Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2006: .Giving away

Tang Moran waved his hand; "Steward Qi, you have to eat, I lose weight!"

After speaking, Tang Moran ran out.

Steward Qi scratched his head, eh, Miss Tang just now held the collection of butterfly specimens from her husband?

Here, Tang Moran has already ran into the gate of Fu Jingting’s small building, and suddenly an arm stretched out, and Tang Moran suddenly stopped.

After getting down, Tang Moran almost fell.

"Fu Jingting!"

Fu Jingting looked at him coldly: "Hey, I brought you here last time because I was in a good mood. It doesn't mean you can

Just break in casually, right? That's how my brother taught you? "

Tang Moran's face flushed, and he smiled embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, but I have something to look for you."

"what's up?"

"Can I go in and say?"

Fu Jingting stared at her for a while, then put his hand down: "Don't mess with my things."

"No." Tang Moran walked in cautiously.

"What can you do with me?"

"I want you to help me design a painting..."

Fu Jingting smiled "pouch".

"Why, did you agree?"

Fu Jingting coughed twice, and clenched his hands into fists. "No, I'm not interested."

Tang Moran walked up to him and looked up at him: "Don't, why?"

Fu Jingting reached out and clicked on her head: "One, I'm not interested in helping people design things, and two, my brother doesn't seem to allow it.

Maybe you always come to me, right? Are you sure he won’t be angry if he knows? ? "

"No way..." Tang Moran was also a little frustrated, but he still muttered in a low voice, like self-comfort: "More

I also had a reason this time. It was the homework our school had to hand in. "

"Isn't it the homework that should be done by myself? It doesn't count as cheating if you ask me, isn't it?

"Uh..." Tang Moran was embarrassed: "You can teach me, I paint by myself."

Fu Jingting pondered for a while, glanced at what Tang Moran was holding in his arms, and said casually: "This

What is it? "

"Ah... yes! This is what I want to give you."

Tang Moran presented the collection of specimens to Fu Jingting like a treasure: "Look, there are many butterflies in it. Last time I

See you are drawing...Although there are pictures for reference on the Internet, they have no real effect, right? Use this as a reward for you

So? "

Fu Jingting curled his lips, took the things over, and then said: "Then I will reluctantly accept you as an apprentice."

Tang Moran bowed unconscionably, "Thank you Teacher Fu, then."

Fu Jingting took Tang Moran to the studio on the top floor, pulled a chair for Tang Moran, and taught Tang Moran how to paint.

The painting time passed extremely fast, and when Tang Moran finished a painting, the sky outside was completely dark.

"Ah, it's so late, I have to go back."

Fu Jingting was coloring his words, he curled his lips when he heard the words, and looked over with a smirk: "My brother will probably come back."

Tang Moran's face paled.

"Why, do you want me to accompany you back? Help you explain?"

How does his expression look like he wants to explain it for himself? Isn't it good to not add fuel to the fire?

Tang Moran waved his hand repeatedly and ran away by himself.

Back at the mansion, I saw that the driver was parking Fu Tingye's car.

Tang Moran felt hairy in his heart, but he could only bite the bullet and went in.

Fu Tingye was sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper, his simple white shirt set off his lean and beautiful muscle curves.

Two long straight legs wrapped in trousers, elegantly overlapping.

Seeing Tang Moran coming in, he just took a look, then coldly turned his eyes back to the newspaper.

"Are you willing to come back? If I don't come back, I'm going to invite someone."

Tang Moran smiled embarrassedly, walked over, and took the initiative to explain; "I went to Uncle Fu because of school homework.

Help, I don’t believe you to ask Yingying..."

"Why do you have to explain so much to me?" Fu Tingye snorted, "Anyway, your wings are hard now, and I won't say anything.

Listen. "

"I do not have……"

Tang Moran defended himself in a low voice.

Fu Tingye raised her eyes and glanced at her, then suddenly said, "Mo'er, where was the butterfly specimen I gave you last time?"

