Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1996: .Just an explanation

Tang Moran was tickled by him, and made a blushing "um".

"It's about Annie."

Tang Moran's body stiffened.

Fu Tingye turned her around and asked her to look at herself: "I confess to you, I did like her, and even thought about it.

She got married and had children... At that time, I was also very young. I met Annie in college and was attracted by her.

We came together, but after graduating from university, Annie suddenly chose to go abroad without even discussing with me in advance.

We are separated because of this. "

Tang Moran's heart was sour, his nose was sour, and his voice was dumb: "Do you feel sorry?"

Fu Tingye curled up his index finger and gently scraped Tang Moran's nose.

"Want to hear the truth?"

"You must not lie to me."

Fu Tingye nodded: "In the first half of the year she left, I was in a very bad state. I would often dream of

She wanted to fly abroad to find her, but then, gradually, it was not so easy to think of her. I did

I did regret it, but now, not anymore. "


"Because I have you. Stupid."

Fu Tingye gently kissed Tang Moran's lips.

Tang Moran's face flushed instantly.

He wanted to escape, but was confined in his arms by Fu Tingye, unable to struggle.

"Tonight, I have already talked with Annie. I think she should have let go of me." Fu Tingye rubbed gently.

Holding Tang Moran's neck, "So, Mo'er, don't be angry with me anymore, okay?"

Tang Moran retorted unconvincingly: "I don't have one, but you always tell the truth to me, so I can easily think about it."

"Well, it won't be anymore. If there is anything, I will tell you everything?"


Tang Moran nodded embarrassedly.

Fu Tingye looked at the girl's red face, and suddenly thought of something, "Mo'er, I forgot to ask you, you used to

Have you ever fallen in love with anyone? "

"No!" Tang Moran quickly said, "I refused!"

"Huh?" Fu Tingye's eyes sank: "So, it seems that someone likes you."

"I..." Tang Moran was speechless, stammering, looking at him nervously: "But I didn't agree, I...

I just……"

Fu Tingye smiled and stretched out her hand to hold her lips: "Don't be afraid, I won't be angry. You are so good, and people who like you should be

Ran much. This reminds me that in the future I have to pay more attention to you. So as not to be hooked away by someone outside. "

"Don't talk nonsense, you won't."

"Okay, it's late, hurry up and rest."


After a night of heart-to-heart talks, the two were completely reconciled as before. When Tang Moran went to the company the next day, the whole

People are glorious.

Fan Yingying was in the cafeteria at noon and couldn't help asking her: "Tangtang, what good has happened? I had a good time all morning."

Tang Moran told Fan Yingying what happened yesterday.

"If Annie can let go, it would be great. She probably won't have any contact with Fu Tingye in the future."

Fan Yingying disagreed.

While biting the chicken leg, he said, "Don't let your guard down, I think she won't let it go so easily.

Well, you don’t know how strong a woman’s jealousy is. "

"Will not."

Fan Yingying insisted: "You are too naive, I dare to pack a ticket with you, Annie must have something else to do."

CEO's office.

Secretary Zhao handed over the phone: "Ms. Fu, Miss Anne's phone."

Fu Tingye frowned, paused, and then took the phone.

"Annie. What's the matter?"

"Xixiang's project, I have transferred it to someone to meet you."

Fu Tingye nodded: "Okay."

"Aye, I thought about it for a long time after I went back last night. You are right. The past has passed and there will never be

If you can go back again, I will let go. I wish you and Tang Moran can go to the end. "

"Thank you."

Annie said: "I plan to go back to the United States. I will leave tomorrow. Come out to see you tonight as my final farewell."

Fu Tingye really had no reason to refuse, and did not hesitate for long, and nodded gently.

"it is good."

In the evening, Fu Tingye came to the hotel on the address as scheduled.

Annie booked a table for lovers. Seeing him come in, she waved to him: "A Ye, here."

Fu Tingye nodded lightly to indicate that he had seen it. After walking over and sitting down, he found bright red roses and candles on the table.

