Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2027: .pregnancy

Fu Tingye put his chin on her shoulder: "Is it coming to summer vacation?"

"Well, it's almost a month left." Tang Moran let him rest on his shoulders, tilting his head to answer.

"Well, I'm working hard during this period, and I will accompany you to travel abroad when you have a holiday. Don't you just want to go out and play?"

Tang Moran tilted his head to look at him, eyes with sparkling starlight excitement: "Really? Do you have so much time?"

"For you, it must be free, let's talk, where do you want to play?"

"Hmm... let me think, can I go to more places? Will you run out of time after the summer vacation?"

"Fool." Fu Tingye smiled and hugged her: "The road for the two of us is still long. How can we go to a few places?

finished? Every year in the future, I will spare time to accompany you to travel and take you around the world. "

"Okay! I take it as your promise, I can write it down, you can't go back in the future." Tang Moran hugged back.

He: "Wait until you are seventy and eighty, and you can't walk anymore, don't even want to deny it."

Fu Tingye squinted her eyes and couldn't help thinking about that time. She always felt that something was wrong in her words: "What do you mean?

Means, when I am in my seventies, will you still be able to run? "

"Of course, I am so much younger than you."

Fu Tingye laughed dumbly and didn't know how to reply to her, yes, she was so much younger than herself, and waited until she was old.

At that time, she was still lively, and she didn't know if she was bored of herself at that time.

Thinking about it this way, would it be better for two people to have a child? At least there is a common language for children.

He shook his head again when he watched Tang Moran jumping for breakfast. She is now at the best stage of her life.

How can you give him a baby?

Forget it, wait until she thinks about it.


The hot month finally passed. Since the holiday, Tang Moran has been lying at home and blowing on the air conditioner, and never went out.

After that, the skin is alive and whiter than before.

Fu Tingye finally finished the company's recent work and freed up time.

That day, Fu Tingye took a long vacation for herself, but when she returned home, she found that there was no one in the living room, and asked the steward Qi: "Where is Mo'er?"

"Back to Master, Miss Tang..." Steward Qi hesitated and stopped.

Fu Tingye took off his jacket and put it on the sofa, unbuttoned the sleeves of his shirt, and rolled up his sleeves: "Blowing in the air conditioner again

Unwilling to tune out? "

"The meal has already been delivered, and Miss Tang has eaten it all. Don't worry about Miss Tang being hungry."

"Worry about her being hungry? I'm afraid she will be bored. It has been a week since the holiday, and the door of the room will not come out."

Ting Ye stepped up to the second floor.

Tang Moran was eating ice cream in a bucket, lying on the bed and watching the most popular Korean drama with his tablet.

Hearing the door opening, she turned over, holding the ice cream and wanted to run.

Fu Tingye had already opened the door and looked at her ready to run, her face darkened: "Are you eating ice cream again?"

"I... I only ate the first one today." The ice cream she was holding was bigger than her face.

, She even said to eat?

And it's so sensible.

Fu Ting became angry: "I shouldn't have listened to your nonsense. I bought a refrigerator of ice cream, and I immediately threw it away."

"No, Ah Ye, I promise I won't eat it every day." Tang Moran put down the ice cream and stood on tiptoe with his hands around

He held his neck, blinked his smart eyes and said coquettishly: "Aye, look, I am so obedient, don't put the ice

Did you throw away the cream? "

Now she is really becoming more and more coquettish, but he also eats this set, she said that, the whole person is not angry


Fu Tingye no longer pursued her eating ice cream: "What are you looking at?"

"Recently popular Korean dramas are super good-looking." By the way, she also wanted Anli Fu Tingye to watch it with herself.

"Don't watch it anymore, you haven't been out for a week, and you will be suffocated if you continue like this, I have already dealt with it.

After all the company's recent affairs, you can fulfill the promise to accompany you on the trip. "

I thought she would happily pull herself to roll the sheets,

I didn’t realize that she didn’t mean to be happy after hearing it, and her face was very depressed: "Huh? No more, right? So hot

It’s better to stay at home, because it’s so hot outside and you’ll be sunken to death. "When I turned around, I was about to lie down on the bed again.

Fu Tingye grabbed him: "Why are you always lazy lately? I didn't see you so lazy at this time last year.

what happened? Are you sick or sick? "

He reached out and touched her forehead, blowing cold in the air-conditioned room.

"Don't always stay in the air-conditioned room, go out and get some air."

"No, I haven't finished the TV series yet."

"You will get sick if you continue like this, and you will always be lazy."

"Maybe my aunt is going to see me soon, it doesn't matter." Tang Moran refused to go out, so she should not abandon this heaven

You can eat ice cream in a room like this.

Fu Tingye calculated the time, a little bit wrong: "You... haven't you come yet? It seems to have passed."

"Really?" She couldn't even remember the days, but he was particularly concerned. She tried to think about last month.

The date seems to be over a week.

"It's okay, maybe I ate too much ice cream." After that, she bit her lip hurriedly and finished.

Sure enough, Fu Tingye's eyes became serious. Before he could speak, Tang Moran had already spoken consciously: "I thought

I don’t eat ice cream anymore. "

"I swear." Seeing Fu Tingye's unbelief, she still held up her finger to swear.

"I hope you can do what you say. I will check the nearest tourist attraction and book a flight ticket."

"Can you not go?"

"No." Fu Tingye turned around and went out, and turned back at the door, taking her ice cream and tablet computer.

Leaving: "Come out and breathe, and later go to the yard with me for a stroll."

Tang Moran pouted his mouth and glanced at the scorching sun outside, he was really willing to do so on such a hot day.

Squatting in the room is boring, she chatted with Fan Yingying on WeChat.

Yingying: Are you finished with the show?

Tangtang: Don't mention it, the tablet and ice cream have been confiscated.

Yingying: The person in your family is indeed the parent. By the way, it's a holiday, why don't you come out to play?

Tangtang: No, I feel my aunt is coming soon, I want to lie down.

Yingying: Huh? Didn't your aunt come here long ago? Delayed so long? You won't... get pregnant! ! !

Tangtang: How is it possible, nonsense! ! !

Throwing away the phone, Tang Moran rolled up from the bed and sat on the bed, rubbing his hair irritably.

Won't you really get it?

No, no, although she didn't take medicine, Fu Tingye always took measures...

How can I be pregnant...

However, she has been brought up very well by Fu Ting night in these years. She has never been late or early in her menstrual period.

Point, why is it so long this time?

Tang Moran bit his nails and made a bold decision.

She carried her backpack and went downstairs.

Fu Tingye was sitting in the living room watching travel guides.

Seeing her coming down, I wanted to call her together, but saw her rush to the door to put on shoes: "Mo'er, what are you going to do?"

"I'm out for a stroll, don't you think I stay in the room every day?" Tang Moran took out a pair of white shoes and moved to her feet randomly

Set on.

Fu Tingye glanced at the sun outside. Although it was already afternoon, the sun was still high and the shining earth rolled

Hot, let’s talk about it, let her go out in this weather, he still couldn’t bear to say: "Wait till night, it will cool down a little bit for me

Go for a walk with you. "

"No, I'm going now, sweating, and then getting a darker look." Tang Moran put on his white shoes and ran out.

Fu Tingye curled his eyebrows, stood up and walked to the door. Tang Moran was no longer visible: "Why are you in a hurry?"

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