Zhao Xiaoxiao was purely interested, but when he heard this in Tang Moran's ears, that was another meaning.

This Zhao Xiaoxiao, wouldn't he suspect that there was something between himself and Fu Ting at night?

Tang Moran was anxious.

Blame Fu Tingye!

I have a girlfriend, and I ran to the hospital to accompany her, but I couldn't leave!

Look, people doubt it?

For fear of being involved in this complicated relationship, Tang Moran flushed anxiously, and explained in a panic.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, I know Mr. Fu... Actually, there is no other reason, just because my family owes him money!

The relationship between us is the debtor and the creditor, it's that simple! Don't get me wrong! "

Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't laugh or cry.

Whoops, this Tang Moran... is really slow in terms of feelings.

If the relationship between them is really as simple as Tang Moran said, then what is the meaning of her existence?

Fu Tingye was busy playing such a big game of chess, is it for fun?

Tang Moran didn’t know what Zhao Xiaoxiao was thinking at the moment. She only felt that Zhao Xiaoxiao had misunderstood her, and she was thinking about everything.

How to explain clearly and prove your innocence.

"Well, Sister Xiaoxiao, can I ask you to do something for me?"

"what's up?"

"Well, can you ask Mr. Fu to allow me to move out?"

"Huh? What do you say?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao took a bite of bread.

"That's...you two are dating, I stay here, it feels weird, but I dare not talk to Mr. Fu

At this point, I’m afraid he will be angry, but you are his girlfriend and he spoils you so much. If you drive

Mouth, maybe it will be done? "

Thinking of this, Tang Moran's eyes couldn't help but a little more hope.

Zhao Xiaoxiao felt helpless and raised her lips: "Let's talk about it."

Tang Moran couldn't help but lowered his head in disappointment.

After eating, the two hurried to the crew. Since what happened that day, Zhao Xiaoxiao’s treatment in the crew

It also changed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There are always people rushing to show their courtesy. In this way, Tang Moran feels a lot easier. In his spare time, he can still

Take time to review calculus.

The exam is about to take place in two days.

Tang Moran has hardly gone to school to attend classes, and many knowledge points have not been studied systematically. This subject is based on calculus.

She is in the mist, and she has not figured out a topic after tangled up all afternoon.

And Fan Yingying is a scumbag, every time she stepped on the pass line, she couldn't help Tang Moran at all.

In the study at night, Zhao Xiaoxiao stood in front of the desk, looking at Fu Tingye sitting behind the desk, she couldn't stop her heart.

Tsk shook his head and sighed.

Fu Tingye, this man is really super handsome! Why would Moran dislike it?

Looking from her direction, Fu Tingye's whole body was bathed in the light, and his whole body was full of abstinence.

The thing is that people can never look away.

"Recently, when she was by your side, did she make any strange actions?" Fu Tingye raised her eyes,

He put down the file in his hand and looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao standing in front of him.

Zhao Xiaoxiao frowned for a moment, and then explained: "Not at all. Recently, she has been

Busy studying, doing arithmetic problems every day. "

The corners of Fu Tingye's lips were slightly hooked, and a hint of smile appeared in the eyes.

This little girl really worked hard. She stayed beside him, so she didn’t have to work hard to learn this. She clearly

Can live a hundred times easier than others.

But maybe, what I like is the little girl's serious attitude when encountering everything.

"Nothing else?" He continued to ask.

Zhao Xiaoxiao knew that Fu Tingye wanted to ask more. After all, she was hired by him to act in a play, so she had to

Feedback some useful information.

She thought for a while, and then continued to respond: "Moran told me before that he wanted to move out.

Let me mention it to you, but I know you will definitely not agree, so I didn’t respond to her topic, but

I think she should be more than just wanting to move out. "

She actually observed that Fu Tingye would always secretly send her bodyguards to follow Tang Moran, even if she followed her

When the crew is filming, there will be bodyguards secretly observing and following.

She had noticed that after she had said these words, Fu Tingye's face sank, extremely ugly.

Oops, you can't say something wrong, are you coming?

She was vaguely frightened.

"I see. Then you continue to stare at her. If anything is abnormal, you can tell me as soon as possible." said

After that, he stopped looking at her, and continued to pick up the files as if browsing.

