Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2003: .Napping cat

Tang Moran hesitated instead, since then it will be the birthday of two people every year. Isn't she unable to surprise him?

"Eat cake twice." Fu Tingye continued to tempt.

"There are two birthday presents."

Tang Moran's eyes lit up and nodded immediately: "Okay."

Fu Tingye pursed his lips and smiled lightly, and handed the flower forward: "Don't take it?"

"Thank you." She originally wanted to celebrate his birthday, but now it's two people's birthday.

Fu Tingye stretched out his hand and gently pulled Tang Moran into his arms.

"Where do you want to go today? I took time off, so I don't have to go to the company today."

Tang Moran frowned and corrected him: "Today is your birthday, it should be where you want to go, I will accompany you."

"Hmm..." Fu Tingye really looked like he was thinking about it seriously, and suddenly smiled, tightening his fingers.

The voice is low and magnetic, making people blush: "I have been running outside some time ago, what should I do if I don't want to go out today?"

Tang Moran was small and Fu Tingye was too strong. Tang Moran was hugged tightly by him, all around him

This man smelled very clear.

She looked at Fu Tingye puzzled: "Do you want me to accompany you at home?"

"Hmm..." Fu Tingye lowered his head and gently kissed her side cheek, "Be more precise, bedroom."

Tang Moran's heart tightened, as if he understood something, his face flushed.

In the next second, Fu Tingye verified Tang Moran's guess: "Bed."

Tang Moran's scared face turned pale, and quickly dyed red, stumbled, almost bit his tongue: "No way, no way."


Tang Moran's mind was in a mess, his heart was beating fast, his forehead and palms were sweating together, feeling

In a hurry, two words suddenly popped out: "To declare prostitution in daylight is not proper."

Fu Tingye was startled for a moment, and he couldn't help but laughed out of "puchi".

He has been busy and stressed during this period of time. The whole person is like a tight string. Talking to this girl really makes him light.

It's loose a lot.

He felt that Tang Moran was more and more interesting.

It was also the evil taste in his heart. Sometimes, the more anxious the girl became, the more flustered, he found it more interesting.

I always want to take her into my arms and love her at this time.

Thinking of this, Fu Tingye smiled, turned Tang Moran's body to the full, let him look at him, and deliberately teased her: "That

How to do it? Today is my birthday, and it is my first birthday with you. It has a special meaning.

Wouldn't a simple cake kill me? What about other gifts? "

Fu Tingye gently spread his palm in front of Tang Moran.

Ask for a birthday present.


Tang Moran's face was embarrassed, and his eyes flushed anxiously.

She is busy making cakes these days, so how can she think of preparing other birthday gifts?

And she didn't expect that Fu Tingye would be so careful and ask her for a gift.

"I... I didn't prepare any other birthday presents."

Fu Tingye’s face turned dark, and the whole person was like a layer of ice for a moment, holding her waist hand

He also let go, and turned his head pretending to be unhappy, and gave a cold "hum" twice.

"It seems that you didn't take me to heart."

Tang Moran's head was stunned, and his heart became anxious, "No! I didn't take you to my heart! I just kept doing it.

cake! "

"Really?" Fu Tingye continued to tease her: "Can I not give gifts if I make a cake? To put it bluntly, I still don't care about me.

That's it. "


Tang Moran was at a loss for words, his heart flustered, and stretched out his hand to pull La Fu Tingye's clothes: "I don't have..."

Fu Tingye still didn't speak, nor did he look at Tang Moran, with a look of anger.

Tang Moran was really anxious now, his eyes were red. Actively stretched out his hand to wrap Fu Tingye’s neck: "Don’t be angry

Yes, I... I promise you that. "

Fu Tingye paused, turned his head and looked down at him: "Promise me what?",

Tang Moran's face was red, and he stammered, extremely embarrassed: "It's the bed..."

Seeing that she would cry at any time, Fu Tingye finally couldn't bear to tease her anymore. He hugged her directly and sat down

On his lap, he sighed helplessly.

