Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1999: .together forever?

Hearing what he said, Tang Moran nodded and lay obediently on his hot chest, feeling the scorching temperature of his body.

Obviously, I just wanted to lie down, but I don’t know how to fall asleep in a daze. When I wake up, there is no Fu

Ting Ye's figure.

After touching it, the bed was cold, and the silk nightdress was put on the body without clothes.

She propped herself up, looked around the room and there was no figure of Fu Tingye, she lifted the quilt anxiously, barefoot

Down to the ground.

I didn't feel the soft carpet beside the bed, and I felt the coolness of my feet when I stepped out of the room.

She ran to the top of the stairs and saw Fu Tingye was about to go upstairs with hot porridge and small dishes.

I looked up and saw that she was standing barefoot at the top of the stairs, her toes kept bending and shrinking because of the coolness, try to avoid touching


I don’t care about the porridge. I feel a little angry. I stepped up in two steps and asked with a calm face: "Why come out without wearing shoes?"

Tang Moran shrank her neck in fright, her eyes erratic and she dared not look at him: "Uncle Fu..."

Hearing this name, he knew that she was afraid of him again, and the fire in her heart instantly disappeared without a trace, bending over directly

Pick her up, return to the room, and put her by the bed.

Kneeling on one knee to help her put on her slippers: "Why run out like this? What if you catch a cold?"

"I didn't see you when I woke up, I thought you were gone." She lacked confidence and kept watching his gentle movements.

Fu Ting paused at night, and stroked her delicate face with a big palm: "Where am I going? I don't care about you?"

"I let the kitchen stew the porridge, thinking that you weren't awake, so I wanted to bring it to you to drink, you pour it out, just ran out barefoot.

Go, let's not talk about it. "

"I didn't let you say it." She pouted, and the boss was unwilling: "Can you not be so fierce?" She knew she was afraid of him.

"Where am I?" He was worried when he saw her standing there like that.

Fierce everywhere. Tang Moran added such a sentence to her heart, she didn't dare to say it, because she was afraid that he would murder herself again.

After helping her put on her slippers, Fu Tingye got up: "Whether to eat in the room or go to the restaurant?"

"Go down to the restaurant to eat." She is so good at it, she always feels awkward to eat in the room.

"Isn't your body uncomfortable?" He asked, originally a caring question, which made Tang Moran want to get crooked again.

Two blushes flew up, extremely cute.

Go downstairs with Fu Tingye, sit down at the dining table, and the servant arranges the dishes.

Breakfast is just light porridge, and her favorite side dish, a hard-boiled egg, to supplement daily nutrition.

Tang Moran ate with small mouthfuls. She didn’t have a strong appetite. In fact, she was hungry, but it was porridge and boiled eggs. She wanted

Eat meat and want to eat vegetables.

Seeing her abnormality, Fu Tingye put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands: "What's the matter? It doesn't suit your appetite?"

"I want to eat vegetables, but don't want to eat porridge, it's too light." She was still chewing the boiled eggs in her mouth, all stuffed in her cheek.

Swollen, like a little hamster hiding food.

"At noon, at noon, I will take you out to eat. You can eat whatever you want. Now I will drink the porridge obediently." He glanced at it.

Between: "I have something to deal with, come back at noon and take you out."

Tang Moran took a sip of porridge and nodded hurriedly: "Come back early."

Let the natural care make the two people feel closer.

After Fu Tingye left, Tang Moran obediently finished his breakfast. He was full and wanted to go out for a while.

Wang Aye has returned.

Just two steps away, the phone rang.

It was a strange number, Tang Moran picked it up, "Hello?"

"Is it Tang Moran?" There was a female voice on the other end, and she didn't recognize who it was for a while.

"who are you?"

"This is Annie. I want to talk to you. Are you free to come out now? I booked an afternoon flight ticket to fly abroad."

Originally, Tang Moran didn't want to go, but when she said that she was going to fly away, she felt that she should go there.

I asked for the address and called a car to go.