"Huh?" Tang Moran didn't expect that it had been so long. He would suddenly mention that thing, thinking of the specimen, she had already

It was handed over to Fu Jingting, and there was a guilty conscience.

"What do you ask that?"

"Nothing, just a friend likes it and wants to show him." Fu Tingye gave Tang Moran a meaningful look:

"Mo'er, let me use it."

Where did Tang Moran take it out now.

And why is she so unlucky, the front foot was just given to Fu Jingting, and the back foot Fu Tingye is about to go.

God, this is sincerely against her, right?

Tang Moran almost wanted to cry without tears, standing in front of Fu Tingye.

"What's the matter? Mo'er, I gave you that thing, you won't find it anymore? The thing I gave you,

You didn't keep it properly? "

As soon as Tang Moran heard this, his heart became even colder.

"Uncle Fu, I kept it away. It was too long. I forgot...Ah!?"

Before he finished speaking, Fu Tingye suddenly pulled Tang Moran into his arms and sneered: "Did I forget, after all.

Or did you give it to someone else? "

Tang Moran said in his heart, and now he understood everything.

" know everything?"

"If I don't know, are you going to vacate the house in the future? Huh???"

Tang Moran waved his hand in a panic, "No, no, I only gave it to Uncle Fu for his help, and I also gave it to him.

No, but... this is the school assignment. I don't know how to do it. I can only ask Uncle Fu for help. "

Fu Tingye raised her eyebrows slightly, and there was a little doubt in her eyes: "Why don't you ask him for help? You don't need to bribe if you ask me.

It. "He would definitely help willingly, but he might charge her a little bit.

"You won't help me." Tang Molan pouted, if only he was willing to help himself.

"How can I know if I don't try?"

"This is homework, how could you cheat for me? Ershu Fu also accepted my butterfly specimens before reluctantly agreeing

Help me. "Tang Moran gave him a serious analysis.

It sounds reasonable. He really wouldn't cheat for her, so she would be fooling her studies.

But not being able to find him does not mean that she can find someone else, put her down in her arms, press her on her body, and make her eyes pop

Giving a hungry wolf light: "You can't find me, so you go to Fu Jingting?"

"He knows how to paint. He is a painter. Original works must have beautiful ideas for people to see. There is nothing like painting.

It's even more fascinating. "

"I can also paint." When Fu Tingye said this, she didn't know how much jealousy was involved.

Just because Fu Jingting can paint, she prefers him more?

Tang Moran didn't expect him to say that, and froze under him, blinking his dark eyes, like the eyelashes of a fan.

Incited two times: "Um...Will you cheat for me?"

"No." Fu Tingye replied decisively.

"This is not the end, you are not willing to help me, and you are not letting me find someone else, you deliberately want me to be unable to hand in my homework

Is Karma? "

Fu Tingye curled his eyebrows and looked at the little man in his arms. What he hoped was that she could do it by her own ability, but the design

She is indeed lacking in this work.

He was annoyed that she shouldn’t go to Fu Jingting without even telling herself, and even collect him from abroad for delivery.

Give her the butterfly specimen to Fu Jingting.

Instead, she was wronged now.

Tang Moran pouted, despite not being wronged.

The two stood in a stalemate for a while, but Fu Tingye was softened first: "If you don't ask me if I'm willing to help you, go to Fu Jing.

Ting, don't you believe that I will help you? "

"You will definitely not help me, if it is something else you must promise me, but you will not help me if you cheat."

She still has some understanding of him.

Fu Tingye stretched out her hand, finished the hook, and scratched her nose: "Little clever, you know this very well, but you forget

Yes, I also know that you have poor congenital conditions in this area. Without the talent in this area, I will definitely help you if you tell me

your. "

"Really?" Tang Moran smiled brightly: "I knew you were the best to me, but what should I do?

After sending the butterfly specimens out, can I get it back again? "Think about it now, all the butterfly specimens on it drift

Liang, she shouldn't just take it to someone so easily.

Finally, it was not too late, and put her in his arms again: "No, give it to him."

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