Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2021: .Premonition


At night, everyone was sleepy after a similar amount of time and went back to their tents to rest.

Fan Yingying fell asleep early after a tired day.

Tang Moran remembered that he had called Fu Tingye for a hundred days to report his safety, but because of his busyness in the evening, everyone sat there.

When she started chatting, she forgot.

It was a bit dark outside, and she herself was a little afraid of lying next to Fan Yingying, lowered her voice, and beat Fu Tingye.


"I thought you forgot to call me." Fu Tingye was working overtime in the company and saw that it was her call again.

Glancing at the time, it was a bit late.

"No, because many students forgot to bring a flashlight at night, you just brought it to me, I had to hold a flashlight

The tube sits outside to illuminate them. "

"According to you, am I wrong? Shouldn't I bring you a flashlight?" Fu Tingye asked back, jokingly.

"No, you don’t know. My classmates are all complimenting you for being so careful and bringing all the necessities. Today you give me

The band-aids were used immediately, but most of the other students brought them for food and clothing, which were useless. "

You can hear her happiness through the microphone.

Fu Tingye followed the corner of his mouth, showing a happy smile.

Secretary Zhao just came in to change coffee. Seeing this scene, I felt that the three views have been refreshed. It seems that the little ancestor at home

Zong is coaxed.

"Then how did you tell them?" Fu Tingye's vanity is haunting him. Generally, you shouldn't talk about yourself under such circumstances.

How good is your boyfriend?

Tang Moran didn't expect him to ask this, nor did he lie: "I said my uncle prepared it."

"Uncle?" Fu Tingye's tone became subtle: "Why do you mean uncle?" Is he that old? Why she dare not

Admit it in front of your classmates?

"My name is used to it, so I just said it was my uncle. Oh, it’s the same name anyway.

Called your uncle. "

"Of course it's different." He cares about this: "You only call me uncle when you are afraid of me."

Tang Moran blinked, is it so obvious? She calls him Uncle every time she is afraid of him?

"A Ye." Tang Moran shouted tentatively.

The voice was light, with a lingering breath, passed through the microphone to Fu Tingye’s ears and passed through his body.

He itch all over his body.

"Huh?" His voice couldn't help becoming hoarse.

"I'm not afraid of you now." Tang Moran lowered his voice and laughed twice.

Fu Tingye suddenly regretted letting her go camping. He was not by his side for two days and two nights. How could he stand it? he

I miss her a little now.

Fan Yingying, who was sleeping next to her, mumbled a couple of dreams, turned over, and continued to sleep next to Tang Moran.

"Why are there still people in your tent?" Fu Tingye heard.

"It's Yingying. She thought her tent was too heavy and inconvenient to set up, so she squeezed a tent with me."

"No, let her set up her own tent tomorrow." Fu Tingye played with the pen in his hand and couldn't refuse.

"Huh? But tomorrow one day, and everyone will go back the next morning." She felt unnecessary.

While she was talking, Fan Yingying turned over again, pressing Tang Moran, who had been squeezed to the edge, directly under her body.

"Ouch." Tang Moran chromed the flashlight on his side.

"What's wrong?" Fu Tingye straightened up worried.

"Fan Yingying, why do you sleep so dishonestly? I don't want to sleep with you." On the other end, Tang Moran was anxious and frustrated.

the sound of.

Fu Tingye smiled, and it seemed that he didn't need to say more.


Early the next morning, Tang Moran was sore and very uncomfortable.

Fan Yingying looked guilty: "I'm sorry, I'm used to sleeping alone, a little overbearing."

"You are more than a little overbearing." Tang Moran was angrily: "You squeezed me in the mud last night."

"Is there such an exaggeration?" Fan Yingying didn't believe it.


Li Sheng ran down the mountain to buy breakfast early in the morning, and when he came back, he passed Tang Moran's share to her. He breathed slightly, still a little

Red face: "Tang Moran, this is for you."

"It's milk tea. Thank you." Tang Moran took it smoothly.

Li Sheng divided the buns and tea eggs with her.

Fan Yingying, who only got soy milk and buns, teased: "Why does she have milk tea and tea eggs, I don't have them."

Li Sheng scratched his head embarrassedly: "I just bought one for Tang Moran."

Another boy who was one head taller than Li Sheng also ran over, holding the same milk tea in his hand to pass to Tang Moran.

Seeing that Tang Moran already had a copy in his hand, he glared at Li Sheng and whispered: "It's fair competition."

Fan Yingying took the milk tea in his hand: "Thank you classmate, since classmate Tang already has one, let me drink it."


Tang Moran received a call from Fu Tingye after breakfast, asking her if she could video.

She was walking around looking for a signal with her mobile phone, luckily there was.

She opened the video with her mobile phone.

Fu Tingye’s background is his office. It is obvious that he is now at work.

Tang Moran greeted him excitedly when he saw him, "A Ye, look at it, the scenery here is so good, and the air is special.

fresh. "

"Are you happy to play?"

"Happy, let me tell you, there are actually not many dangers here. The tent that Yingying and I set up by the river can be

Sitting by the river and watching the stars in the sky is very beautiful. "Tang Moran kept chattering and showed him

The scenery behind me.

Fu Tingye held the mobile phone in one hand, looking at her happy appearance, signing the contract with the other hand, only eyes when he confirmed the name

Reluctantly moved away from her.

"Aye, I will go back tomorrow." Tang Moran suddenly said such a sentence, then whispered to the phone.

Sentence: "Wait for me."

Fu Tingye's heart warmed, like a warm current slowly flowing into his heart, making him feel that his whole body was warm.

"Well, waiting for you." Fu Tingye nodded.

"I'll take you to see the river where I set up the tent." Tang Moran happily walked forward holding the phone, completely ignoring the front.

It's a slope, and I didn't pay attention to the stones under my feet.

She accidentally stepped on the stone, and her whole body fell forward: "Ah."

"Mo'er." Fu Tingye stood up from the office chair nervously, the camera was pitch black, he could not see Tang Moran

"Mo'er, how are you? Where are you?"

When the phone was picked up, Tang Moran sat on the ground with some pain in his ankle, and did not forget to answer him: "It’s okay, it’s okay, I fell.

It's all right after a fall. "

"Tang Moran." Another crisp boy shouted anxiously, his voice from far to near.

"I'll hang up for you first."

Before he could ask who that voice was, Tang Moran hung up the phone first.

Fu Tingye put down his cell phone, not worrying about it, and called Secretary Zhao to come in: "All the itineraries this afternoon

After cancelling the postponement, I have something to go out. "

"Mr. Fu, there is a very important meeting to be held this afternoon. It was postponed to today after you last postponed it.

Can't return anymore. Secretary Zhao stood in front of him with a feeling of going to death: "Mr. Fu, just a short time in the afternoon.

In the meantime, if you have anything to do, you may as well wait until the meeting is over. "

Fu Tingye was worried Tang Moran: "How long will it take?"

"Originally it was set in one hour, the meeting time was controlled within one hour, and you would accompany the guests to stroll around one hour later

Our company, in the entertainment area..."

"Alright." Fu Tingye interrupted her impatiently: "Except for the meeting, all other activities are cancelled."

"But... this guest is very important to us."

"Then you accompany them."

Secretary Zhao wanted to say something, and finally nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait." Fu Tingye called to her: "Go to Fu Jingting, just say what I said, let him come to the company to accompany the customer."

"Didn't the second son never ask about the company? Does it work if I go?"

"As a member of the Fu family, he enjoys everything, and it's time to contribute."


Fu Jingting was painting, and suddenly sneezed, Huh? It's freezing cold this day, why is there some hair standing upright all over?

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