There are colored lights against the stand next to it.

"I don't know what you want to eat, but their main couple meal is good. I like the steak inside."

Ni took the menu and motioned to watch it with him.

Fu Tingye waved his hand directly and asked the waiter to come over: "Just order it if you like it."

After the waiter came, Fu Tingye directly ordered: "She wants a double portion of this set meal, and I want your restaurant’s recommended dishes.

Just fine. "

Annie was choked and speechless for a while, and his so obvious division made her at a loss.

She admitted that she had booked a couple table and ordered the couple set meal to reminisce with Fu Tingye about the interaction between the two.

"No, I want a recommended dish, and another bottle of red wine." Annie stopped the waiter who was about to leave.

Passed the menu, pursing his lips and smiling.

His eyes were curved into a crescent arc, and he used to like to smile like this the most.

Fu Tingye didn't give an extra look, and sat quietly opposite her.

"Aye, why don't you even want to accompany me to a couple's meal? Can't you practice it for me tonight?" She slightly

The coquettish tone is just right, which makes people feel a little numb.

However, that is for others.

Fu Tingye just glanced at her faintly, there was no fluctuation in her black eyes: "I just don't like to eat, there is no needle.

What you mean to you, if you like it, you can eat a double portion yourself. "

He gave her the choice, the choice of eating double portions alone.

In this sentence, Annie, who was also choking, couldn't speak.

She took a deep breath and was not discouraged: "I'll go to the bathroom to fix up some makeup."

Fu Tingye just nodded perfunctorily.

In the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror, she had clearly become good enough and good enough, but he still refused

Look at her again.

However, she has gone to this day for him. It is impossible to give up so easily and take out one from the bag that she has at hand.

The glass bottle with white powder in it, she held it in her palm, looked in the mirror again, and looked at herself quite natural.

Only then went out.

The waiter just came over with their red wine and glasses.

"Give it to me." Annie brought it over, poured the powder into the glass in the corner, and then poured red wine.

Fu Tingye knew nothing about this.

Annie put a glass of red wine in front of Fu Tingye, gave the other glass to herself, sat down and raised the glass.

Fu Tingye raised his glass in the same way, and they both took a sip after touching the edge of the glass.

Annie watched his drinking the whole time, resting her cheek with one hand, shaking the goblet with the other hand, her eyes focused and confused.

Li: "Night, I am leaving after today, don't you want to toast me off?"

Fu Ting paused at night, raised his wine glass, and drank the wine with his head raised.

Annie curled her lips and drank her glass of wine immediately.

The effect of the medicine appeared very quickly. After a while, Fu Tingye started to feel hot and scorched, pulling his tie crooked, and unbuttoning his shirt


Seeing the time was right, Annie got up to help him: "Aye, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable? Come, I will help you.

Rest awhile. "

"Let go." Fu Tingye pulled out his arm forcefully and frowned deeply. He already felt something was wrong.

Want to leave this place as soon as possible.

How could Annie let him slip away? This was her only chance, she immediately wrapped around like a soft snake

Going up, Fu Tingye couldn’t move freely: "Aye, just listen to me. There is a hotel room upstairs.

You go take a rest, we can also relive the past. "

"Annie, what good is it for you to do this?" Fu Tingye's eyes were scarlet, and she was fierce when she was sane.

Staring at her.

Annie was stared at him so that her hairs stood upright, but what does it matter? He is not in the palm of his hand now.

Li: "What I want is never good, what I want is you, Ah Ye, why don't you understand, I

For you, I have never really let go, because I love you, for so many years, you let go, but

And me? I left today because of you, because I was thinking of you in my heart, thinking of you, I have so much courage

Angry, you said you left me behind, have you thought about how I feel? "She complained sentence by sentence, carefully

With tears.

The sadness and reluctance of these years, as well as the love for him, she said at this moment.

She didn't want anything else, she only wanted Fu Tingye to give her an explanation.

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