Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1963: . Treat her in another way

Steward Qi didn’t dare to say anything at this moment. Seeing that the expression on Fu Tingye’s face was not so good, he nodded, then

Said: "Okay Mr. Fu, I see."

After speaking, he left this place with his bodyguard.

There is a quiet path ahead. Tang Moran once mentioned it to him by chance before, but because he

I didn't care, but now, it suddenly occurred to me.

He held the flashlight just given by the housekeeper in his hand, and then walked forward.

After walking about several tens of meters, he suddenly heard the cry, very small, similar to the whimper of a small beast, but that

The sound made him stop immediately.

Then, turned off the flashlight in his hand.

In the darkness, he relied on the direction of the voice to move forward bit by bit, but because of the back, he gradually adapted to the darkness.

It's dark, so I can see the path under my feet clearly.

However, as he approached, the crying suddenly stopped, and then I heard someone soft and soft.

The sound asked slightly with choking fear: "Who is there?"

The corners of his lips were slightly curved, and this little girl was sometimes afraid.

Therefore, he deliberately increased the sound of footsteps, and then approached step by step. The girl seemed to be more afraid of it.

Shi's voice trembled even more severely: "Who is there! I can tell you, I am not afraid of these ghosts and gods!"

Tang Moran lay on the tree trunk, trembling all over, with a rustling voice in his ears getting closer.

The voice seemed to stop under the tree trunk she was lying on, and then there was no movement at all.

She looked down carefully, and vaguely saw that there seemed to be a giant underneath!

Damn it! Didn’t you meet a wild bear?

She was so scared to death, she didn't dare to say anything.

In the next second, the strong light source of the flashlight suddenly shone on Tang Moran’s face, leaving her with nowhere to hide. Then,

Fu Tingye's slightly indifferent voice came: "What are you doing when you climb so high, come down!"

The tone is very hard and cold, just like in the villa.

Tang Moran's nose became sour again, tears started to fall uncontrollably, and then she wiped her tears and sat down.

Straightening his body, his voice clearly smelled of anger: "I won't get down, it's nice to sit here."

Listening to the hoarse voice of the little girl who was obviously crying, Fu Tingye's heart twitched, and then he slowed down.

The sound said, "It's dangerous above, and there are snakes that will climb up, come down quickly."

But Tang Moran didn’t believe in Fu Tingye’s nonsense. What snakes are not snakes? Wherever there are snakes, he sat before.

I haven't seen any snakes after being here for so long.

Therefore, she said stiffly, "It's okay, I don't bother Mr. Fu to worry about it. I just sit here.

Let me relax, and when I am done, I will go back, Mr. Fu, please come back. "

Look, how strange the tone is.

Fu Tingye sighed helplessly, how could he be really cruel, if he could really not worry about her,

Will not chase it out.

Especially when she saw Tang Moran sitting on the trunk, she moved slightly, and the whole tree shook slightly. He was afraid of that.

The tree was crushed by her.

Even more worried, Tang Moran fell from that tree.

So, he stood under the tree, looked at her, and then continued: "Don’t believe me? There are snakes, ants and mosquitoes all over here.

Especially poisonous snakes and scorpions are the majority. There was a servant in the villa before, but because he was walking in the forest, he was bitten by a poisonous snake.

After a bite. , Even before the treatment was too late, he was poisoned and festered and died, and his death was terrifying, his face was full

It is thick water.

Tang Moran shuddered, but never said a word or ignored him.

Fu Tingye saw that the little girl was still motionless, knowing that even if he used the aggressive method, it was useless.

He was a little helpless, and could only say in a petting tone: "Mo'er, obey, come down."

Tang Moran heard him whisper softly, and the tip of his heart moved slightly. It was indeed a little emotional, but she forced herself to be cold.

Calm down and say, "I said, I won't come down."

"It was cold at night, and before, I was indeed overspeaking, you come down, we will go back to the villa and talk." He said in a low tone.


"Big liar!" She didn't believe his nonsense!

He would only scold himself, he would only blame himself, and now he is also, just want to deceive himself, wait until

Go by yourself, immediately he will come over and take him away, take him back to the villa and continue to be aggressive, so she won't be fooled!

Fu Tingye saw her whispering in a low voice, because the surroundings were extremely quiet, even if she said quietly, she heard it.

Therefore, he could only raise his eyes and ask for the last time: "Really not coming down? Then I can go."

Tang Moran remained unmoved, even turned his back to him.

After about two or three minutes, there was no more Fu Tingye’s voice from below. Tang Moran turned his head tentatively and found

There was no Fu Tingye's voice underneath, only a flashlight turned on.

