Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1972: .Horribly quiet

Sitting in the car, Tang Moran looked at Fu Tingye's further and further figure, vaguely feeling melancholy.

She always felt that Fu Tingye seemed to be hiding something from her, but she couldn't figure out exactly what it was.

I don’t know why Fu Jingting’s words came out all of a sudden, she murmured: "Is it possible that the ex-girl

Friends gone? "

She shook her head for an instant, and scolded that she was really driven by Fu Jingting's neurosis. What is wrong with what he said?

Can be trusted.

However, because Fu Tingye didn’t come back today, Tang Moran returned to his original internship position and talked to Fan Ying.

Ying together.

"Momo, what are you doing? What are you doing in a daze! I have called you many times, and you just ignored me." Fan Yingying

It was a bit strange to see Tang Moran's dazed look against his head.

Whatever happened to this girl, she had been in a daze since she came in the morning, and she shouldn't be told.

Tang Moran seemed to have just recovered, staring at Fan Yingying blankly and said, "What? What did you just say?"

Fan Yingying rolled her eyes to the sky, and then said to Tang Moran: "Since the morning, you have been in a daze at least five times.

Going up, did you go to be a thief last night, or have you encountered any difficulties recently? You can tell me something. "

Tang Moran shook his head immediately: "No, nothing, nothing."

Fan Yingying sneered coldly, staring at her with disdain: "Don't talk to me. You look like this.

I have lovesickness. I heard that you came to the company alone today. What's wrong? Your husband always goes to meet other kids

Is the fairy gone? "

Fan Yingying didn't evade her words. The scared Tang Moran immediately stretched out her hand to cover her mouth: "You are a little bit younger.

Sound, what my boss, don’t talk nonsense. "

Fan Yingying made a mockery that you dare not admit.

Tang Moran didn't care what she thought, but warned again: "Don't say any more, have you heard?"

She was covering her mouth and she could only nod her head.

She put down her hand in relief, and then sat back.

Fan Yingying continued to ask softly, "What happened? You said it!"

Tang Moran said, "I don't know, but he was very strange these two days. He came back late last night. Today

Early in the morning, he answered the phone and left. He originally planned to accompany me to the company. "

Fan Yingying touched her chin and analyzed with her seriously: "From my many years of experience, I think

Your boss, there should be other little fairies outside. "

Tang Moran raised her voice angrily: "Fan Yingying!"

Fan Yingying immediately lowered her voice: "Fine, ancestor, can't it be easier for me?

Ah, you must never tell Fu that I always said it, or I will lose my job. "

Tang Moran ignored her at all, just said, "I think it's all you think about, he should be going to deal with other things."

Seeing that she didn’t believe it, Fan Yingying didn’t force it. She just said, “If you don’t believe me, there’s nothing you can do, but I think

Yes, if you want to test him, you can ask casually, what did he do, if you really can’t ask

Come, just do a risky thing. "

Tang Moran raised his eyes, somewhat puzzled.

Fan Yingying took out a lipstick from her bag and handed it to her: "You take advantage of him to pay

When I came back, I put the lipstick in his coat and asked him where did this lipstick come from? It depends on his reaction.

Yes, if he reacts normally, it means that he has no ghosts in his heart, and there should be no little fairies outside. If there are ghosts,

You should be able to see it too. "

Tang Moran took the lipstick and stared blankly.

She usually doesn’t make up, so she doesn’t use lipsticks, but Fan Yingying likes to make up and also like to play tricks

Some, so a lot of lipstick.

Seeing Tang Moran staring at her lipstick and not speaking, Fan Yingying patted her on the shoulder without saying anything.

For a whole day, Tang Moran didn't hear about Fu Tingye's return until he got off work. The driver still came to pick her up.

When she got in the car, she casually asked Xiao Zhou, the driver: "Brother Zhou, is Mr. Fu back?"

Xiao Zhou shook his head: "No."

Tang Moran's heart sank suddenly.

Why didn't he have any news all day? Where is he and what is he doing?

Holding a mobile phone in her hand, she wants to call him, but she tells her rationally that she can’t call, maybe he is working,

Or he is doing something important, which would disturb him.

But there are questions. Is he so busy that he doesn't even have time to call himself?

She sat there entangled, entangled until the car drove to the villa, the phone call did not go out.

After getting out of the car, Tang Moran had just entered the entrance, a servant came over to take the bag in her hand, and then asked: "Miss Tang, late

The meal is ready. Would you like to use it now or wait? "

"Aren't you waiting for Mr. Fu?" She was a little confused.

The servant smiled and responded: "Mr. Fu has just called back, saying that he will not be back for dinner at night, let

You eat first. "

"He called back? Then did he say where he was and when would he be back?" She was surprised, and Fu Tingye called

I didn't call myself when I went to the old house. Why?

The servant shook his head: "No, the sir only said that he would not come back for dinner, but did not say where or when he would be back."

Tang Moran lowered his eyes with disappointment, and silently turned upstairs.

The servant caught up again and asked when she would have dinner. Tang Moran waved his hand with a sad expression: "I don't

I'm hungry, so I won't eat at night. "

After speaking, he turned around and left without waiting for the servant to say anything.

When Fu Tingye came back in the evening, he didn't see Tang Moran in the living room, so he asked casually, "Where is the young lady?"


