Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2012: .I'll be with you


In the ancestral hall, with bright lights and dark shadows, Fu Tingye knelt straight, and in front of him were the tablets of the ancestors of the Fu family.

The door opened a gap, then closed again.

"A Ye." Tang Moran yelled in a low voice. She was still afraid of this kind of place, so she stood at the door and dared not come over.

Fu Tingye thought he had heard it wrong, and turned around and saw the cowardly Tang Moran standing at the door with a pale face.

"What are you doing?" Fu Tingye got up, walked to her, blocked her sight, and prevented her from seeing the cold

Of the tablets.

"I'm looking for you." Sure enough, he stood in front of him and felt much more relieved.

"Why are you looking for me? Go back, I'll go back tomorrow."

"No, I won't go back. Are you going to kneel here because of me?" Tang Moran is not a fool, although she is innocent.

I also know that this time Fu Tingye was able to save herself at a high price.

"What are you talking about? I made my grandma angry. She punished me to kneel at the ancestral hall. It has nothing to do with you. Go back soon."

"Don't lie to me, I'm not a fool, it's all because of me..."

Fu Tingye smiled lightly: "Okay, it's not a big deal. I know that you are causing me trouble.

Cause me trouble, understand? "

Tang Moran nodded with red eyes.

"Go back, rest early tonight, don't wait for me, you know?"

"No, I'll be with you!"

Fu Ting night laughed: "Are you with me? What are you with me? You are not Fu's family. Did you come to this ancestral hall just as you said?"

Tang Moran was unhappy, his brows tightened, and he argued in a low voice: "Then I am not the Fu family, why did you call me before?

Copy Fu's house rules, you are double standard! "

Fu Tingye didn't expect to be led by this little girl, and was shocked for a moment.

Tang Moran's eyes were full of prayers: "Let me stay, you kneel on your knees alone, and you can't play mobile phones, don't you realize

Is it boring? I will chat with you. "

"Talking in a place like an ancestral hall?" Fu Tingye reached out and knocked on her head, "You are very brave, Tang Moran."

Tang Moran was not convinced: "I'm just afraid that you will suffer."

"Little fool." Fu Tingye smiled helplessly, and pointed to the soft bedding inside: "Look, there is a soft pavement where I kneel.

The mat, there are tea and pastries next to it, and the air conditioner is on. Why do you suffer? "


Tang Moran was speechless.

Fu Tingye took her hand and led her to the ancestral hall, and said softly, "Come."

He led Tang Moran to the two tablets.

"Mo'er, kneel down."

Tang Moran knelt down on the soft cushion busy.

She was puzzled, and she saw Fu Tingye kneeling down beside her.

"Dad, Mom, this is Mo'er, the one his son likes. I will show her to you today."

Tang Moran was taken aback by Fu Tingye's words. It turned out that these two tablets belonged to Fu Tingye's parents?

She was nervous, and sweat came out of her palms. She stumbled twice and almost bit her tongue.

"Uncle...uncle, auntie, hello, I'm...I'm Tang Moran, A Ye's girlfriend."

Fu Tingye gently grabbed Tang Moran's hand and smiled: "What are you nervous about? My parents are very good people. They want

Yes, I will definitely like you very much. "


Fu Tingye nodded: "Really."

"Uncle and Auntie are not here, why are you so sure?"

Fu Ting night smiled, "Because my vision never goes wrong."

Tang Moran was stunned for an instant, and then his cheeks flushed crazily.

Fu Tingye's vision became resolute, "Mo'er, in front of my parents, I promise you that in this life, I will not

Will let you down, I will give you the best in this world. "

Tang Moran could not hear this kind of embarrassing love story, and looked embarrassed: "It’s not the best...I’m actually very supportive.

I will also go to work to make money. "

Fu Tingye curled his lips and pulled Tang Moran up from the ground, "Does my knee hurt?"

"There are cushions, it doesn't hurt."

"Okay, go back soon."