However, he was holding the document's hand, and because of his force, it was slightly white, and it was obvious that the atmosphere lingering around him was a bit condensed.

When she came out of the study, she went to the living room downstairs and saw Tang Moran coming in from the back garden at a glance. She

Without thinking about it, he stopped her directly; "Mo Ran!"

Hearing the words, Tang Moran raised his eyes for a moment, then replied: "Xiaoxiao, what's the matter?"

She walked to Zhao Xiaoxiao's side, and saw Zhao Xiaoxiao frowned, she seemed to be worried all the time, which was even more strange.

What the **** happened to this? Can make her feel so sad? Is it possible to be bullied by others again? Still Fu Tingye

Against her?

It shouldn’t be. Fu Tingye obviously couldn’t spoil her. Everything followed her, and he would do well before.

I haven't seen any contradiction between the two people.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, why aren't you talking? Is it something uncomfortable?" She asked, with obvious concern.

Zhao Xiaoxiao saw the innocent and lovely look on Tang Moran’s face, sighed slightly, lowered his eyes, and shook his head.

Said: "It's nothing, I just want to ask you, why don't you sleep at this late hour."

Tang Moran didn’t doubt his response: “No, I just came in and looked for my review book. It seemed that there was one before.

The book fell here and disappeared, I came to look for it, if not, I would go back. "

Zhao Xiaoxiao nodded thoughtfully, then turned and walked upstairs.

Tang Moran saw her like a wandering soul, slowly walked upstairs, and then entered the room.

It was really weird, as if there was something to say, but I didn't know what to say or not.

She curled her lips, not paying attention.

However, shortly after she returned to the room, the door was knocked.

Could it be that Fu Jingting is here again?

With such doubts in mind, she went to open the door.

"Fu...Mr. Fu, why are you here so late?" Standing at the door turned out to be Fu Tingye?

Why is he here so late?

Why does the look on his face look so bad? Doesn't seem to provoke him?

With this feeling in mind, she backed away, and then looked at him defensively and defensively.

Fu Jingting walked in just like that, and even walked in without asking.

When Tang Moran came in and sat down, he immediately squatted and explained: "Mr. Fu, I have recently...

Take good care of Miss Zhao, there is nothing wrong with doing it. "

This guy obviously seemed to be a bad person, so she had better get a vaccination in advance.

When Fu Tingye came in, she scanned the books on the desk. The piles were really high. It seemed that she was the most

I'm really preparing for the exam with ulterior motives.

After he finished speaking, Fu Tingye showed no signs of reaction.

Tang Moran frowned, is it possible that he came to him because of his slack in work?

Then what did he keep looking at his stack of books for?

Fu Tingye watched the super thick stack of review questions and books, and finally spoke: "I want to move out, yes

Because you think it's inappropriate to review? "

Tang Moran's head suddenly exploded, how could he know what he wanted to move out?

Suddenly, she thought that just now, Zhao Xiaoxiao looked at her hesitant to speak, now she finally knows why

She will show that look just now.

She spoke even more uncomfortable, and even her voice trembled: "No...no Mr. Fu, it's good here...just

I think that I live here, it may take up resources a bit, maybe my room can be reserved for more needs

The person you want. "

She tried to explain, and Fu Tingye gave her steps, then she must be going down!

Fu Tingye raised her eyes and looked at the little girl standing in front of her with a wild look in her eyes. The emotions in her eyes became more intense.

Harm: "Stand in front of me!"

Tang Moran’s voice raised instantly, she raised her eyes in a panic, looked at Fu Tingye in front of him, and saw him

With a stern expression on his face, he immediately walked over and stood obediently.

Suddenly she felt that she was like a child when the teacher taught a disobedient child.

Fu Tingye saw Tang Moran standing in front of her, stretched out her hand to pinch her chin, and stared at her: "I want to move away.

Is it because you want to go outside to review, or if I give you the steps, you just follow it? Just want to escape from me

Side? "

I can’t say in my heart, it’s fake, this little girl, who has done so much by herself, always just wants to escape

By my side, it has always been.

She never understood how much she hoped she could stay by her side obediently, like a quiet pet

Like things, do what she should do at her age, not like a hedgehog.

It will only hurt others and yourself.

There was a severe pain in the jawbone, and she frowned slightly when it hurt, she took a breath, and then said, "Mr. Fu,

It hurts. "

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