Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1930: .Cry to the point

But Fu Tingye went to take the file, but he paused for a while, then raised his eyes, and a slightly cooler lips outlined

Smile: "It turns out that your ultimate goal is to have a chance to leave here? Go outside? I think you are really here.

Talk to me about terms. "

He really almost thought that she really wanted to pay back her own money without knowing how to do it.

Seeing Fu Tingye’s face cooled, Tang Moran shook his head and explained, his voice a little impatient: "It’s not like this.

Uncle Fu, I didn’t want to run away. I said I would pay you back, so I will pay you back.

Before, I would not go. "

Because even if she left, as long as his father and eldest brother were still in his hands, she would not run far.

She clearly realized this.

Fu Tingye's brows were frowned into the word "Chuan", and his mood was not very good, so he didn't follow Tang Moran's words.

Seeing Fu Tingye frowning, Tang Moran quietly closed the document in his hand, then put it down, and said softly.

One sentence: "Uncle Fu, then I will go out first."

This time, Fu Tingye didn't say anything more.

After Tang Moran came out of the study, he collapsed on the wall.

Every time you get along with Fu Tingye, it’s like walking on the tip of a knife. She must be careful every step or she will be swallowed.

The kind that is peeled alive.

Early the next morning, after Tang Moran got up, he found that the sun was already shining outside. He had experienced the night before.

After the wind and rain, the air is full of the fresh smell of rain after showering.

She stood by the window, stretched her waist, just yawned, and a servant knocked on the door to come in, seeing Tang Moran already

After getting up, he immediately smiled and said, "Miss Tang, you are awake."

When Tang Moran heard the servant’s words, she thought it was because Fu Tingye was waiting for her to eat in the restaurant, so she immediately turned to

Walking in the direction of the door, he said, "Uncle Fu is waiting for me, right? I will go down here."

"No, Mr. Fu has already gone to the company, don’t worry, but I don’t think you have come downstairs for breakfast.

So I came up to call you. "The servant explained gently.

Tang Moran heaved a sigh of relief as soon as he heard that Fu Tingye was not there. There really is no better news than this.

She followed the servant downstairs, but as soon as she went downstairs, she realized that something was wrong.

Why are there two bodyguards standing at the door? There used to be no bodyguards at the entrance.

She tried to walk to the door with some doubts, and wanted to go out, but she was standing there as soon as she walked to the door.

The bodyguard stopped, the other party did not say a word, but the meaning was self-evident.

She frowned slightly, and then asked softly: "I just want to go to the yard to get some air."

The bodyguard just said quietly: "I'm sorry Miss Tang, you can't go out."

Tang Moran's beautiful brows suddenly frowned, and he took a step back.

Why did Fu Tingye do this? Didn’t she say before, she won’t run away, why is she guarding against her?

But improved?

She didn't dare to do too much, so she turned and went to the restaurant.

After breakfast, she has been sitting in the living room without leaving, and her eyes have been on the public phone in the living room. Yesterday

In the evening, Fu Tingye first showed her the case about her brother’s responsibility and told herself that her brother is now in the Fu Family Consortium.

At work, she figured out what was going on.

After hesitating for a while, finally in the living room without so many servants, Tang Moran picked up the public phone and dialed

I went out with a number, and the call was quickly connected. On the other end of the phone, Tang Yuzhe's voice came: "Who?"

"Brother, it's me." Tang Moran heard Tang Yuzhe's voice suddenly, and even some of his eyes were slightly moist.

But when Tang Yuzhe on the phone heard Tang Moran’s voice, he suddenly raised his voice and said: "Ran

Ran, have you done what you did? How are you and Fu Tingye? "

Tang Moran was originally a little excited, but when he heard Tang Yuzhe's words suddenly, it was like a pouch.

Pouring cold water from the basin: "Brother, do you know what you are talking about? I have said before, I am only Fu Ting

Ye is uncle, it is impossible for me and him! "

She was not disappointed. From the moment they sold her to Fu Tingye, the moment they sold her completely.

At the beginning, she was really disappointed.

"You girl, how many people squeeze their heads and want to drill into Fu Tingye's arms and get in touch with the Fu family consortium, so

A good opportunity, if you don't take it well, and you say no, how stupid are you? "Tang Yuzhe heard that Tang Moran unexpectedly

That said, he was out of anger at once.

This girl is really not worrying at all.

Tang Moran's tears fell all at once, and even his voice choked up: "Yes, I'm stupid, I

If you’re not stupid, how could you be sold to Fu Tingye by your dad? Until now, I’m still thinking that you can save

I am going out. "

But she was afraid of dragging them down and refused to run away. As a result, her brother tried every means to let her go.

Seduce Fu Tingye and climb onto his bed.

As she wiped her tears, she continued: "Do you think that my life here is better than yours?

many? But I just want to be with you and dad, even if it is displaced, I am not afraid. "

She just wants to be with her family every day instead of staying here, although every day is rich in clothes and food, but

Worried all day.

"Tang Moran! Shut up your mouth! Don't let me know that being in blessings, do you know what my dad and I spend every day

What kind of day? Now, only you can save me and dad, but you, selfishly, only think of yourself

Myself, why didn't I find out before that you were so selfish. "

The opposite Tang Yuzhe suddenly raised his voice. He probably didn't expect that Tang Moran would refute himself, so he was a little angry.

Tang Moran squeezed the phone tightly, tears falling more fiercely, and his voice choked harder: "Anyway, I will never seduce.

He, your heart is dead! "

After speaking, she hung up the phone with a snap.

However, when she turned her head dimly with tears, she realized that she did not know when Fu Tingye actually came back.

Standing not far behind her, staring at her with a calm expression on her face, she didn't even know if he had

I heard what I just said.

She immediately wiped her eyes in a hurry, and then tried to make her expression natural and smiled and said: "Uncle Fu, you come back

Ah? "

But I have been a little uneasy in my heart. Are the words I said just now really heard?

Fu Tingye responded indifferently, walked towards her, and asked as he walked, "Why are my eyes red?

Lost? "

The scared Tang Moran immediately wiped his tears, and said, "No, no, just saw a touching

Good film, so I couldn't help being moved. "

The TV is turned on, because that station often broadcasts some public welfare commercials, so Tang Moran is in

When I saw the charity film broadcast on TV, I immediately explained something wisely.

Fu Tingye walked to her and sat down, reached out to hold her hand, took her injured finger up and looked at it, watching

The edge looked casually asked: "Is it, what kind of public service film makes you cry like this?"

Tang Moran was a little stuck, her head was chaotic and numb, where could she say any charity film.

When Fu Tingye saw that she hadn't spoken all the time, he raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes were as dark as ink, as if they were bewitching.

The power is average, but it also gives people a sense of depression inexplicably: "What's the matter? Can't you remember when you cry?"

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