Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1984: .Cute her

However, she was a little dizzy just after having a glass of red wine, and the whole person blushed.

Okay, after that, I got more and more dizzy, and my speech began to knot.

Fu Tingye shouldn't have thought that Tang Moran would drink so lightly. Seeing her face getting redder and red, then she found

She seemed to be more and more unscrupulous in her words.

"A Ye, is there any wine?" She asked, her speech warm, but it was obviously different from usual.

Seeing her apparently drunk appearance, Fu Tingye shook her head: "Nothing."

Tang Moran glared at him immediately, those bright eyes, like a little fox cub, with a bit of speechlessness.

Coming Clear: "You lie! There is clearly here, you are a big liar who loves to lie!"

Her voice was crisp and warm, and she was obviously blaming others, but she just heard a tingle of coquetry.

Fu Tingye knew that she had drunk too much, so she picked up the rest of the wine on the table and handed it to the servant at the door, saying, "Take the wine

Take it down. "

When Tang Moran saw that he was about to take the wine away, he immediately got up from the chair and ran over to grab the wine in his hand.

Bottle: "You bastard, you want to grab my wine!"

Fu Tingye couldn't laugh or cry, stretched out her hand to pull away the hand of Tang Moran holding the bottle, and then handed the bottle in time.

To the servant: "Okay, take it away quickly."

The servant immediately took the bottle and left in a hurry. Tang Moran was going to chase after him, but before he could catch up, he was caught by Fu.

Ting Ye grabbed her wrist and drew it back: "Okay, there is no more wine in the bottle. Are we full?

It's time to go upstairs to sleep. "

But Tang Moran’s tongue was knotted. He stretched out his hand and beat Fu Tingye’s chest, stuttering: "Bad

egg! big liar! Obviously... Obviously I haven't finished drinking, you lied to me! "

Fu Tingye really didn't expect Tang Moran to be so serious right now, just because of a bottle of wine.

He stretched out his hand to grab her frantic hand, softly coaxing: "Moo'er, we should go upstairs, the wine is really gone.

Yes. "

But Tang Moran is obviously not good at fooling around, and still stubbornly said: "Liar! Big liar! Obviously you are

Take it away! "

"No, no, it was because there was no inside, so I took it away. You drank all of it. If you don’t believe me, I’ll wait a while.

Let the servant show you the bottle back? "He was very patient, holding her and coaxing softly.

The little girl raised her wet eyes, her big pure eyes flickered, like feathers, and passed Fu Ting.

The heart of the night.

"Really?" she asked, her voice innocent and cute.

Fu Tingye's heart was instantly soft and messed up, and nodded: "Of course it is true."

Immediately afterwards, he instructed outside: "Bring the empty wine bottle over and show Mo'er."

The servant immediately did the same, poured out all the remaining wine, and then brought the empty wine bottle.

Fu Tingye personally handed it to Tang Moran in his arms, and said, "Look at it, is it gone?"

The drunk Tang Moran was simple and cute, and his face was red and pitiful.

She picked up the wine bottle and poured it on the ground. Seeing no wine came out for a long time, she even turned her eyes towards the mouth of the bottle.

I looked inside, and finally let out a hum, threw the bottle back on the table, and then pestered Fu Tingye and asked: "You

Is there any wine? "

Fu Tingye did not expect that Tang Moran would ask himself this question. After a little dazed, he raised his eyebrows and said, "You want

What if? "

Tang Moran nodded seriously and eagerly: "I want it."

Fu Tingye pointed to his thin lips, with a smile filled his eyes: "Then you kiss me, I'll see if there is any."

Tang Moran didn't act immediately. Fu Tingye saw her hesitate, but actually he didn't have any hope, just teasing her.

But unexpectedly, Tang Moran sat up from his arms instantly, and then kissed the corner of his lips. Soon, he

Retracted in his arms, blinked and asked timidly: "Can you give it to me?"

Fu Tingye was stunned for a moment. If in normal times, Tang Moran would never have been so proactive. Unexpectedly,

She was silly and cute when she was drunk.

So, he looked at her, shook his head, and said unsatisfactorily: "It's not enough, I need to kiss a little longer."

Tang Moran blinked, his face flushed even more: "But I just kissed..."

Such a cute Tang Moran, he really saw him for the first time, the little girl usually looks timid, but the first

This time, she complained to him in a low voice and aggrieved.

Fu Tingye lifted her chin and kissed her lips. The scent of red wine between her lips and teeth made him think slightly.

Want more.

So, he held her with his hands little by little, starting to move from her.

Tang Moran was struggling at first, but he did not expect that later, he sinked bit by bit, and there was an ambiguous atmosphere around him.

The atmosphere is burning.

He suddenly hugged Tang Moran horizontally, and step by step, he hugged him upstairs.

When he walked to the door of the room, he kicked open the door of the room, then put Tang Moran on the bed, and the whole person followed


But at exactly this moment, there was a sound from the mobile phone, but Fu Tingye, who was obviously sinking into his desires, did not call at all.