Annie had already been waiting in her seat, and there was a large suitcase beside her, which seemed to be exactly what she said.

She is leaving.

When Annie saw her coming, she got up and looked up and down her eyes: "Sorry, I asked you out so suddenly."

"It's okay, what are you looking for?" Tang Moran looked a little cautious while standing opposite her.

The meeting between the predecessor and the incumbent should be particularly smelly of gunpowder, but Annie did not appear to be so hostile: "Sit down.

Come on, I ordered macchiato coffee for you. "

Tang Moran just sat down.

"Don't be so nervous, I just want to talk to you, I won't be back after today, I will be abroad in the future

Development, so I want to see you before leaving. "

"Are you not coming back anymore?" The waiter served coffee, and Tang Moran took a sip with both hands, sticking out the tip of his tongue to fill it.

Lost the foam on the lips.

Annie's heart touched and nodded: "Well, I won't be back." She held her cheek, tilted her head and looked at Tang Moran, and said

I have been confused: "Actually, I never understand why Ah Ye likes you. Compared to me, you are

She's a yellow girl, nothing can help him and even pull him back, and I can already be

His right-hand man is a woman, whether in career or life, I am more mature and better than you. "

Tang Moran's hand holding the coffee cup clenched a little bit, his knuckles were a little white, and no one wanted to let his predecessor come down.

Lower yourself this incumbent.

"But... I seem to understand now." Annie's voice changed: "I can help him to a higher level in his career.

how about it? What if I can take care of him in every possible way in life? Not loving is not loving anymore, his heart is not

In my body, no matter how good I am, in his opinion it is just a good subordinate, and you, nothing

Neither, do nothing, but if he loves you, he will feel that you are the star in the sky, the moon in the water, and cherish you very much. "

Tang Moran didn’t know what to say for a while, maybe Annie didn’t ask herself to say anything, but to listen.

what did she say.

"I really regret that when I made such a decision yesterday, I would drug him." Then, Annie laughed mockingly.

She laughed: "If it's not like that, maybe we can still be friends."

"No." Tang Moran interrupted, his soft little face showing stubbornness: "Even if he doesn't do this, he won't

be friends with you. "Because she doesn't allow it.

Annie was stunned. This was the first time she saw such a firm expression on this weak and deceptive face.

After Fu Tingye's words: My woman does not need to be able to do anything.

It’s such a woman who can’t do anything, but in her bones she firmly believes that the man belongs to her, and her self-confidence is

From the inside out.

This is in sharp contrast to the inferior self-esteem back then.

Maybe because of this, she missed Ah Ye...

Annie nodded: "I was really wrong at the beginning. I shouldn't be so inferior, and don't believe him so much.

As for setting aside him to pursue his so-called ability to be worthy of him, what he never asks is whether I can help

He, but I believe it or not. "

Annie suddenly stretched out her hand and shook Tang Moran's hand across the table: "Tang Moran, I used to be wrong.

Pu, there is no turning back. After yesterday’s events, I also thoroughly understand that he has really erased me in his heart

Up. I know that my leaving made him miserable, and I now understand how much he loves you, please don’t

Leave him, love him well, let him never suffer again. "

Tang Moran wanted to withdraw his hand, but Annie's strength was too great, and she didn't pull it out for a while.

With tears in her eyes, Annie looked at her as if asking her for a promise.

Tang Moran nodded: "I will, I will stay with him for the rest of my life, and stay with him for the rest of my life until the sky is deserted.

The ground is old. "

Such a promise is rare, and Annie knows that she is more than just talking.

Fu Tingye loves her miserably, and will not let go easily.

It’s great that she finally let go, as if something big had been done, took a look at the time, got up, and pulled the suitcase:

"Okay, I'm done with everything I should say, I hope you and Ah Ye will be happy, oh no, I hope you and Fu will always be happy,

When we grow old, we will always have one heart. "

After Annie left, Tang Moran stayed in place for a long time, and it was over?

Is she just to say these things to herself?

Will you be with Ah Ye forever?

Of course she will.

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