Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2024: .Mitzvah

The cadres of the student union came forward to find out about the situation, and came over to talk to everyone.

It's probably because the bus broke down on the way it came, and the broken section of the road just didn't lead to the village or the shop, even if

Repairs have to wait for the trailer to be towed to the repair shop.

If it’s normal, I’ll wait, but the day changed last night, and the weather forecast was released as soon as possible.

Yellow warning.

The clouds in the sky were dark and heavy, and it was about to fall as soon as the rain was coming.

A dozen students were also helpless.

Can only wait.

Tiangong is not beautiful, but it started to rain in half an hour, and the rain grew a little bit.

Everyone fled away.

Fan Yingying took Tang Moran to hide under the big tree. Tang Moran seriously suspected that there was a pit in her mind: "It's raining, you

Hiding under the tree, waiting to be hacked? "

Tang Moran took out an umbrella from his backpack and found a place to stand with Fan Yingying holding the umbrella.

A black Maybach steadily drove from a distance and drove directly to Tang Moran's stop.

All the classmates looked over.

Fu Tingye got off the car, took a **** umbrella, and pulled her down from the umbrella Fan Yingying was holding because of the rain.

Big, the voice of the question also became louder: "What's the matter?"

"The bus broke down, no one has to go back." Tang Moran answered in a loud voice, then asked in a low voice in his ear:

"Why are you here? Haven't you left yet?"

"Someone asked me to be at the holiday villa next to me. I think it's raining heavily. I wonder if you will get caught, so I just come and see.

Look. "Fu Tingye looked around, most of the students took their clothes to cover them, and some even took the tents.

Come out and put it on your head.

"Everyone is in the rain..."

"There is a holiday villa next to it, let them go there to hide from the rain."

"Okay, what about you?" Tang Moran nodded without forgetting to care about him.

"Of course it's with you. You get in the car first. I will arrange the car to pick them up."

Tang Moran got into the car and watched the classmates get into the car arranged by Fu Tingye through the rain screen.

Finally Fu Tingye got in the car and drove her to the holiday villa.

The villa is very large, divided into three floors, with a sky garden and sky swimming pool on the third floor.

Several classmates were stunned. They sat on the chair beside them and did not dare to move. It’s enough to see what’s here, but he’s

These people can afford it.

Tang Moran was a little cold, took a coat from his backpack and put it on. The last one came up. Several classmates were swimming on the third floor.

The pool side is eager to try.

Shen Chen is a good swimmer. He wanted to go swimming when he saw the pool, but he didn't dare to go without the owner’s consent.

Doing impolite behavior without authorization.

It happened that Tang Moran brought them to this holiday villa, so he stepped forward and asked Tang Moran: "Student Tang Moran, this

Can I use the swimming pool? I want to swim twice. "

"Huh?" Tang Moran was also stunned, she didn't know, Fu Tingye didn't say, but the swimming pool is not just for people to swim

: "It should be okay, no problem."

"So generous? It seems that this is really your villa." Shen Chen took off his shirt, revealing his eight-pack abs.

"It's not from my house." Tang Moran retorted subconsciously. Just now, Fu Tingye only said that someone asked him to be here.

Could it be his appointment.

She was not going to talk nonsense anyway.

Fan Yingying brought up a lot of food in the self-service area on the first floor, ate while walking, and gave a lot of points to her classmates.

They: "Don't be humble, your uncle Fu is fully capable of affording this kind of holiday villa, but it's not yours."

Li Sheng came from the side and interjected: "So was that man your uncle just now?"

Tang Moran didn't know how to explain for a while: "Uh, yes."

Li Shengxiang breathed a sigh of relief: "Looking at not much older than you, I didn't expect it to be your uncle, I thought..."

"Why?" Wang Jing didn't know when she came up from below, brought a glass of champagne, and was shaking slowly.

He took a sip, smiled at the corners of his mouth, but looked at Li Sheng with no smile in his eyes: "Think it's her boyfriend? He is like that.

Price, do you think it is possible? "

Wang Jing looked back at Tang Moran again, her eyes were completely mocking: "Last time I saw that your relationship is not simple.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a relationship. "

"You speak clearly, what is this relationship?" Fan Yingying could not understand Wang Jing a long time ago.

"Do I have to understand what I said? What else can it be with a man so much older?" Wang Jing has

The insinuation cannot be clearer anymore.

Didn't she mean that Tang Moran was a female college student who was kept?

Li Sheng was the first to be unhappy: "Wang Jing, don't talk nonsense. Tang Moran has an uncle and tell us about it in Sheshan.

Yes, we all know, not the kind of relationship you mentioned. "

"Really? Then ask her, is this really her uncle? there any blood relationship with her?" Wang

Jing clenched, because she knew very well that the relationship between Fu Tingye and Tang Moran was not so simple because of the previous confrontation.

"Wang Jing, you are too much, if you do this again, I can only ask you to leave right away." Tang Moran doesn't like it himself.

She just brought her here because she was embarrassed because everyone was a classmate, but she did not expect her mouth to be

So vicious.

"Are you asking me to leave? Are you really the hostess of this holiday villa?" Wang Jing put her arms around her chest, not wanting to be here.

Shame in front of so many students.

"You..." Tang Moran didn't expect this Wang Jing to be such a person. She naturally fell away after never arguing with others.


Everyone also whispered because of Tang Moran's attitude.

"What Wang Jing said is not true?"

"I think it's really possible. I heard that Tang Moran had a boyfriend in school before. Shen Chen and Li Sheng did not because

Knowing she doesn't have a boyfriend and is pursuing her? But today suddenly came such a rich man older than her, saying no

Accurate thing. "

"That's too much, for the money..."

Tang Moran felt that he didn't open his mouth so much when he wanted to explain.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a formal suit came up from downstairs and walked in front of Tang Moran, showing respect:

"Is it Tang Moran Miss Tang?"

"I am." Tang Moran nodded, there were still tears of grievance in his eyes.

"Hello, boss." The man stood straight and bowed to her suddenly.

Tang Moran took two steps back in shock, but he didn't know why: "You, what are you doing?"

"Boss, I am the management manager of the holiday villa in this area. You have not

I've been here, but because of your nobles, I have forgotten that I have such a property. "

Not only Tang Moran, everyone was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, this villa turned out to be Tang Moran's own, and it turned out that rich people are not leaking.

"Are you sure it is me?" Tang Moran pointed at herself, she didn't even know that she was so rich, could it be Fu Ting

Watching a scene where you were being bullied at night?

"OK." A positive voice sounded from behind.

Tang Moran turned his head and saw Fu Tingye changed into relatively casual clothes and came out, walked to her and looked down gently.

Looking at her as if she was the only one in the eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Tang Moran was still confused: "You said this holiday villa is mine? Why don't I know?"

"Of course you don’t know, because I bought it and wrote your name as a gift for you, but you and I

I was awkward and refused to listen to me, so you didn't know. do you remember? At your coming-of-age ceremony..."

"So this is the gift you bought me before?" Tang Moran suddenly thought.

The Bar Mitzvah, the gift he prepared for himself during the Bar Mitzvah?

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