Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2015: .Stay a little longer

"What is it that I want to control your life? I am doing this for your own good." Fu Tingye didn't understand her anger.

"For me? You are just afraid that I will go camping, take the opportunity to escape, and then never come back." He still

Defend yourself and refuse to trust yourself.

"Why do you think so? Mo'er, I have never thought of you like this before, or you really have been looking for opportunities to want

Run away? "Fu Tingye stared at her seriously.

Tang Moran was speechless for an instant, his face flushed red, and he was still stunned just now.

She lowered her head and clenched her hands tightly: "I don't want to run away, I just want to be like a normal college student."

Fu Tingye did not agree: "I didn’t participate in any school activities when I was in college.

What is the difference between others. "

Tang Moran's chest was dull, and his lower lip bitten out pale.

Fu Tingye continued: "Be good, Mo'er, don't play temper with me, I am doing it for your good."

Tang Moran finally broke out, raised his head, and angrily: "Don't always use the guise for my good. Go

Arrange my life at will, you say you have no difference, but I think you are a bit less human than ordinary people, more

A bit stubborn and **** paranoid possessive! "

Fu Tingye's eyes sank for a moment with a "huh----".

Tang Moran was so scared that Tang Moran closed his mouth instantly.

Fu Tingye looked at her coldly, and her voice seemed to be frozen: "In your heart, I am impersonal.

Is that person? "

The sound was like a stone, falling on Tang Moran's shoulder. She clenched her fist and looked away unnaturally.

Fu Tingye resisted his anger, "I won't let you go camping because it is dangerous for you to go to such a place as a girl.

Besides, this activity, I think it is meaningless to you, since it is meaningless, then it is not

Should do it. "

Tang Moran snorted unhappily, "If everything has to be meaningful, people are too tired to live, aren't they?"

Fu Tingye's expression was finally ugly to the extreme.

"Tang Moran, you are determined to go, right?"

"I don't want to be the little white rabbit next to you all my life."

Fu Tingye remained silent.

Such silence made Tang Moran feel even more frustrated. She was thinking about how to speak. Fu Tingye had already got up.

"Anyway, I disagree."

Fu Tingye turned around and left.

"If you don't agree, you don't agree. I don't have to ask for your consent for everything!"

Tang Moran also got up and went upstairs "cengceng".

Fu Ting Yeqi's chest rose and fell violently, and his breathing was heavy.

Steward Qi smiled and persuaded him, "Sir, why do you have to get angry with Miss Tang? Miss Tang is still smiling at her age. This

It's normal for an older child to be rebellious at all, so you just need to coax more. "

Fu Tingye sneered, "I think I dote on her more and more lawless."

"Uncle Qi,"

"Yes, sir."

"Find someone to look at her and not allow her to run around."


Tang Moran returned to the room, hugged the pillow as a punching bag, and vented well.

She will never compromise with Fu Tingye this time, otherwise the man will always take advantage of his age and status

Cloth her life.

Even if she agrees to associate with Fu Tingye, but if she wants her to do everything according to his requirements, no one can stand it.

Is it?

The more Tang Moran thought, the more angry.

Sitting in the room alone, he was sulking for a long time.

At night, Tang Moran's anger was still alive. She didn't want to see Fu Tingye, so she hugged her pillow and pajamas.

Then, going back to the original room.

Who knew that as soon as the door opened, Fu Tingye was about to go back to the room, and the two met face to face.

Fu Tingye's eyes fell on the pillow in Tang Moran's hand.

Tang Moran cleverly hugged the pillow tightly.

"I will sleep alone tonight!"

Fu Tingye frowned, and as soon as he was about to speak, Tang Moran already slipped past him like a fish.

Fu Tingye looked at Tang Moran's hurried back, feeling helpless.

Early the next morning, Fu Ting went to work at night.

Tang Moran received a call from Fan Yingying.

