Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1992: Emotional

Lin Ting sat opposite Tang Moran, seeing the setting sun outside had begun to droop, and since Tang Moran came in,

Without saying a word, she slightly wanted to break the deadlock, and then took out her phone and said to Tang Moran:

"Why haven't they come back, I'll call to ask hello."

But Lin Ting’s hand was about to dial the phone. Tang Moran, who had been silent for a long time, said, "No, they

Should be still busy, are you waiting here all the time? "

Lin Ting was surprised to see that Tang Moran was always calm, her boyfriend hugged other women and left.

Tang Moran was still indifferent, and he didn’t even leave a sentence. This kind of tolerance really made Lin Tingqin


However, she still responded: "I will call and ask later, if it doesn't work, I will go back to the hotel first."

Tang Moran picked up the phone, and then said to Lin Ting: "Okay, we'll just part ways here, I plan to

gone back. "

Lin Ting didn't even have time to ask her where she was going back, Tang Moran had already left.

Lin Ting was left sitting there, confused.

In the hospital, Annie was sitting there with a needle poked in her finger, with water hanging on it, sitting there, her face was not very emotional.

She never liked coming to the hospital. It used to be like this. Long ago, every time she got sick, Fu Tingye had to coax her

Just willing to come.

So, she brought him here today, and she sat there with an unhappy look on her face.

Fu Tingye, who had paid the fee, came over and saw Annie sitting there with an obviously not good mood on her face. He left.

Come over and say softly: "After the needle is lifted, the fever will almost go away."

Annie said, "Mr. Fu, I don’t like coming to the hospital. It’s just a matter of taking medicine. I think the needle is

wasting my time. "

While talking, she was going to pull the needle in her hand, but before her hand touched the needle, she was stopped by Fu Tingye.

Stayed, and then said in a low tone: "Don't move, if you can be resolved by taking medicine, I won't take you to the hospital at all."

Annie stared at Fu Tingye and held her hand. There was a flash of emotion in her eyes, but soon, she hooked

Lips lightly said, "Mr. Fu, everyone is very busy. I don’t have time to quarrel with you here. So, hug

Sorry, I can't listen to you. "

After speaking, Annie directly pushed away Fu Tingye’s hand, then pulled off the needle in her hand, and got up from the chair.

Come and leave.

Fu Tingye grabbed her again, and the emotions between her eyebrows were surging, and she didn't even ask her, and directly pressed the first aid.

Ling, soon a nurse walked in and asked, "Hello, what do you need?"

Fu Tingye kept staring at Annie in front of him, but he said to the nurse: "Thank you to get her a needle again."

Annie stared at him with the same frown, her eyes clearly resisting: "I said, I don't need to hit

Hanging needle. "

Fu Tingye didn't care what Annie said, and said directly to the nurse: "Thank you, please give her an injection."

Seeing this, the nurse over there didn't dare to say more, and hurried to get things.

Annie strongly wanted to shake off Fu Tingye's hand: "Mr. Fu, please let go."

Fu Tingye didn't seem to have heard it, but shook her hand firmly. With such strength, it directly hurt her.

But Annie gritted her teeth and resisted without saying a word.

Soon, the nurse came over and gave her the needle again.

Maybe it was because he was afraid that Annie would move, or like before, tearing off the pinhole, so he kept holding her

Keep her hands away.

During this period, Fu Tingye never said a word.

For some reason, Annie suddenly remembered that when the two of them were in college, it was the same. She was sick.

I came to the hospital and refused to get the needle. Then Fu Tingye held her hand like this, holding on to her.

Thinking about it now, those things seem to be yesterday.

I don’t know if the potion contains hypnotic ingredients, she gradually felt sleepy and fell asleep like that


When I opened my eyes again, I found myself leaning on someone, and there was no hanging needle in her hand.

The traces should be finished.

Seeing that she was awake, Fu Tingye stood up, then handed a glass of warm water to her: "Drink some water."

Annie was stunned for a moment, but soon she reached out to take the glass of water and took a few sips.

But after sleeping, she found that she was awake a lot, her head was no longer dizzy, and she was energetic.

"Thank you." She said, and then thanked Fu Tingye.

The tone was polite and alienated.

Fu Tingye seemed to be taken aback, but soon, his face returned to normal, and then he raised his hand and glanced at the watch.

Then he frowned and said: "It's not early, I will send you back."

Annie glanced at the wall clock on the wall. Indeed, they had been too long in the hospital. It was already afternoon.

It's five o'clock.

She didn't have any objections, and nodded: "Okay."

Because it was too late, they went straight back to the hotel.

However, Fu Tingye did not see Tang Moran in the hotel.

When I asked Lin Ting, Lin Ting also responded in surprise: "Ms. Tang said that she would come back first. I thought she

Have you returned to the hotel? "

Fu Tingye dialed Tang Moran's cell phone, but found that it was turned off.

However, he was not anxious, but dialed another call.

When the phone was picked up, I heard the bodyguard's voice on the other end of the phone: "Mr. Fu, Miss Tang should be going back.

, But she probably didn't notify you. "

After Fu Tingye knew about Tang Moran’s trail, he didn’t have any worries. After all, he had always sent someone to her.

While protecting her, he didn't worry too much.

"Okay, keep me staring at people. If anything happens, I will only ask you."


After hanging up the phone, Annie actively asked: "Miss Tang, did you go back first?"

Fu Tingye nodded: "For the next project, I will send someone to meet you, and I will return first."

He has stayed here long enough, and he has almost understood the general situation.

Upon hearing this, Annie froze for a moment, and then asked: "Aren't you patrolling with me?"

Fu Tingye explained: "Well, the company has a new project, waiting for me to go back and agree on a specific plan.

If there is anything, I will let Secretary Zhao meet you. "

At this time, Secretary Zhao appeared from the door of the hotel, wearing a professional attire, saw Annie, smiled and responded: "An

Long time no see. "

Annie nodded slightly, but she was still shocked in her heart.

She never expected that Fu Tingye would return at this moment.

So just in the hospital, he was kind to himself, what is it?

Annie's heart was upset for a while, and her head ached.

However, she had no reason to stop him.

When she reached the phrase "Don't go", she finally swallowed it back. She stood there for a while before responding:

"okay, I get it."

Fu Tingye didn't say much, but just told Secretary Zhao a few words, then turned and left.

And Annie kept staring at Fu Tingye's leaving back, her eyes a little dark, not as clear as before.

Fu Tingye arrived at the villa at about one o’clock in the night. He originally planned to go back to the room directly, but in the end,

Still can't worry about that little girl.

So, he pushed open the door of her room, only to find that she was not asleep, and turned off all the lights in the room.

Later, the whole person curled up on the sofa, holding his legs, and watching TV series there.

Seeing him coming in, her dark eyes seemed to shrink slightly, but it seemed that after seeing him, she stopped.

He looked away again, and then continued to stare at the TV in front of him.

He frowned slightly, and then turned on the light. Suddenly the whole room was bright as day. He walked to her and sat down,

The tone was hard to hide tiredness, with a little hoarseness: "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Tang Moran curled up together, still maintaining the previous posture, his tone was very low, and he couldn't see any emotions:

"not sleepy."

She just responded simply, but Fu Tingye heard something strange, he chuckled, and then stretched out

He touched her head and said softly: "It's a little bit at night, you should go to bed."

After speaking, he wanted to reach out and hug her, but Tang Moran reached out to avoid her: "No, I'm not sleepy."

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