She suddenly panicked and couldn't believe that Fu Tingye actually left.

Because of the light, the darkness around her was even more terrifying, and she suddenly got goose bumps.

At this moment, my feet slipped, and then the whole person fell off the book.

Suddenly, a scream cut through the night sky.

Tang Moran closed his eyes, waiting for the pain to come.

Unexpectedly, she fell into a warm embrace. She gasped slightly in fear, and then realized that there was no

After imagining the pain, she opened her eyes and saw Fu Tingye's magnified handsome face.

Immediately, she stammered: " and me..."

Fu Tingye didn't speak, but just hugged her like that and walked back to the path where she had just arrived.

Along the way, Tang Moran was afraid of death, and was afraid that Fu Tingye would scold her, even though she wanted him to let go of herself, but

Now, she dare not say a word.

Obviously just now, she was standing on the tree trunk, still listening to her arrogantly and stiffly.

After Fu Tingye returned to the villa with Tang Moran in his arms, Zhao Xiaoxiao was the first to greet him: "Moran, what about

How? "

Seeing that Zhao Xiaoxiao had not left yet, Tang Moran remembered that he was still in his arms by Fu Tingye, so he hurried to Fu Tingye

Said: "Mr. Fu, you put me down, I can go by myself."

Fu Tingye held her without letting go.

And Zhao Xiaoxiao only noticed that Fu Tingye, who was holding Tang Moran, seemed to have something wrong with his face, and the forehead seeped fine details.

Dense beads of sweat come.

"Ting Ye, what's the matter with you? Is it uncomfortable?"

Fu Tingye did not speak, but put Tang Moran on the sofa, and then he said to the steward Qi who came after hearing the news.

"Go and call the family doctor. My hand should be dislocated."

Manager Qi suddenly asked in surprise: "How could this be?"

Obviously, when I went out before, I was fine. Why did my hand become dislocated when I came back?

Everyone subconsciously looked at Tang Moran who was sitting there with the same awkward expression.

But she was stunned for a moment, and then she suddenly understood whether she just fell from the tree.

Fu Tingye caught him, and then his hand was dislocated?

She walked over almost immediately, walked to Fu Tingye and hurriedly apologized: "Mr. Fu, I’m sorry, I just didn’t

It was deliberate. "

Fu Tingye looked at the little girl in front of him with obvious panic, sadness and self-blame, and waved slightly.

Said: "It's okay, it's late. Go back to your room and sleep."

How could Tang Moran return to the room at ease now, if he hadn't made this out, he would have been from the tree by coincidence

How could Fu Tingye's hand dislocate when it fell? After all, it was my fault.

The tip of her nose began to sore again.

Zhao Xiaoxiao also advised her over there: "Mo Ran, it's okay, you don't have to blame yourself, it's just a dislocation, Fu... Ting Ye didn't

Blame you. "

Fu Tingye dotes on this little girl so much, and would rather be injured than come in with the little girl, how could it be true?

Angry with this little girl?

Therefore, Tang Moran's self-blame is actually unnecessary.

But Tang Moran still blamed himself: "No, if it wasn't just now, I would never..."

"Okay, don't talk about the past. You are also scared tonight, go back to the room first, Zhao Ma, send Tang

The lady went back to the room. "

The servant Zhao Ma hurried over, then walked to Tang Moran and said, "Miss Tang, please."

Although Tang Moran didn't want to leave anymore, but now Fu Tingye's attitude was here, she had to leave.

After Tang Moran left, Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately frowned and asked, "Why are your hands still dislocated? What happened to you?

What happened? "

The painful expression on Fu Tingye’s face was revealed, and then he said: “She just fell from the tree, and I reached out to take it.

Living. "

Zhao Xiaoxiao suddenly exclaimed, and his eyes widened unbelievably: "Catch it? How dare you dare to take such a high trunk?

Pick it up by hand? "

Zhao Xiaoxiao really never expected that Fu Tingye would be so stupid as to this kind of common sense question, he

Why don’t you know?

Such a tall tree trunk, such a heavy person, how heavy it should be when it falls down!

How dare he reach out to pick it up? Aren't you afraid of losing your hands?

Fu Tingye said indifferently: "It's okay, it's just a dislocation, not a broken hand."

However, even if his hand is broken, he will pick it up. How could he really watch the little girl for a while?


Zhao Xiaoxiao looked at the delicate tenderness in Fu Tingye’s eyes and shook her head slightly and sighed: "You obviously care about Mo Ran so much.

She has to be fierce, and so is Moran. In fact, she should like you a little bit in her heart, but unfortunately because of you

Too **** her, causing her to fear more than love, you might consider treating her in another way. "

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