Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1990: .Deed? !

With a curious attitude, she clicked on the document and found that it seemed to be a contract, which was a blank contract.

Same, but at the end, there are signatures of Tang Daqiang and her brother.

Tang Moran felt very strange, why would her brother and father sign a blank contract?

However, this problem did not make her entangled for too long, but she opened the web page, then searched the video and looked at it.

It was not until Tang Moran fell asleep in a daze that she felt as if someone had come in.

She tried to open her eyes to see if it was Fu Tingye, but she was too sleepy until someone touched her head

Say softly: "Okay, go to sleep."

She closed her eyes in peace again, it was Fu Tingye's voice, she recognized.

Early the next morning, Tang Moran woke up in bed. As soon as he opened his eyes, he found someone standing in front of the French window.

Wearing a black shirt and suit trousers, that familiar back figure made Tang Moran react instantly, who it was.

She stared at him in a daze, Fu Tingye turned around and saw the little girl, watching with sleepy eyes

I am confused.

He chuckles: "Wake up?"

The little girl nodded blankly, and then asked: "Why haven't you left?"

She thought that at this point, he should already be outside.

Fu Tingye said, "Don't worry, you have to eat breakfast with you before leaving."

Tang Moran was about to lift the quilt and get out of bed, only then did he remember that he seemed to have no clothes to wear, Fu Tingye seemed to see

No matter what she meant, he walked to the bed, handed the new clothes to her and said, "Wear this suit today."

Tang Moran stretched out his hand to take it, then nodded, "Okay."

The new dress is a white chiffon dress with a small fragrant jacket outside.

Tang Moran took the clothes and was about to go to the bathroom to change, but was stopped by Fu Tingye: "You change first, I'll go out and come back soon."

Then, Fu Tingye went out, closed the door of the room, Tang Moran took the clothes and quickly put them on, and then went to wash

Wash your hands.

Tang Moran had just combed his hair almost here. When he was about to go out, Fu Tingye came back.

Then, he took her hand and led her out.

Tang Moran actually thought that he would collide with Annie, but he didn’t expect that as soon as he got out of the elevator, he would face him and get off the elevator next to him.

Here came Annie, and today Annie is still dressed up in professional attire, but her makeup is very delicate.


It looks a little sharper and more capable than usual. When I saw her, I didn’t seem to see her again, just

Say hello to Fu Tingye: "Mr. Fu, that's a coincidence."

Fu Tingye responded indifferently, and then led Tang Moran into the restaurant.

Tang Moran followed Fu Tingye all the way, and said nothing.

But my heart was a little bit sour.

I don’t know why, but at this moment Fu Tingye is leading the person, and Fu Tingye didn’t show anything to Annie.

What emotions shouldn't be, but Tang Moran's heart was still filled with anxiety.

She always can't help but feel inferior in front of Annie.

It is said that the first love of a teenager is unforgettable. Fu Tingye back then, for Annie, perhaps really loved her very deeply.

And he was the one dumped.

Annie brought her assistant and walked over. After all, it was breakfast time, so there were still a lot of people dining, Fu Tingye

I took a seat with you, Tang Moran, and there is no room at the restaurant. The waiter said apologetically:

"I'm sorry this lady, you may need to wait a moment."

Annie's eyes looked at Fu Tingye who had already sat down with Tang Moran, her lips pressed and she said nothing.

The assistant next to her immediately walked to Fu Tingye and Tang Moran and said, "Mr. Fu, there are no tables in the restaurant.

Is it convenient to put together a table? "

Fu Tingye did not speak, but made a piece of toast jam for Tang Moran, and asked softly: "Try it, do you

To your taste. "

Tang Moran saw that the assistant was standing there a little embarrassed, so he said to Fu Tingye: "There are many people in the restaurant.

Miss Ann came over to make a table. "

After all, she is not a stingy person, since she is an ex-girlfriend, if she is stingy, she would not be on the stage.

Fu Ting Ye arrived and did not say much, just nodded to the assistant: "Yes."

The assistant quickly walked back to Annie and told her the news.

Soon, Annie came over and sat down. During the period, Tang Moran did not take the initiative to mention anything, and Annie was also a

The appearance of non-staple food without talking.

It was very quiet. After breakfast, there was no sound except for the sound of knife and fork hitting the dinner plate from time to time.

Tang Moran had never had such a strange and quiet breakfast.

After breakfast, Annie cleaned her mouth elegantly with a wet towel, and then asked Fu Tingye again: "Fu

Anyway, in a moment, shall we continue to inspect the places we did not finish shopping yesterday, or go to other places? "

Fu Tingye raised his hand and glanced at the watch, and then said to Annie: "You wait a minute."

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand to tidy up Tang Moran's collar, and touched her hair and asked softly: "I want to follow

Stay with us, or do you want the driver to take you back? I was able to get to the villa almost tonight. "

He is telling her that today his last name is Cheng.

Since Tang Moran is here, he naturally wants to follow Fu Tingye.

It’s just that she actually felt that Annie, who was next to her, hadn’t looked at herself, but the corner of her eye had always been

Falling on yourself.

So, she smiled and said: "I will go with you, and then we will go home together at night, OK?"

Fu Tingye saw her smile sweetly, and she felt better all at once, reached out and patted her head, softly echoed

Should: "Good."

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