Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1976: . She has me in her heart

There are quite a lot of people sitting in the dark box in the Ye Weiyang clubhouse.

Although all of them seem to be young, but all of them look complacent.

One of them picked up the wine glass, walked to Fu Tingye who was sitting there, and chuckled lightly and said, "Ting Ye, Duo

Years gone, I didn't expect you to be the same as before. You don't like to talk wherever you go. You just sit in the corner. "

Fu Tingye picked up the wine glass and chuckled lightly, "Just talk about it."

This time the reunion of classmates also happened to be today, and it was Fu Tingye who came to say hello.

Squad leader.

After graduation, although some of them have developed well, they are still inferior in front of Fu Tingye.

A lot.

The monitor’s tone was a little teasing: “That’s true, every year for classmates reunions, basically we never invite you to come.

If Annie didn’t happen to return to China this year and brought you here, I’m afraid it’s hard to see you President Fu at this year’s class reunion.

The honor. It seems that the combined face of so many people in our class is not as great as Annie alone. "

Several female classmates all looked over with some envy.

Fu Tingye just shook the red wine glass in his hand, pursing his lips and said nothing.

Indeed, since graduating from university, he has never participated in these class reunions and the like. If

Not today, Annie pulled him over, and he won't be there either.

The squad leader had always gossiped, approached Fu Tingye, and asked mysteriously: "What's the situation between you and Annie? When?

Count marriage? "

When two people were in college, they were a couple. As we all know, many people think that two people are like this

It should have been together for many years.

It just so happened that Annie walked over with a wine glass, and for so many years, she was still beautiful and charming.

"What are you talking about?" she asked with a smile, her tone familiar.

It seems that when we were still in college, we still met each other every day.

The squad leader didn’t think it was too much to watch the excitement and said: “I’m talking about when you and Tingye will get married.

For many years, why haven’t you heard about your marriage? We are all waiting to eat wedding candy. "

Hearing that, Annie subconsciously looked at Fu Tingye, who was sitting next to him, but the expression on the latter’s face was very pale, it seemed that there was

Meaning to respond.

She just froze for a while, and then continued smiling and replied; "It depends on Ah Ye, after all, I am also waiting."

The monitor immediately smiled and said: "Ting Ye, the girl’s youth can’t wait. It’s only a few years. Look at you and

Annie has been together for so many years, don't let people wait for a long time. "

Annie sat aside, listening to the monitor’s words, her face was always gentle, but she was holding the red wine glass.

But because of the slight effort, it turned white.

She was waiting quietly, waiting for Fu Tingye's response.

Fu Tingye raised his eyes, those indifferent to the extreme eyes, calmly looked at the monitor in front of him, his thin lips lifted slightly, and then

Explanation: "We have broken up."

In a word, the squad leader was stunned for an instant, and at the same time, the expression on Annie's face changed slightly.

The bustling box just now quieted down instantly, and even the sound of a needle falling on the ground was clearly audible.

Before the monitor continued to ask, Fu Tingye smiled faintly.

Immediately afterwards, he put down the wine glass in his hand and stood up: "Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom."

After speaking, he walked outside and left the box.

The squad leader who had heard Fu Tingye’s response remained unrecovered for a long time and watched sitting there, his face still calm, but

With emotions in her eyes, Annie asked: "You two..."

Annie pursed her lips and only drank the wine in the wine glass in her hand. Then she smiled and responded to the curiosity of other students

And gossip.

"A Ye and I have some conflicts recently."

When the squad leader heard this, he was instantly relieved: "Oh, what I said, your love back then was vigorous, but we

A model couple who is out of school, how can they say that they broke up? "

The corners of Annie's mouth twitched gently.

A female student with gossip asked softly: "What is the quarrel between you and Fu Tingye?"

Annie was not easy to explain, but smiled faintly.

The female classmate seemed to have guessed something, her face changed slightly, and she lowered her voice and said, "Is there a fox?

Are you looking at Fu Tingye? "

Anne thought of the mysterious little girl, her eyes darkened again, and then she smiled, "Nothing, you guys

Don't guess, he has been under pressure at work recently and his mood is not very good. There is no big problem. "

After she finished speaking, she smiled and sue her classmates and paid a penalty, and then left the box.

As soon as Fu Tingye came out of the bathroom, she saw Annie leaning against the wall, with delicate makeup, that white and white

On the beautiful face, he said with a calm expression: "A Ye, is it necessary to be so decisive?"

Even if Annie did not clearly point out what was the cause, Fu Tingye immediately understood that Annie

What is meant.

"I'm telling the truth, isn't it?" He raised his eyes to look at her, his tone of voice was light, and his expression was the same.

Five years later, no matter how hot the feelings were then, they will calm down over time, just like he is now looking at the

Annie, no longer feel distressed or intolerable.

"Fact?" Annie stepped back a few steps, staring at the expression in front of her as if she had heard a very funny joke.

Calm Fu Tingye: "Aye, I said that you will always be my safe haven and won't let me get hurt.

Yes, you now...what is this?"

In the past, Fu Tingye never seemed to embarrass her in front of others, and was even afraid that she was not good enough.

Always hold her in the palm of his hand.

"It makes everyone look at me. This is your promise to me? You have changed..."

Fu Tingye didn't deny it, and raised his footsteps again: "Everyone changes, right? You and I change."

After so many years, who can guarantee that no one will change and remain the same?

"Aye, shall we go back in time?" She suddenly walked up, hugged him from behind, with a low tone of voice, carrying

Obvious crying.

Anne used to be aloof, she was always held in the palm of Fu Tingye, but now, no more

Fu Tingye spoiled her, in front of him, there was nothing at all.

Fu Tingye pulled her to hold her hand little by little, and then said: "I can't go back, it's not early, I should go back

went. "

He raised his hand and glanced at his watch. It was already late. If the little girl was still waiting for him at home, wouldn't it be too late.

Therefore, he has to go back soon.

Annie saw that he was about to leave after taking a look at the time, and she immediately said, "Are you really serious about that little girl?"

Fu Tingye paused slightly, did not turn around, and did not respond to her.

But Annie seemed to notice something suddenly, some could not believe it, and some looked at him ridiculously.

Said: "That's just a little girl who just came out of campus. She doesn't understand anything. How can she help you?

What? I'm afraid you don't even have a common topic, together, you will only feel tired. "

"At least, she has me in her heart." After speaking, he lifted his foot and left.

This time, there was no hesitation.

Annie stood on the spot, looking at Fu Tingye's leaving back, her eyes flashed with a sharp expression that was bound to come.

Ah Ye, don’t have to refuse me so quickly. I’m coming back this time. I came back for you. I won’t.

You give it to anyone, absolutely not!

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