"Tangtang, what did you say about camping? Did your uncle Fu agree? If he disagrees, you

Don't come out. "

Tang Moran was depressed: "I don't have to live by his face."

"Hey?" Fan Yingying was really surprised and yelled on the phone. "But you used to watch his face

Yes, now you finally remember to be an independent and thoughtful woman in the new era? ? "

"I!" Tang Moran was speechless, but said unconvinced: "I will go camping anyway."

"Then you come out today, let's buy tents together and make preparations in advance."

"it is good."

Tang Moran and Fan Yingying made an appointment and changed their clothes and planned to go out. As a result, as soon as they arrived at the door,

Was stopped by the Qi steward.

"Miss Tang, you can't go out."

"I'm going to meet my friends."

Manager Qi looked embarrassed, "Mister ordered, you can't go out."

Tang Moran reacted instantly: "He asked others to put me under house arrest again?"

The steward Qi smiled dryly: "Miss Tang, in fact, the husband is for your own good."

Tang Moran's heart was dull: "Where is it for me? I think it's just to satisfy his **** possessive desire and control.

Desire. "

Fu Tingye’s orders were left here. Tang Moran knew that she could not make it out. Now, she didn’t bother

Go with Fu Tingye to play that kind of kid game. Simply sent a text message to Fan Yingying saying that she was not today

Can go out.

Fan Yingying immediately expressed her understanding, and also sent a text message to mock her for "obedient little white rabbit".

Tang Moran was even more angry, and threw the phone away, "I'll go to Fu Jingting."

Fu Tingye only ordered Tang Moran not to leave the house, um, she didn’t say she could not go to Fu Jingting, the housekeeper thought about it,

Tang Moran let go.

Fu Jingting was fiddling with flowers and plants in front of the flower garden in the courtyard of his own small building. When he saw Tang Moran, he was just shocked, what?

Nothing was said.

Tang Moran walked up to him, and when he was about to speak, he was pushed aside by Fu Jingting.

"Go go, don't block me from the sun."

Tang Moran was in a bad mood at first, but at this moment, he was disgusted by Fu Jingting without saying a word. He felt wronged in his heart.

"Huh-" It was red.

Fu Jingting raised his eyes, startled, and then said: "Hey, I didn't scold you again. Why are you crying?"

"I didn't cry."

"That's a bad mood?" Fu Jingting smiled: "Why, quarreled with my brother?"

Tang Moran lowered his head.

Fu Jingting plucked a red rose from the flower garden, got up and walked over, and handed it to her, "Take it, don't be sad.

no big deal. "

Tang Moran reached out and grabbed the rose in his hand.

Fu Jingting lazily walked to the small round table, "I really served you two. I was in a bad mood, so I came to see me.

Trouble, why, am I your punching bag? "

Tang Moran frowned and walked over, and sat down opposite Fu Jingting, "I just want to find a place to hide for a while, Qing

Quiet and quiet. He won't let me out. "

Tang Moran said angrily: "I really don't understand. He knows that I can't run, why is it always this way?

Why look at me! "

Fu Jingting was silent for a moment before speaking, "He is afraid of you."

"How can something happen so easily?"

"It's hard to say." Fu Jingting smiled: "Just like I did, I didn't think that my fiancee would fall off the cliff.

I’m a lesson for my brother. Although my brother doesn’t say anything, I understand. He also feels that if it’s not for me to lead her to chaos

Run, my fiancee won't die. "

"That was just an accident."

Fu Jingting pushed Tang Moran a glass of water: "In my brother's opinion, this accident could have been avoided, so he

Will prohibit you from leaving his sight. "

Tang Moran drank water dullly,

Although after Fu Jingting said so, Tang Moran felt a lot less angry with Fu Tingye, but she didn't plan to do this.

So soon, when nothing happened, run back.

"Second Uncle Fu," Tang Moran asked cautiously, "Can I stay with you a little longer today?"

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