Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1910: .Just the elders?

The weather is still hot.

For several days, Tang Moran was frightened, insomnia at night, and afraid to leave the room during the day.

Fu Tingye seemed to have discovered some conscience, but did not force her out.

Gifts also come in waves.

But this is not the answer all the time.

He can indulge her for a day or two, and when he is impatient, she will also go out to face it.

The last time it was a strong kiss, what if he wants to... do that kind of thing next time?

Can she escape?

Not to mention the great disparity in strength, even in terms of confidence, she is completely absent, and by then she will really become his bed warmer.

By the way, didn't he always like **** and hot stunners, how can the taste change when it changes?

Are you tired of eating and want to change it fresh?

"Tuk-tuk-" There was a knock on the door twice.

"What's the matter?" Tang Moran sat up straight on the sofa and asked vigilantly.

"The old lady invites Miss Tang to come over and open people up." The people outside said politely, but their tone was imperative.

Old lady!

When I walked with Fu Tingye the other night, I heard him say that the head of the Fu family is still an old lady. She has the right

It's very big, and everyone in the family listens to her.

She let her go, and it would be useless to use Fu Tingye as a shield.

Have to go

Tang Moran combed her hair in the bathroom, changed her dress, and then went to open the door.

The butler waved his hand, "Please follow me."

Tang Moran followed the housekeeper downstairs, out of the courtyard, and came to the main house under the scorching sun.

Study room on the second floor.

The butler opened the door for her, "Go in, the old lady is waiting for you inside!"

"Thank you." Tang Moran thanked him politely, took a deep breath, and walked in with a smile.

As soon as I entered, I saw Fu Jingting lying on a chair.

He also had a beautiful puppet cat lying on his knees, and his lazy and noble energy was exactly the same as the second young master.

The smile at the corner of his mouth couldn't help but stiffen.

But she recovered quickly and looked away from him to look at the old lady sitting in the middle chair.

She has a graceful temperament, although her hair is full of silver threads, her skin is white and ruddy, without any age spots. A pair of fancy eyes

Eyes, even when they are old, they are very charming. It can be seen that when they are young, they must be a stunning beauty.

Tang Moran said decently, "Hello! My name is Tang Moran!"

Old Mrs. Fu looked at her up and down, and couldn't escape any problems, so she said in a shallow tone, "Sit down."

"Yes!" Tang Moran walked to the side and sat in an upright posture.

"Miss Tang, it's almost a week since coming to our house."

"Yes, it's almost a week."

"Are you still used to living?"


"I heard that Ting Ye went home every day after you came, and gave you gifts in different ways. It can be said that I am very concerned about you."

At this point, Mrs. Fu's tone became colder.

Tang Moran naturally heard the changes here.

She smiled and said nothing.

At this time, any excuse is not as good as saying nothing.

Old Mrs. Fu said again, “I’m all here, Miss Tang, I’m not going around in circles anymore. My grandson is going to get married.

Object, you are absolutely hopeless. I don’t stop you from staying, but what I’m telling you is that even if you

Give birth to a child for Ting Ye, don't think that you can be expensive by mother and child, and you will still have nothing at that time. "

Tang Moran wanted to laugh a little.

marry! Have a baby!

She and Fu Tingye?

"You misunderstood, we are not in this relationship."

Mrs. Fu obviously doesn't believe it. In her eyes, her grandson is the best, "Misunderstanding? Do you dare to say you don't like him?"

"I don't like it." Tang Moran answered frankly.

Mrs. Fu:...

"You--, don't want to lie to me, you swear if you have the ability."

Tang Moran raised three fingers and swears, "I swear I don't like him! I don't like him at all! If there is a false sentence

Then, it makes my face full of sores and worms! "

Mrs. Fu: "..."

This little girl is a little difficult to deal with!

Fu Tingye was disgusted on the other side.

He frowned, "When a woman gets cruel, isn't she even scared of herself!"

Tang Moran ignored him.

Mrs. Fu was a little bit unable to answer, "Well, that's the case, why are you going home with him? You can leave now!"

Tang Moran smiled bitterly, "I want to go too, but I also want to go."

"What do you mean?"

"You may not know our relationship. We are in debt. My family owes a lot of money to Uncle Fu. I am

Where he was held as a hostage. "

"Hostage?" Old lady Fu seemed to understand her routine, "That means you can only go after the debt is paid off, right?"

This is good rhetoric.

"Yes!" Tang Moran looked at the old lady, and suddenly there was a ray of hope in his eyes, "Old lady, look, you want to

I go, I want to go, our wishes are the same. If you can lend me money and wait for me to pay the debt, I will

Then I can leave. Of course, I will pay you back the money in the future, and I will make an IOU. "

Mrs. Fu listened and spewed out old blood.

"You, you, you, you give me out!"

"Old lady--, don't you think about my suggestion?"

"Go, go quickly!"

Tang Moran is now hiding from Fu Tingye, but she is willing to try as long as she can keep her away from him and lose face.

But seeing that the old lady was about to go crazy, she knew that there was no point in speaking any more, so she could only stand up and go.

Fu Tingye hugged the cat, laughing crazy over there.

Outside, the housekeeper was waiting for Tang Moran.

After sending her back, I went to the second lady and the third lady and Mrs. Xin, and the content of the conversation between the old lady and Tang Moran

Reported one by one.


At night, Tang Moran went to bed and went to sleep.

Fu Tingye knocked on the door outside.

She was so nervous that she didn't dare to breathe. He was just like the mother and grandmother that her mother told her when she was a child. She was the poor rabbit.

Pretend to be asleep, don’t open, don’t open, don’t open.

After a while, there was no sound outside.

She was relieved.

Unexpectedly, there was the sound of the key turning outside.

Tang Moran was messed up in his heart for ten seconds, before he pushed the door and came in, hurriedly lay down and closed his eyes.

As the footsteps approached, her heart also increased the impact.

Fu Tingye stopped by her bed, seeing her deliberately pretending to be asleep, a trace of darkness flashed across her eyes.

How many days will this little girl hide?

With a reduced expression, he sat on the bed and patted her face, "Don't pretend, I'll ask you something."

Tang Moran opened his eyes and said in embarrassment, "Uncle Fu, I just fell asleep."

"I heard that the old lady came to you during the day, what did you guys talk about?"

"She asked me if I was used to it or something like that."

"Nothing else?"


Fu Tingye squinted her, "If you think about it, there must be more."

"Oh, yes, she told me that you are going to marry the right woman soon. Let me not live here then,

Will affect you. "Tang Moran made an honest and stupid appearance, and she was very transparent in her heart.

You can't fool it if you don't say something.

"It's like what she would say." Fu Tingye's mouth curled up with a mockery, and his eyes dimmed deep when he saw her.

Come, "Do you want my woman to get married?"

Tang Moran pulled the quilt up, with an expression of embarrassment, and replied vacillatingly, "You are my elder, this kind of thing

Love, I seem... as if not qualified to ask. "

Fu Tingye's complexion sank, "I never said that I will be your elder."

Tang Moran squeezed the quilt in a panic, "But I have always considered you to be my elder."

Fu Tingye leaned over and kissed her lips, "Will the elders kiss you?"

"You, you are indecent." Tang Moran's voice trembled.

"It is for you to realize." Fu Tingye finished speaking, straightened up, got up and got out of the room.

Tang Moran stared at the closed door, his desire to die was gone.

She even had the idea of ​​running away.

Before my father called to let her escape, she didn’t agree.

I feel that Fu Tingye is not harsh on her, but the money that cannot be repaid now can't be paid for by meat...

God, what should I do...

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