Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1941: Goodbye

Therefore, Tang Moran secretly climbed down from the second floor with a rope, and after jumping off, he hid in the bushes.

She was already thin and short, so when she squatted down, she basically couldn't find anyone.

There was the sound of bodyguards talking and talking around. She sullied her head, moved her feet short and moved, little by little,


Soon, he fled into the door of the previous backyard.

The door of this backyard, she was able to walk here, in fact, she was just holding a try. After all, she thought it was good before.

Several times, she wanted to escape through this door, and Fu Tingye was bound to take measures.

But when she tried to pull the door and opened it, she felt that she might be hallucinating.

Not only was the door unlocked, no one even had a handle.

Shouldn't it?

The door was opened, she probed around and looked outside the door, and there really was no trace.

Turning around, she glanced at the splendid Fu family's old mansion behind her, turned around and left without hesitation.

Here, all she gave her was shackles, like a canary, locked in a cage, no matter how gorgeous the cage was,

She couldn't be happy either, because she yearned for a free sky.

After Tang Moran left, a tall and thin figure appeared by the door, staring at Tang Moran’s leaving back, and hummed lightly.

Voice: "Little wild cat, since you are out, don't come back. I can only help you get here."

After speaking, he turned and left with a smile, and the moonlight was reflected on his face at this moment, reflecting Fu Jingting's face.

He was suddenly looking forward to it, his elder brother's anxious look, he didn't know the gift, he still liked it.

Tang Moran let out a sigh of relief.

She really did not expect that she would escape like that smoothly?

All this is like a dream. She was not found by the bodyguards, and she didn’t run away like a fatal death. She was so scarce.

Li walked out of the Fu's old house in confusion?

Until the moment when Tang Moran walked to a crowded area and watched the people coming and going on the street, she still couldn't recover from it.

a feeling of.

Next, should she plan carefully, where should she go?

Happiness came too suddenly, she seemed to be unable to find her direction at once, so she stood there a little dazed

It took a long time before I found my own thoughts in my mind.

She first bought a mobile phone and a temporary calling card. The first time she turned it on, she called her father.


But it was strange that the call was not connected, and there was always no one answered.

After she did this several times in a row, she hung up the phone and walked to the bus station.

All her current documents are detained in Fu Tingye’s hand, so obviously it’s not available if you take the train or plane.

In fact, the only way to leave here is by car.

When she came to the busy bus station and looked at the long line at the ticket booth, she even flinched.


But she continued to line up. When it came time for her to buy a ticket, the ticket salesperson asked her: "Where can I buy the ticket?"

She was stunned for a moment, and glanced at the ticket window. With so many place names, where should she go?

Just as she hesitated, someone behind her was urging her; "Can you hurry up?"

Someone at the next window said: "Hello, please give me a ticket to Nancheng."

She seemed to have found her direction suddenly, and immediately said repeatedly: "Nancheng! Buy a ticket to Nancheng."

However, when she got the ticket, she suddenly discovered where she was going.

What is she doing? Isn't Fu Tingye in Nancheng?

At that moment, she suddenly panicked.

In the end, Tang Moran got on the bus to Nancheng. She sat by the window and watched the backlash outside.

The scenery, inexplicably nervous.

In fact, she may not be the best choice when she rushes to Nancheng. After all, she will soon find out that she

He ran away, maybe now, he has called Fu Tingye and notified him.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. He may never expect that he would just leave Nancheng on his front foot.

He will pass by his hind foot.

Missing back and forth like this will buy her more time, even if he finally finds out that she has gone to Nancheng,

It is estimated that she should have reached a safe area.

The more Tang Moran thought about it, the more he felt at ease. He was relieved like never before, but there was a faint worry in his heart.

Worry, she doesn’t know why, is she afraid that she will be caught again, or is she actually worried about Fu Ting

The safety of the night?

But no matter what kind, she doesn't have any chance to go into it now, but she has to think about it, when she arrives in Nancheng,

How should she settle down.

It’s probably in the afternoon when this car gets there. It’s a little toss, and it’s night soon, where will she stay tonight

Here, it has become a problem.

She sat in the car and waited for the car to arrive at the station. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Moran was completely strange.

city ​​of.

She looked at the appearance of the people around her, and suddenly felt a sense of panic.

She has stayed with her father and brother since she was a child, and she has rarely traveled far, so now, she is actually a little tight

Zhang Dao didn't know what to do.

There are more scalpers selling tickets at the station, so I saw a little girl in a white dress by Tang Moran, the long one

So pretty, he stepped forward with a smile: "Little girl, where are you going? It just so happens that you can carpool here."

Tang Moran looked at the scalper in front of him in a shameless dress, but it looked five big and three thick, and very greasy.

Tired, he quickly stepped back, shook his head and said, "No need."

Immediately afterwards, he hurried forward, and then reached out and stopped a taxi.

As soon as he got on the bus, the driver's master asked, "Little girl, where are we going?"

Tang Moran watched the cars coming and went, and after a long silence, he said, "Master, do you know where the nearest hotel is?"

The master glanced at Tang Moran, the little girl felt an unspeakable feeling all over her body.

Most families come out, so the driver's master immediately nodded and said: "I know, I will take you there."

After speaking, he speeded up, and the car quickly increased.

Soon, the car stopped in front of a five-star hotel.

Tang Moran looked at the grand hotel in front of her, and was stunned. She was just looking for a normal hotel.

Unexpectedly, the driver’s master brought her to such a magnificent hotel. She didn’t have much money in her pocket, so she stayed here for one night.

I am afraid that I will sleep on the streets next.

"Little girl, the hotel security measures here are very good. For an innocent girl like you, you should still find an

The whole place to live. "The master is very enthusiastic.

Tang Moran just wanted to say that she did not plan to live here, but she saw a Porsche parked at the hotel door

Immediately afterwards, she actually saw Fu Tingye stepping out of the car, followed by Fu's bodyguard.

She suddenly took a breath of surprise.

What a coincidence?

For an instant, she felt tight all over her body and immediately said to the driver's master: "Master, I don't want to live here.

Here, you drive quickly, hurry up! "

The driver saw the little girl’s voice suddenly increased, even with a trace of tension, even a trace of her face

Thin sweat.

"What's wrong?" the driver master asked.

Tang Moran shook his head and clenched his palms into a fist. There was no time to explain to the driver's master: "You drive first, I can't stop.

Here, can you please hurry up! "

The driver nodded, then turned around and planned to leave.

Tang Moran looked alertly at the back of Fu Tingye entering the car window. This is her nightmare, she thought, from now on

From the beginning of the day, this nightmare, I must say goodbye to her completely.

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