Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1912: . Lie to her? !

"Doctor Shu--" She supported some of her body.

"Don't get up, lie down," Dr. Shu hurried over to help her well, "rest assured, you are a common cold, physical

Fever can be reduced, if it is not enough, I will come right away. "

"not me--"

"Stop talking, take a good rest."

Before she finished her words, Dr. Shu stepped out of the room, and Fu Tingye followed along to the door.

Tang Moran weakly pressed the back of his hand on his forehead and closed his eyes.

After a while, the room opened.

Fu Tingye came in with a basin of water in his hand.

Hearing the movement, Tang Moran opened his eyes and looked at the basin of water on the head of the bed, instantly straightening his eyes.

He won't really want to do it himself!

Fu Tingye slowly rolled up the sleeves of his shirt over there, Tang Moran was anxious, "Uncle Fu, men and women can’t accept

Dear, can you find a maid to wipe it for me? "

Fu Tingye glanced at her and vomited two words quietly, "No."

Tang Moran was angry.

He made it clear that he would take advantage of her.

"Then I would rather burn it to death!" She protested, curling her quilt sideways.

Fu Tingye went over and lifted the quilt away, slid her body up, and whispered, "Lie down."

There was an indescribable deterrent in his eyes and eyes, which made her dare not disobey.

She lay on her back, his hand reached over her leg, pinched the corner of the skirt and lifted it up, and took off her skirt.

Tang Moran blushed and closed his eyes.

At this moment, she was left with a set of underwear to cover her body.

She grew up so old, she had never had a boyfriend, she hadn't been seen this way by a man.

I thought it was enough to take off the skirt, who knows, he came to take off her underwear.

Tang Moran pressed his chest, but he still got it off.

He then went to take off her **** again. She pulled her **** as hard as she could, resolutely not, but her hand

The finger was still broken.

The delicate and delicate body appeared naked in his pupils.

The buds on the top of the chest are dripping with powder and tenderness, making people want to bite down.

With a flat belly, very thin waist, and long legs, the girl in front of her is like an aphrodisiac in front of a man.

There is a fatal temptation.

She was helpless to block, her shyness half-concealed and aroused more desire.

Fu Tingye's Adam's apple rolled.

Underneath the seemingly calm eyes, a scorching flame was rolling.

He twisted a warm towel and wiped her forehead all the way down, neck, chest, lower abdomen...

When she was in the private part, her body temperature not only didn't drop, but it got higher.

Tang Moran thought that tonight was inevitable, closed his eyes, and became confused, and finally somehow his thoughts grew.

It's getting more and more loose, and I'm not flustered or shy, I just feel that the place where the towel is wiped is cool, it's quite comfortable, and gradually,

Fell asleep.


Wee hours.

Tang Moran woke up from his deep sleep.

His head is as heavy as a hangover.

She was covered with a quilt.

She turned her head and suddenly saw someone next to her, not Fu Tingye.

He was lying down, wearing yesterday's white shirt, and his hair was still neat, not messy, and elegant.

Chenguang outlines a golden soft light for his side face, which is rich and beautiful, like the most pleasing art in the world

There is a kind of unreal feeling.

Tang Moran looked at it for a long time before regaining consciousness, remembering the last thing she did last night, she rushed to touch her body.

Nothing happened...

There is no legendary soreness between the legs for the first time, he is also wearing clothes, all signs indicate that he did not take advantage of others

Danger, start with her.

She let out a sigh of relief, and put her heart back in her belly.

Before he woke up, she gently lifted the quilt, propped up her weak body, and wanted to get out of bed and go to the closet to find a piece of clothing to put on.

Fu Tingye's sleep has always been shallow, and the slightest movement can disturb him.

As soon as Tang Moran was about to get out of bed, he heard a cold voice behind him, "Where to go?"

Tang Moran's back stiffened, "I...I go to the toilet."

As she spoke, she pulled the sheet to cover her body.

