The wind chime stated that Ming was near, she just couldn't find the direction, she thought it was very strange.

"Fu Jingting, are you there?"

But no one answered her. She tried to walk back, but found that the way over was also filled with mist, and she couldn't find much at all.


Damn it!

She was a little flustered, but no matter where she went, the wind ringed.

Just when she turned around in a hurry and started to sweat on her forehead, she was suddenly grabbed and brought out.

"What are you doing in there?" In the ear, Fu Jingting's slightly irritable voice was different from his usual ridicule.


Tang Moran was taken aback when seeing Fu Jingting who didn't know where it came from in front of him, and then he continued.

Said: "I found out that there was a lot of mist around me just now, I think..."

But when she raised her eyes, she found that there was only a faint mist around her, where it was just thick enough to see the road in front of her was so sleepy

Difficult fog.

She was a little surprised and stood there, not even knowing what to say.

Fu Jingting reached out and took the bag of biscuits in her hand, then untied it, and unceremoniously tasted a piece, then

Say: "The appearance is average, the taste is average, and if you say you are good at it, I think your mouth will say it."

Tang Moran immediately retorted: "If it doesn't taste good, don't eat it. Anyway, it wasn't for you to eat."

She stretched out her hand to grab the biscuits in Fu Jingting's hand, but Fu Jingting raised her hand to prevent her from touching it.

To myself: "What you gave me is mine, and you didn’t bake it for me specifically, it’s impossible to bake it for Fu Tingye

food? "

"Take care of you! You give it back to me"! She was jumping to grab it.

Fu Jingting still held up the biscuit in his hand and said, “Don’t like him easily.

Very deep, and how much do you know about him? For example, what did he do today, do you know? "

Tang Moran didn’t have the time to listen to Fu Jingting’s nonsense. He still stretched out his hand to get what Fu Jingting was holding: "I

Don't listen to your nonsense, you liar! "

Hearing this, Fu Jingting sneered, grabbed Tang Moran, who was petite, and then grabbed her hands.

Make her move and say: "You are a fool, you are being fooled around and still complacent here, I

If it were you, you would have escaped before taking advantage of his absence. "

Every time he heard Fu Jingting instigate him to escape, Tang Moran's teeth tickled with anger. He had helped him several times before.

Help yourself, the result never went smoothly.

"You are a fake kind!" she sneered.

Fu Jingting raised her eyebrows, not knowing, so: "I'm fake and kind? It seems that every time you run out, I help you. As a result

You grin, it seems that you never escaped smoothly. The previous time, you obviously left. Why did you follow

Is Fu Tingye back? "

Tang Moran immediately explained without thinking: "Because he is in danger, someone wants to harm him!"

"What does it matter to you if someone wants to harm him? No one will collect debts from you again after he dies!" Fu Jingting felt that this girl really

You can be stupid.

"One yard goes to one yard, I don't want to do this kind of thing because of my own business." She curled her lips to explain.

Suddenly, Fu Jingting looked at her seriously, his expression on his face became a little serious, and his attitude was extremely serious:

"Hey! I'm not joking with you, Fu Tingye is really not worthy of your liking, so be careful.

Don't fall in love with him, because he may be hiding others in his heart. "

Tang Molan was startled slightly.

Is he hiding other people in his heart?

Although I know I shouldn’t believe Fu Jingting’s words, after all, this man has always been sloppy and nervous all day long.

Yes, I don't know why, Tang Moran was still upset by his words.

Tang Moran waited for a long time, until after ten o'clock in the evening, he waited until Fu Tingye came back.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Tang Moran sitting on the sofa with a slightly surprised appearance.

Tang Moran heard the movement coming from the door, and couldn't open his sleepy eyes, but suddenly he became energetic.

Then immediately stood up from the sofa, smiled and said, "You are back!"

Fu Tingye didn't expect the little girl to wait for him all the time, so he asked in a gentle and petting tone under his eyes: "Why?

Is it too late to sleep? "

Passing the taken off coat to the servant waiting aside, Fu Tingye walked to Tang Moran's side.

"It's nothing, I just made some biscuits today, and I saved some for you to taste." Because Fu Tingye said before that he wanted to eat biscuits.

Yes, she always remembered.

Fu Tingye seemed to just remember now, that she did say that she wanted to eat the biscuits made by the little girl.

The corners of his lips raised slightly, and he nodded, "Where are the biscuits? I will try to see if all your talents are accumulated in making

Cookies on. "

Tang Moran didn't think about what he meant by this sentence, but immediately jumped to the study room and put the biscuits enthusiastically.

He took it out, and then handed it to Fu Tingye, speaking quietly and expectantly: "No, you can try it."

Fu Tingye looked at the good-looking cookies baked in front of him, reached out and took a piece, put it in his mouth,

Tao is indeed very good.

After eating a piece, he didn't say anything, but took another piece and put it in his mouth.

Tang Moran saw him not talking, just eating all the time, staring at him strangely: "Is it delicious?"

Why doesn't he just eat?

Fu Tingye glanced at her, but still did not speak, and continued to eat, acting gracefully, even when he was eating,

It is a kind of enjoyment.

Tang Moran was confused, and finally couldn't help it, "Is it not delicious?"

Fu Tingye took a sip of the cup of coffee the servant had just made for him, and then slowly responded, "Not bad."

He has never liked sweets, but the craftsmanship of this girl is indeed quite in line with his taste.

Hearing him say this, Tang Moran's heart hanging high finally fell. She was almost scared to death, thinking that he

I don’t like my own biscuits.

However, Fu Tingye only used a small dish before seeing it, so he asked casually: "I did this.

How much? "

Tang Moran responded without thinking, "No, I will return Yingying and..."

As soon as he said this, Tang Moran stopped his voice in time and almost bit off his tongue.

Before, Fu Tingye warned herself more than once to stay away from Fu Jingting.

A little farther away, he even personally gave him biscuits to eat. If Fu Tingye knew about it, I guess he would be indispensable.

Be trained.

Seeing Fu Tingye’s suspicious eyes, she immediately answered: "Give it back to the other servants in the villa. He

They all said it was pretty good, praised my good craftsmanship and let me teach them. "

When Fu Tingye heard the words, he didn't say much, but withdrew his gaze of inquiry, and then said, "This cake will

I can only cook it for me alone, understand? "

Tang Moran didn't understand very well, and looked at him a little unclearly, "Why?"

Good things should be shared by everyone! Why can I only make it for him?

Fu Tingye stretched out his hand to hold the person in his arms, with unprecedented solemnity and pampering: "Because you are me

Yes, I am alone. "

Tang Moran's face turned red all of a sudden, really, I have never noticed that Fu Tingye knows how

Love words.

She lowered her head shyly, not daring to look at him, and she was leaning against Fu Tingye's arms.

However, at this moment, a bodyguard came in outside and saw Fu Tingye, he seemed to have something to say, but his vision was

Glancing at Tang Moran in his arms, he looked like he wanted to talk.

When Fu Tingye saw this, he waved his hand and said in a very calm tone, "I will talk about it later when I enter the study."

The bodyguard responded, and then retreated.

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