"Did you have dinner?" he asked again.

The servant hesitated for a while, then stammered in response: ", when the lady came back in the evening,

We asked her when to have dinner, she asked when you would come back, and then told her that you would not come back at night.

Later, Miss Tang didn’t seem to be very happy, and then she just said that dinner was not needed.

Come out of the room. "

Hearing this, Fu Tingye frowned, and then said to the servant: "Go and cook some bird's nest porridge and other snacks."

The servant immediately followed suit.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Tingye went upstairs, walked to the door of Tang Moran's room, reached out and knocked on the door: "Mo'er."

Tang Moran in the room suddenly heard Fu Tingye’s voice. She was startled first, and then she sat back again.

After waiting for a long time before opening the door.

After knocking on the door for a long time, Fu Tingye saw that Tang Moran had only come to open the door for a long time, and when he opened the door, he noticed that she seemed bored.

Happy look.

He followed in her footsteps and asked softly, "I heard that Wife Gui said that you didn't eat dinner, what's wrong? Isn't it?

Uncomfortable? "

Tang Moran shook his head and muttered, "No, I'm just not hungry."

Fu Tingye walked up to her, reached out and probed her forehead. The temperature was normal, but there was no sign of fever.

Seeing that her expression really seemed to be frowning, he lifted her chin and stared at the expression on her face

Q: "What's the matter? Why are you unhappy?"

Tang Moran would not admit that he was unhappy, and stretched out his hand to wave his hand holding his chin, and his tone was a little impatient.

Explanation: "I'm not upset. I just don't want to eat. You think too much."

Seeing that Tang Moran didn't seem to have a good temper today, Fu Tingye was taken aback for a while, narrowed his eyes slightly, and raised his voice.

She called her name: "Tang Moran!"

Suddenly, her footsteps halted, and the whole person was shocked.

It is undeniable that Tang Moran actually has an instinctive fear of Fu Tingye. Therefore, he is obviously angered.

When Yi called her name, she was nervous all over.

Fu Tingye sat on the sofa with a cold face, and then continued to command: "Come here, stand in front of me!"

Tang Moran hesitated for a while, and finally walked up to Fu Tingye obediently and stood there, only the expression on his face, always

A little cold.

Fu Tingye raised his sharp eyes and stared at her, and then asked, "Let's talk about it, what's the matter, what's your dissatisfaction with me?"

Tang Moran still had the same expression as usual, and responded indifferently: "Nothing."

But her tone of voice and her attitude didn't seem like an expressionless expression.

Fu Tingye softened her posture appropriately: "You are not like nothing, Mo'er, I am

As I said before, I don't like other people lying, especially you, but you always seem to be unable to remember. "

Tang Moran curled his lips and stood still, pursing his lips without speaking.

What should she say, and asked him if he was with another woman? She said she didn’t fight because he didn’t come back.

I called myself, disappeared all day, and there was no news, so I am upset?

How do you listen, it seems to be the reason for being jealous?

But now, she doesn’t know exactly where Fu Tingye went during the day, so she would look a little jealous.


When Fu Tingye saw that she was silent, standing in front of him, he knocked on the handle of the sofa and asked in a deep voice: "I am

Ask you something. "

Tang Moran looked at Fu Tingye’s face sitting there, and it took a long time before he said: "I just don’t want to eat dinner and

Already, really nothing. "

She didn't dare to challenge Fu Tingye, who was obviously unhappy, and it was herself who suffered in the end.

Seeing that Tang Moran was obviously afraid of his counseling appearance, Fu Tingye's heart suddenly softened, and he was angry.

It was just to scare her, and I hope she will remember next time and stop starving herself.

"Aren't you dissatisfied with me?" he asked, his voice softer.

Tang Moran shook his head quickly: "No, no, why should I be dissatisfied with you?"

Even if there is her, how dare you say?

At this moment, the servant knocked on the door and walked in with the bird's nest porridge and snacks that Fu Tingye had just ordered.

"Mr. Fu, the porridge is ready."

"Okay, put it there." Fu Tingye ordered.

After the servant put the things down, he withdrew out.

Fu Tingye directly said to Tang Moran: "Go and eat those before going to sleep."

Tang Moran didn't dare to say anything more, and obediently walked to the edge of the table, pulled the chair away and sat down, looking at the color and fragrance in front of him.

Complete food and snacks, in fact, there is no excessive appetite.

But Fu Tingye was sitting on the side, she couldn’t say not to eat, not to mention that she couldn’t do it, she just borrowed her courage.

Son, she didn't dare.

So, she obediently picked up the spoon and ate slowly.

Fu Tingye didn't speak, so he took a book and sat there flipping through it.

For a while, the only sound in the room was the sound of her using a spoon to hit the porcelain bowl from time to time, and the sound of paper.

Quiet and terrible.

When Tang Moran finished eating, she touched her bracing belly, stood up, and said to Fu Tingye, "I'm full."

Fu Tingye glanced at her, then nodded in satisfaction, patted the empty place beside her and said, "Come and sit down."

Tang Moran felt that if she sat there, her stomach would feel uncomfortable after a while, so she shook her head and refused.

Jue: "No, I'll just stand and eat a lot."

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