Tang Moran saw him telling himself to go back again, and hurriedly took his hand: "I won't go back, I will stay here to accompany you."

"Mo'er, obedient."

"Don't always tell me to be obedient, I'm already an adult, I just want to stay here with you."

Fu Tingye had no choice but to agree with her.

"You don't need to kneel, just go and sit down. There is a snack over there, and you can eat it yourself when you are hungry.

"No, I'll be with you."

Tang Moran squeezed to Fu Tingye's side and put his hand in his palm.

Fu Tingye didn't speak, but a layer of unusual soft light fainted between his brows.

The ancestral hall is quiet, there is no sound at all. Tang Moran is actually a person who is not very quiet, let alone

Said that it was a bit gloomy, she couldn't help but talk to Fu Tingye.

"Aye, when did your parents pass away?"

Fu Tingye said lightly, "For many years, at that time...I was almost a little older than you."

Tang Moran frowned: "Actually, my mother passed away very early, but I am a little luckier than you. I have a father.

And brother. "

Fu Tingye sneered: "Don't forget, your father and your brother pledged you to me. Are you lucky?

Because you still have father and brother, but the person you met is me. "

If it were other people, he wouldn't have such patience.

Tang Moran sighed: "Actually, my father loves me very much, but he listens to my brother too much."

There are many things, and Dad is forced to do so.

"Your father and your brother are abroad now."

Tang Moran's eyes lit up slightly: "Can you let them come back?"

"Mo'er." Fu Tingye sighed, "I can't let them come back yet."


Fu Tingye gently rubbed the back of Tang Moran's hand: "Mo'er, you know what the virtue of your brother is.

When he comes back, he may pester you. "

Knowing that his sister and himself are dating and will get married in the future, Tang Yuzhe will definitely use Mo'er as a free cash machine.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to raise a few more people, just like he raises his two uncles. It’s just that Tang Yuzhe can help

He sold his sister for money, such a person, Fu Tingye really didn't want to have any contact with him.

"I will ask someone to arrange his life abroad, but it will never be so easy for him to come back."

Tang Moran's complexion turned pale, and he lowered his head a little bit.

"What's wrong, are you angry?"

Fu Tingye asked softly.

"Mo'er, are you happy?"

Tang Moran shook his head: "No, I am not upset, I know... my brother is not a good person, he will come back

It's troublesome for you,"

"You have something on your mind." Fu Tingye frowned.

Tang Moran took a breath and said, "I'm just a little sad... Ah Ye, do you know? Yingying...

She doesn’t have a lot of money, but her parents are there. Her brother has loved her very much since she was a child. Yingying just spent time with her boyfriend.

When she started, her brother went to her boyfriend to settle the accounts..."

Tang Moran laughed as he talked, "Every time I go to Yingying, I eat, and her parents are very enthusiastic to me." Tang Moran

As he said, his eyes darkened a little bit, a little lost: "I really envy her."

Fu Tingye took Tang Moran's shoulders, and pressed her head to let her lean in his arms.

"I can't get your mother back, and I can't turn your brother into such a qualified brother..." He said this and stopped.

After a pause, I suddenly smiled: "But I promise you that our children in the future will have a warm and loving family."

Tang Moran froze first, followed by a "buzz" in his head, as if something had exploded, his face was burnt.

Hong pushed Fu Tingye away, stumbled: "Don't talk nonsense, who is going to have a baby with you?"

"Huh? It's all mine. Who do you say is going to give birth to me?"

Fu Tingye stretched out his arms and directly brought the person back. "Although I promised you not to have babies in recent years, but

Doesn't it mean that you can stop having a baby after you graduate. "

"I'm not a fertility machine!"

Tang Moran was exasperated.

Fu Tingye smiled, squeezed her chin, raised her head, and stared straight at her with faint eyes.

She, "Don't you want to see what our children are like?"

Tang Moran stared at him quietly, as if suddenly fell into a vast starry sky, making people drunk all at once.

The ghost nodded almost.

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