Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1961: . I don't like waiting for someone

Although Manager Zhang did not know what the relationship between these two young girls and Fu Tingye was, it was Fu Tingye who told him

I have ordered "the person to take care of", and it is no ordinary person.

Manager Zhang immediately nodded politely.

Fu Tingye suddenly said, "Manager Zhang, the two of them came to the company for internships, so please follow all requirements.

The standard of interns of the company over the years has come. "

Manager Zhang nodded.

Fu Tingye looked at Tang Moran again: "The internship company is three thousand yuan, the company has another meal subsidy, and the transportation expenses are

The company clocks in at 8 o'clock in the morning, and depends on the overtime situation in the afternoon. Generally, it is normal to leave work at 5 o'clock. Late and leave early

One deduction of the day’s salary, understand? "

Fan Yingying and Tang Moran nodded one after another.

"Yingying, I will ask for leave for you at school, don't worry about attendance."

Fan Yingying was a little grateful: "Thank you Mr. Fu, then."

"Okay, go out."

Fu Tingye waved.

Tang Moran left the office with Manager Zhang. When she walked out, she couldn't help but glanced back at Fu Tingye.

The man was taking the file from the secretary, frowning and saying something.

Between the gestures, there is all the charm that makes people blush and heartbeat.

Who said it?

The working man is the most handsome.

Tang Moran took a deep breath, and seemed to have a little more motivation in his heart.

Fan Yingying was assigned to the marketing department, and when she first entered the office, she was taken outside to conduct research.

Tang Moran was assigned to a planning department.

The planning department is about to have a big project recently, which is about the land of the Chengxi Oil Plant. The whole department is busy.

With bad heads, no one has time and time to deal with the interns who have joined halfway.

Tang Moran stayed in the company all morning, and only did some chores of serving tea, pouring water, and copying materials.

As soon as noon arrived, my colleagues went to eat in twos and threes.

Tang Moran was left in the office alone, not knowing where the cafeteria was.

Tang Moran didn't dare to run around alone, so he simply gave up lunch.

In the afternoon, Tang Moran was sitting in front of the computer, and entered the file data quietly by himself.

She doesn't use the computer often. This is the first time she has done this kind of work, and the speed is inevitably slow.

Seeing that it was almost time to get off work, Tang Moran still hadn't entered more than half of the documents.

"Xiao Tang, how are you?"

Tang Moran looked at the senior with a little regret, and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I have not been familiar with this yet.

The degree is too slow. "

"Ah, how come there is so much left..." The man frowned, "I will use this for tomorrow morning's regular meeting..."

Tang Moran didn’t want to delay his internship on the first day of internship and delay everyone’s work, so he stood up and rushed.

Say tightly: "Well, let's go first, I'll leave this after finishing this."

The man immediately smiled, "Thanks for your hard work, Xiao Tang, my sister will invite you to drink milk tea tomorrow."

Tang Moran was flattered: "It's nothing, this is what I should do."

Soon Tang Moran was left alone in the office. Tang Moran knocked on the keyboard for an afternoon.

Sore and numb, and ten fingers hurt terribly, she looked up at the clock on the wall——

It's almost six o'clock.

She flipped through the remaining seven or eight pages of the document, then rubbed her eyes, and waited until she finished typing the last word, which was exactly seven o'clock.

Tang Moran let out a long sigh of relief.

Can be considered complete.

As soon as I thought of moving my body, the phone in my pocket suddenly "buzzed" loudly.

The voice echoed in the empty office, especially clear.

It was Fu Tingye's call.

Tang Moran didn't dare to delay, so he quickly connected, "Hey, Mr. Fu."

"Is the work over?"

"Well, it just ended."

"Come down, I'll wait for you at the door."

Tang Moran was taken aback. It was two hours before he left work. Could it be that Fu Tingye had been waiting for him?

"Mr. Fu, did you wait for me to get off work specially?"

There was silence on the phone for a while, and then there came Fu Tingye’s magnetic voice: "Don’t be passionate, just add

Class only. "


"Get down quickly, don't tell me to wait, I don't like waiting for people."

"I'm coming."

Tang Moran hung up the phone and reached out to turn off the phone.

Looking at the extinguished computer screen, Tang Moran's head buzzed, as if something had exploded.

No, she just...Have you saved it?

Tang Moran quickly opened the phone again--

Looking at the empty document, his face paled.

It's over, she really didn't save it!

She was busy all day long with all this evening!

With cold hands and feet, Tang Moran sat down on the chair.

The hands and feet were rushed and nervous on this day, and the coefficient surged in my heart, and my heart couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"I'm really tired at work..."

Whether it's going out to wash the dishes or doing an internship in Fu Tingye's company, neither is easy.

Looking at it this way, it's better to stay with Fu Tingye...

No, no, how could she have such a degenerate idea.

Tang Moran shook his head, grabbed the phone, and called Fu Tingye.

"Mr. Fu..."

"What's wrong? It's been a few minutes, did you climb down?"

Tang Moran sighed quietly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Fu, that... you can leave tonight."

Fu Tingye: "..."

There was a moment of silence on the phone. Just when Tang Moran didn't dare to come out, Fu Tingye’s cold voice suddenly spread.

Come: "I have been waiting for you for a long time, are you telling me you are not coming now?"

Tang Moran was also very depressed. She was already uncomfortable enough to rework without saving the files.

Ting Ye cursed, Tang Moran's nose couldn't help but sore, and his eyes were also wet.

"Sorry, Mr. Fu..."

Fu Tingye was taken aback on the phone.

Is this... crying?

He didn't do anything to her either, he sat here from five o'clock, waiting for her until now, can't he say something to her?

Fu Tingye frowned, or said...Is he really too fierce?

Thinking of this, Fu Tingye’s voice softened involuntarily, "What happened? Didn’t the work just finish?

Yet? "

Tang Moran's heart was depressed: " preservation..."

"What?" Fu Tingye almost doubted whether he had heard it wrong.

"Not saved."

Fortunately, Tang Moran repeated it again.

Fu Tingye was a little angry for a moment, such a low-level mistake would not happen to a slightly measured person, audible

With the uneasiness and depression in the girl’s words, Fu Tingye almost wanted to get her embarrassment and grievance at the moment.

Unable to bend, some helpless anger: "Are you... a fool?"

Tang Moran is even more embarrassed: "I may have to finish it very late, you... you go back first, don't wait for me, I will

Take a taxi back by yourself. "

"It's not safe to take a taxi late."

Fu Tingye frowned, "Come down and take home to do it."


"Don't let me repeat it a second time."

There is no room for negotiation.

Within five minutes, Tang Moran held a document and stood in front of Fu Tingye's car door.

Fu Tingye opened the car door and gently pulled her in.

Sat beside him.

He took the file in Tang Moran's hand and flipped through it at will, "It needs to be recorded on the computer."


"How long did you do it?"

"Um..." Tang Moran lowered his head and thought about it carefully: "It seems like five or six hours."

"Five or six..." Fu Tingye was almost speechless. He lowered his head and flipped through the pile of paper. He was angry and laughed again.

You give me five or six hours with such a thing? Tang Moran, the employees I hired must be like you.

It has already closed down. "

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