Fu Ting got up at night, and he used to hug the bedclothes with the people and soak in the bathroom.

When Tang Moran was sitting on the toilet with the sheets wrapped in it, looking at Fu Tingye standing aside, she really had a dead heart.

He really doesn't think of himself as an outsider.

"Have you finished urine?" Fu Tingye asked her.

"You stand there, I can't pee." Tang Moran lowered his head.

Fu Tingye laughed, his eyes were evil, "It turns out that your body is so sensitive to me."

Tang Moran listened and wanted to get his head into the toilet with shame.

Fu Tingye, you smelly rascal! ! !


After two days of catching a cold, he fully recovered.

As Dr. Shu said, this is a common cold.

In the past two days, Tang Moran's idea was to run away.

She didn't care about all debts and moral credit. She is like a fish on a chopping board now, Xiaobai to be slaughtered

Rabbits are at risk of being eaten anytime and anywhere.

Now that the decision is made to escape, one must not act recklessly. It is necessary to think of strategies and plan all the details.

Although she can go outside after school starts, the secret surveillance will be greatly strengthened, and the possibility of her escape is extremely low.

Besides, there is still more than a month to leave school, she really can't wait.

Now although this will be trapped in layers of walls, the relative surveillance intensity will be greatly reduced, but it is an opportunity.

But first, she must be familiar with the topography of the house, and figure out how many exits there are, and which exit is both

Concealed, and closest to her.

Secondly, she must find a way to contact her father and ask him to meet her outside the yard.

If not, even if she escapes, she can't escape far by walking.

After confirming the plan, Tang Moran began to act.

She deliberately chose one o'clock in the afternoon, when the temperature was the highest, she quietly left the back door.

If there are no important things at this time, who will come out for a stroll.

Sure enough, she walked all the way and no one was seen. Except for the hysterical screams on the tree, the Fu family

It looks like an empty house.

Tang Moran walked for an hour against the suffocating heat, and found that besides the main entrance, there were four more

There is a side door, but it is guarded by security guards. I want to go out, no way!

She was rather disappointed and hid under a big tree to enjoy the cool.

She looked at the fence more than five meters high behind her, with a power grid at the top, sighed, and said to herself: \"Over the wall

It is also impossible. "

"You want to escape."

The four words that hit the soul directly made Tang Moran scared of myocardial infarction.

She hurriedly stood up, her heart looked around, no one!

Is she hell?

"Idiot." The laughter came again.

Tang Moran calmed down a bit, his voice seemed to come from the top of his head.

She raised her head and looked up, and saw Fu Jingting lying on the thick tree branches, because the leaves are very dense, if you don’t look carefully

You won't find it at all.

Why is there him everywhere!

Is he not afraid of rain or high temperature, is he human?

Even though he was very annoying in her heart, Tang Moran was still very good on the surface. She smiled at him, "Uncle Fu,

You are here too. "

"Don't want to change the subject," Fu Jingting tilted Lianglang's legs and looked at her with slanted eyes. "Are you trying to escape?"

"I didn't! I just sighed that the Fu family's anti-theft work was well done, and the thief couldn't get in over the wall!" Tang Moran explained.

She wouldn't admit it to death.

Fu Jingting half propped up her body, looked at her seriously, and uttered five words from her red and full lips, "I can

To help you. "

"Huh?" Tang Moran looked confused, as if he didn't understand.

"Don't pretend, just say whether you want to go out." Fu Jingting said simply.

Tang Moran pursed his lips and smiled, "Uncle Fu, I really don't understand what you said, I'm leaving now."

She couldn't believe him.

Running away is a very risky one. If you fail once, there will be no next time.

"The entire Fu family has an exit. It is neither guarded by security guards nor need you to go over the wall. You can come and go as you wish.

Where? "Fu Jingting sat up and shouted in a long voice.

Tang Moran stopped.

What kind of export?

Is he lying to her?

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