really going to tell Yueyue about this?

He is still so young...

However, Yueyue is about to have a younger brother or sister. In this matter, Yueyue also has the right to know and express suggestions.

After a long silence, Han Qianyu stretched out his hand to hold the little finger, and said in a deep voice: "Yueyue, then let's say

Okay, this matter can't be told to Pei Shengye for now. "


Han Qianyu took another deep breath before speaking embarrassedly, "Yueyue, if... I mean like

Fruit... If you have a younger brother or younger sister... Would you feel unhappy? "

Yueyue stared at Han Qianyu quietly for a while, then said, "Mom, are you pregnant with a baby?"


Han Qianyu didn't expect the little guy to ask so directly, he nodded embarrassedly: "Yes...yes."

"It doesn't matter, Yueyue will be very happy, and will work hard to be an older brother."

Yueyue smiled.

"Really?" Han Qianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, but I want a little sister."

Han Qianyu helplessly: "This... is not something I can decide... But, Yueyue, you just promised your mother, temporarily

Can't tell Bae Shengye..."

"Yeah!" Yueyue nodded heavily: "Then mother, take a rest earlier."

After speaking, the little guy ran out the door immediately.

Han Qianyu looked at his agile back, his head hurt again.

Oops, how could she decide that it was a little unreliable.

As soon as Yueyue got out of the room, she went downstairs to find Pei Shengye.

Pei Shengye was reading a magazine, and when he saw his son coming over, his eyes raised: "Did you ask?"

"Mom is so naive, she told me all at once." The little guy walked to Pei Shengye and sighed lightly.


"She doesn't even know that men and men have to stand on a united front."

"Humph." Pei Shengye chuckled, "Okay, don't show off, what's the matter?"

"Dad, mom said I will have a little brother or little sister soon."

Pei Shengye's hand paused, and his heart condensed for a second at this moment: "She really said that?"

"Yes." The little guy nodded vigorously: This was a little kid's gesture, and he said excitedly: "Dad, I

Going to be a brother! "

Pei Shengye put down the book in his hand, covered the hot flow of excitement in his chest, and kept his voice as steady as possible: "Since I know

If you want to be a brother, you have to learn more firmly and focus more, and you have to be a brother. "

Yueyue paused, her brows frowned.

"Why, I said you, you are not happy anymore, are you?"

"No." Yueyue shook her head gently, and was silent for a long time before she mustered up the courage to ask: "Dad, I have a younger brother.

After the younger brother and sister, do you even less pay attention to me? "

Pei Shengye was stunned, obviously she didn't expect Yueyue to ask such a question.

"Why do you think so?"

Yueyue lowered her head: "Because, because..."

"Don't lie, just say whatever you want."

Yueyue was startled, and then said, "Because Dad, you are very busy at work, so you don’t usually accompany me often. If you have a little brother

Brother and sister, you should give them time..."

I can't hear the following words a little bit.

Pei Shengye was silent for a moment, and then stretched out his hand to pull Yueyue in front of him, her eyes solemn, and her voice compliant.

The outside has weight.

"Yue'er, my dad has been strict with you since he was a child, and he is a little distant from you, because dad hopes that you will not be

Children’s love is bound by things. In this world, feelings are both wonderful and terrible things, Dad

Dad hopes that you can do everything you want to do with all your heart and soul in the future. Dad has paved the way for you.

But in the future, you need to go on your own. "

Pei Shengye gently touched his son’s little head, and his voice was heavy: "Remember, no matter what the future father and mother will be

How many children will be born, you Pei Chenyue will always be my first child, your meaning to me is completely different

Yes, I became a father because of your birth. "

"So I will be stricter with you, in order to be brothers and sisters in the future.

An example, you have to bear this responsibility, and you have to remember that you are the eldest son of this family and the future inheritance of the Pei Group

People, my mother and I will always be proud of you. "

These words, Pei Shengye never said to Yueyue.

He is not a person who likes to talk a lot, he would rather hide many emotions in his heart.

But now that Yue'er has this worry, he must let him understand that in the eyes of parents, maybe every child will have

Different, different expectations, but the love and dedication given by parents will always be the same.

Pei Shengye smiled gently, "Well, it's late, go to bed earlier."

"Well, good night, father, and good night mother and younger brothers and sisters."


When Yueyue left, Pei Shengye immediately got up and went upstairs.

Han Qianyu had just taken a bath and went to bed, and when he saw Pei Shengye, Han Qianyu's face became visibly stiff.

"You go take a shower. Go to bed early."

"It's only past seven o'clock, and I'm going to bed?"

Pei Shengye stretched out his hand and gently grabbed Han Qianyu’s wrist, with an inexplicable smile on his lips: "Chang Ye Man

Man, not sure to do something interesting? "

Han Qianyu blushed, thinking of the child in his stomach, and shook his head quickly: "That I am a little uncomfortable."

"I was uncomfortable yesterday, and I am uncomfortable today... You won't feel uncomfortable tomorrow, will you?"

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