"I teased you. I'm not angry, am I so stingy?"

"Making me?" Tang Moran blinked, eyes covered with red bloodshot eyes, "Well, you, why are you so stupid?

Just take it seriously when you are joking, so stupid, what if you get cheated in the future. "

Tang Moran breathed a sigh of relief: "No way, I'm not that stupid."

"Then why did you become so anxious just now?"

Fu Tingye smiled, and gently rubbed the golden beans that overflowed from the corner of Tang Moran's eyes with his fingertips: "I cried, and said

Are you stupid? "

"It's different." Tang Moran was determined.

"Where is it different?"

Tang Moran didn't want to say, struggling to jump off Fu Tingye's lap.

But he was caught by Fu Tingye again, "Hey, Mo'er, tell me what is different, tell me."

Tang Moran gritted his teeth and glared at Fu Tingye in embarrassment: "Because you are different from others, you are my male.

friend. "

This confuses Fu Tingye herself, "Huh? I'm your boyfriend, what's wrong?"

Tang Moran whispered: "So I will believe you whatever you say,"

Fu Tingye was startled, and now he understood everything.

He smiled and raised Tang Moran's chin, his eyes sharp: "Mo'er, you mean, in this world, there is only me

A talent will make you trust me so much, right? "

Tang Moran nodded gently.

Fu Tingye felt his heart softened, and suddenly pressed Tang Moran into his arms and kissed her hair fiercely.

"Mo'er, Mo'er... Don't worry, in this life, I will never let you down on me. I will not disappoint you, for sure."

Tang Moran leaned against his arms, his ears pressed tightly against his chest, his heartbeat was powerful and rhythmic, instantly called Tang

Mo Ran was extremely at ease.

For a while, Tang Moran vaguely heard the voice of a servant at work, and she remembered that she was now

How ambiguous was his movements, he quickly pushed Fu Tingye away.

"I'm going to plant the flowers."

Fu Ting night smiled: "What's the point?"

"Of course... this is the first time I have received roses."

Tang Moran insisted, and went to the servant for a vase with the flowers in his arms.

Fu Tingye smiled helplessly and called the steward Qi over.

"What's your order, sir?"

"From now on, I will ask the flower shop to send Mo'er a bunch of flowers every day."

"Okay, sir."

Because Fu Tingye didn't want to go out, on this birthday, Tang Moran accompanied Fu Tingye around in the yard at home.

There is also an artificial lake behind this villa, enough to kill time with fishing,

Fu Tingye likes fishing, but Tang Moran was young and couldn't stay in the boat in the center of the lake within a few minutes.

"Aye, let's go,"

"Feeling bored?"


"You girl, your heart is not calm, and there will be a loss in the future."

"No... you won't let me suffer." Tang Moran curled his lips.

"You are clever." Fu Tingye smiled: "Wait a few more minutes, I will catch a fish and make fish soup for you tonight."

"it is good."

When Fu Tingye caught a fish here, he turned his head and realized that Tang Moran didn’t know when he was shrinking behind him.

Fell asleep.

Fu Tingye was stunned, then smiled gently, rowed the boat to the shore, and gently hugged her up.


"Go to sleep, little lazy cat."

Fu Tingye gently kissed her face.


After a short birthday, Fu Tingye started busy work again, and Tang Moran was too busy to take care of himself, wholeheartedly

Into the exam review.

Shrinked in the villa, didn't go out much for two weeks.

On this day, Tang Moran was thinking hard about the textbook, when suddenly something hit her in front of her, which shocked her.

After she saw that the thing was actually a praying mantis, Tang Moran even screamed.

He fell on the floor.


Fu Jingting smiled and bent over.

Tang Moran glared at him angrily, "Fu Jingting, is your brain sick? Good, why are you scaring me?"

She stood up from the ground and stared at Fu Jingting viciously.

Fu Jingting shrugged innocently: "Because you are always bored at home and can't come out. You're so bored."

"I want to review, you think everyone is the same as you, so idle?"

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