Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2008: .Where did you find it? !

He picked it up: "Hello?"

"Fu Jingting." There was a crisp male voice on the other end.

Hearing this voice, Fu Jingting instantly stiffened his body, as if he had been tapped on an acupuncture point and couldn't move a single movement.

"An Xuan..." He called out the other party's name.

"Do you still remember me? I thought I was just like my sister. After I died, I was erased in your heart."

"An Xuan, why did you call me, did you take Tang Moran away?"

"It turns out that her name is Tang Moran, she is indeed a lovely girl, but unfortunately, she met you."

"An Xuan, calm down, she has nothing to do with me, you should let her go!"

"You can lie better, why? You lied to this girl too? Does she know my sister?

Did you kill it? Did you know that you watched my sister die and watched my sister fall off the cliff without surviving?

breath? Does she know you are a murderer? "An Xuan asked in a loud voice.

The sweat that forced Fu Jingting to cover his head, all the things he didn’t want to think of in the past poured into his mind, he could only constantly

Shaking his head: "Don't say it, don't say it, this matter has nothing to do with her, if you want to settle the account, come to me, yes, yes

I, I killed your sister. "

"Since you know that you should spend your entire life to redeem your sins, you should accompany her to die alone and die alone.

! My sister loves you so much, she even took risks and abandoned her life for you, but you, she died a few

In 2017, I found another girlfriend. I’m going to kill her so that you can also experience the feeling of losing a loved one. Let

You can't marry another woman in your life. "

An Xuan became frantic.

Fu Jingting knew that his power alone could not stop An Xuan.

"An Xuan, I until you hate me, hate me for not protecting An Yi, but no one wants it, she is my future

Married wife, how could I not be sad when she died? "

Fu Jingting took out the car key, got on the car, started the car, and drove away quickly, but here, he did not dare to hang up An Xuan's

Call, lest An Xuan do anything to Tang Moran.


The car quickly drove into the house and plunged one end into the giant flower bed in the middle of the courtyard.

Fu Jingting staggered out of the car, holding his mobile phone in his hand.

Fu Tingye heard the sound, came out of the house, saw a mess in the yard, and then looked at Fu Jingting, his face was gloomy.

Fear: "What are you doing!"

"Brother, brother, it's An Xuan, Anyi's brother." He grabbed the phone and handed it to Fu Tingye.

Fu Tingye looked inexplicable, took the phone and the phone was already hung up, he curled his eyebrows and looked at Fu Jingting: "What are you talking about?

what? "

"Why did you hang up?" Fu Jingting was even more anxious: "Brother, An Xuan took Tang Moran away."

"What are you talking about." Fu Tingye grabbed his collar and drew him towards him, his eyes stained with stern color: "In the end

Tell me what's going on. "

"I originally took Tang Moran to collect the scene today. I don't know why An Xuan took Tang Moran away. He

I misunderstood that Tang Moran was my girlfriend. He said that he would kill Tang Moran and let me stay with the dead An Yi for the rest of my life. "

"Brother, it doesn't matter if I am alone, but Tang Moran is innocent. She is your woman. You must find a way.

Saved her, right? "

The ‘bang’ punch hit Fu Jingting’s face firmly.

Fu Jingting was unprepared and was smashed to the ground.

Fu Tingye San stepped forward in two steps, grabbed him by the collar, and smashed it again.

"I told you to stay away from her?"

"Are you still running around with her?!"

The fist fell on Fu Jingting's body like rain.

Fu Jingting did not fight back.

It wasn't until Fu Tingye got tired of playing and had enough of it before he stopped.

Fu Jingting's face was completely swollen.

"Brother, hit me, you have to rescue Tang Moran first, and then I will recognize you no matter how you hit me." Fu Jingting supported

His swollen face was a little unclear.

"Where is he? Where is An Xuan?" Fu Tingye beat him purely to vent his anger. What he has to do now is save Mo'er.

Come, otherwise I really don't know what An Xuan lunatic would do to Mo'er.

"I don't know, but I can call him, you can explain clearly to him, Tang Moran has nothing to do with me, it's you

A woman will do. "

Fu Jingting dialed An Xuan's cell phone again.

It took a long time for someone to answer, which made Fu Tingye's heart hang again.