Count to answer the phone.

But Tang Moran reached out to push him, and said in a small voice: "The phone rang."

Fu Tingye wanted to continue, so she coaxed her: "It's okay if you don't answer."

Unexpectedly, Tang Moran didn't know what evil he was caught, and always rejected him and said, "Go answer the phone!"

She was very determined, Fu Tingye had no choice but to get up and answer the phone.

Because of leaving on this kind of thing, Fu Tingye’s mood is very bad now, and he doesn’t even look at the telegraph

He said in a deep voice, "Who?"

The person on the other end of the phone probably didn’t expect that Fu Tingye’s attitude would be so bad, but he still looked as usual and fair.

The official said: "Mr. Fu, it's me, Annie."

Fu Tingye didn't expect that Annie would call herself at this late hour.

He turned his head subconsciously, and went to see Tang Moran, who was sitting on the bed, covered with quilt, and seemed to be asleep.

Walking towards the door of the room, he said with a gentle attitude, "What's the matter?"

"Aren’t we going to Xixiang tomorrow, but I checked, it will rain in Xixiang tomorrow, so be careful

It’s a little thicker. Take care to bring rain gear. I don’t want it. Mr. Fu got gonorrhea because he went out for a day of inspection. "

There was nothing unusual in her tone. Fu Tingye didn’t respond in heart: “Don’t worry, I’m not that

fragile. "

Annie was silent on the other end of the phone, and then continued to chuckle: "See you tomorrow, Mr. Fu."

After speaking, she cut off the phone first.

Fu Tingye stared at the severed phone, rolled his throat slightly, then opened the door again and walked in.

Go, but when he walked to the bed, he found that the little girl had fallen asleep, breathing smoothly and evenly asleep.

She slept quite well, quietly, her long eyelashes falling down, creating a shadow under her eyes.

He sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand to cover her quilt, then lightly kissed her on the forehead, and finally left the room.

Early the next morning, when Tang Moran rubbed his sore head that was about to explode and sat up, the servant knocked on the sober soup.

The door came in and said, "Miss, you are awake."

Tang Moran knocked his head, and replied weakly, "Yes."

The servant brought the hangover soup to Tang Moran. Seeing that she was so uncomfortable, he said: "What you drank last night

A lot. This is a hangover soup. Drink it while it is hot. "

Tang Moran was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said, "Did I drink yesterday?"

The servant nodded blankly: "Yes, I drank it."

Suddenly, Tang Moran immediately rang the alarm bell in his mind, pulling the servant to ask anxiously: "Then have I done anything excessive?

What's coming? "

The servant looked at Tang Moran with a smile on his face and said: "Last night, you had been pulling your husband to ask for wine. Later

Well, you have to kiss your husband, and then your husband will hold you into the room. "

At that moment, Tang Moran only felt that she might have to find a place to sew in, otherwise she really didn’t know

Dao, she has any face to stay here.

She immediately opened the quilt and got out of bed, and then said to the servant: "It's over, this is over. I think it's really going to die."

She wants to kiss Fu Tingye? Put people to sleep?

What stupid things did she do when she was drunk!

When the servant saw her stepping on the carpet with bare feet anxiously, she immediately persuaded her: "Miss, you should put on your shoes first.

Then I drank the sober soup, otherwise I will catch a cold later, the temperature has dropped in these two days, and it is very cold. "

Tang Moran did not refuse. After putting on his shoes, he continued to ask the servant while drinking the hangover soup: "I really

Take the initiative to kiss Fu Tingye? "

The servant nodded affirmatively: "Yes."

Tang Moran frightened his hand when he sobered the soup bowl, and almost smashed the bowl.

She absently drank the wine, and then immediately called Fan Yingying.

As soon as the phone was connected, Tang Moran immediately said: "Yingying, something bad! Something big!"

Fan Yingying didn't know why on the other end of the phone. At the moment, she was still sleeping, so she asked in a daze:

"What's the matter? What are you talking about?"

"I was drunk last night, so I should have put Fu Tingye to sleep!" Tang Moran said in a hurry.

Fan Yingying was shocked to wake up at once: "What? You say it again, what did you do?"

Tang Moran looked at Fan Yingying's disbelief, so she could only helplessly cover her face and repeat: "You didn't listen

Wrong, I was crazy about drinking and put Fu Tingye to sleep last night. "

"Fucking Niubi, Tangtang! Why are you so good! Get drunk and get things done?" Fan Yingying was on the phone.

Head can hardly hide the surprise and admiration.

Tang Moran just wanted to cry now, so she reluctantly said, "Yingying, what you should be thinking now is how?

Save me instead of thinking about the others. "

On the contrary, Fan Yingying was immersed in the question that Tang Moran slept with Fu Tingye and did not come out. She asked a hot question:

"How do you feel? Do you feel pain in your back, or even your whole body?"

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