"Fu Jingting, I am going to give you a big gift, you said, do you want this woman's hand or do you want this

Women's eyes? I just saw it and her eyes are so beautiful. "

Fu Tingye clenched his fists, tried to restrain the hostility that emanated from his body, and lowered his voice: "I am Fu Tingye."

"Oh? Fu Jingting couldn't handle me, and wanted his woman to go back safe and sound, so he asked his brother to come out.

Noodles? But it's useless. "

"The woman you caught has nothing to do with Fu Jingting."

"You lie to me too?"

"That's his sister-in-law, the woman I want to marry Fu Tingye."

"What?" An Xuan felt that he had misheard.

"I said, the woman you took is Fu Jingting's sister-in-law, and my Fu Tingye's wife." Fu Tingye said every word

Sentence, speak clearly.

"You will not lie to me with Fu Jingting?"

"Will Fu Tingye lie about this kind of thing?"

An Xuan is not a fool. There is really no need for someone like Fu Tingye to say such things to protect his younger brother's woman?

Did he really make a mistake?

"Where is Mo'er? I want to talk to her."

An Xuan also felt that he could try the truth in this way, opened the PA and got it in front of Tang Moran.

Tang Moran was bound with his hands and feet, squatting in the corner, his mouth was sealed with tape.

A pair of innocent and clear eyes looked at An Xuan with fear. She was terrified, but she just heard that it was Fu Ting.

The call at night gave me a lot of peace of mind.

Pulling the tape from her mouth, she didn't even care to say that she was hurting: "A Ye, I'm so scared, A Ye, where are you,

Will you come and take me home? "

Tang Moran began to cry, and that fear seemed to have found an outlet.

Her hoarse words stung Fu Tingye's heart even more, and Tang Moran followed him where he had suffered such suffering.

He felt distressed when he thought about it.

"A Ye, are you listening?"

"I'm listening, Mo'er, I will pick you home later." Fu Tingye promised.

Tang Moran glanced at An Xuan nervously, and asked cautiously, "Really?"

"Really, he dare not do anything to you, otherwise, I will destroy the entire Anjia." In this sentence, he said very much.

Truly, the tone from it is not a threat, but it can be done.

An Xuan couldn’t help but tremble at hearing, barely able to maintain his surface composure, took the phone and adjusted his feelings.

Xu: "Fu, don't be so angry, I made a mistake, but you also know the grievances between me and Fu Jingting.

I just don't want him to have a good life. "

"That's your and his business, but it involves my Moer, I will definitely not let you go."

"Since I caught the wrong person, I will definitely release it, but Mr. Fu doesn't remember the villain, so let's just deal with Anjia?"

"Now, immediately, tell me where you are. You will disappear completely before I get there." If you let him see An

Xuan, he was afraid that he couldn't control himself and would kill him directly.


Fu Tingye arrived at the address An Xuan said.


In the empty workshop, there was only Fu Tingye's voice.

Fu Jingting had already circled the plant back and forth, and said anxiously: "Brother, no!"

Fu Tingye's eyes went dark.

An Xuan, play him?

There was a trace of murder in his eyes, and he immediately dialed An Xuan's phone.

"The surname is An, where's the Moer people?!"

An Xuan paused on the phone for a few seconds, seeming to be puzzled, "I sent people over an hour ago."

"She's not here." Fu Tingye squeezed the phone tightly and gritted his teeth: "An Xuan, my patience is limited. Don't challenge me.

Bottom line, let me ask you one last time, where is my person? "

An Xuan stumbled: "Mr. Fu, I really sent the person over. Knowing that the wrong person was caught, it’s useless for me to keep her.

what! If you don’t believe it, you can just check! "

"Mr. Fu, I would never make a joke with you about the whole Anjia?"

Fu Jingting’s eyes flashed a little bit of suspicion, and he said coldly: "You better not let me know that you lie to me again, otherwise ten peaces

Home is not enough to compensate. "

After hanging up the phone, Fu Jingting, who went to look for Tang Moran nearby, hurriedly returned.

"Brother, look!"

Fu Jingting’s hand was a Tang Moran bracelet.

Fu Tingye grabbed it, his voice trembling, "Where did you find it?"

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