Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2031: . Escaping marriage? !

"Why come again..."

Fu Tingye's voice trembled, "Starting from today, take care of the baby at home and give me a healthy life for this child.

Come down. "

"I know."

"Secondly, even if we quarreled during pregnancy, we cannot make fun of this child."

As soon as Tang Moran was about to refute, Fu Tingye had already pressed her lips directly and refused to give her a chance to speak.

Now that kind of anger just says something about not being a child. "Am I that wayward?" "

"What do you think?"

Fu Tingye curled his lips: "Third, tomorrow's time is free."


Tang Moran stunned, "No, I'm going to school to take a break tomorrow..."

Fu Tingye covered her mouth: "I will help you after school leave. We have other things tomorrow."

"what's up?"


Tang Moran's eyes widened suddenly.

Get a certificate? !

Fu Tingye smiled and squeezed her nose, rather helpless: "Fool, don't marry me, do you want to get pregnant when you are unmarried?"

In the morning of the next day, Fu Tingye and Tang Moran formally obtained a marriage certificate at the Civil Affairs Bureau.


"So you still compromised with your uncle Fu!"

That evening, Fan Yingying carried shopping bags with large and small bags, and walked forward again and again, with eyes slanted again and again.

With Tang Moran.

"Actually, I already knew that this child will be born sooner or later. That Fu Tingye will be a big gray

Wolf, how about you, silly little white rabbit, how can you beat him. "

What about accidental drunkenness, unexpected pregnancy...

Maybe Fu Tingye planned it.

Tang Moran smiled helplessly: "Don't talk nonsense. It is really my decision to leave the child alone. He is very

Respect me. "

Fan Yingying sighed: "I really didn't expect you to be a mother so soon. We have agreed to get married together."

"You can also get a certificate with Li Yan."

Fan Yingying glared at Tang Moran fiercely: "You think all the men in the world are like your uncle Fu

Is there any money? Li Yangang has worked for two or three years and has no savings. What did he take to marry me! "

Fan Yingying said, the more envious she said: "What kind of **** luck is your dead girl, you can actually meet Fu Tingye?

the man! "

Tang Moran smiled embarrassedly and stopped talking.

It was getting dark, and the two of them were almost walking around.

"Aye, he came to pick me up."

Tang Moran shook the phone.

Fan Yingying curled her lips: "He can't wait for a phone call in half an hour when he comes out to go shopping. It's really baby you."

"Alright, go out quickly, I will let him take you home."

Two people went out one after another.

When he left the mall, he saw Fu Tingye standing by the car. Tang Moran felt warm and hurried to him.

But when Tang Moran was about to walk to the car, he didn’t know where he came from. Suddenly, a woman rushed out.

To hit Tang Moran's body!

Tang Moran paled with fright, and his body froze.

Fu Tingye's eyes tightened, and he stretched out his hand to grab Tang Moran at the moment the woman hit him.

In his arms, hugged carefully.

"Is it all right?"

Fu Tingye looked at Tang Moran nervously: "How is it, did you hurt your stomach?"

Tang Moran was still in shock, and shook his head repeatedly: " injury."

Fu Tingye lowered his head displeasedly to look at the woman who fell to the ground, her narrow, sharp eyes narrowed, and gradually became more

Intent to kill.

It was a young woman who fell to the ground, no, it was more appropriate to say that it was a girl.

In his early twenties, his complexion is crimson, his facial features are small and delicate, because he rushes, nose and forehead

A little bit of sweat.

At this moment, he was frowning in pain, rubbing his ankle.

What is even more eye-catching is that she is actually wearing a gorgeous white wedding dress.

Fu Tingye raised his brows.

Escape marriage?

He helped Tang Moran in his arms back, and the girl had already stood up tremblingly.

Unhappy, he took off the silver stiletto shoes, the culprit on his feet.

This leather shoe, Tang Moran recognized, this year's special edition of the top French luxury brand, worth more than two million.

Then the girl in a wedding dress in front of her threw the shoes in front of her and Fu Tingye.

In the trash can.

"Go to your uncle's Feng Liting! Go play slowly by yourself!"

After the girl threw the shoes, she clapped her hands again, and then she glanced at Tang Moran: "Sorry, beauty! I almost ran into it.

is you. "

Tang Moran was startled, and shook his head quickly: "No, it doesn't matter..."

This girl is so strange.

"Miss Ye!"

"Miss Ye!"

At this moment, three or five men suddenly came running from a distance, panting.

The girl sighed, turned her head and looked, picked up a stick from the ground, and pointed at the group of men--

"You... don't come here!"

The men begged: "Miss Ye, stop making trouble! Today is your good day. You ran away like this.

Do people read jokes! ? Give us back quickly, the wedding is too late! "

The girl’s eyes turned red: "I won’t go back. Tell the man whose surname is Feng, he didn’t come to my house to propose a marriage.

The pigeon had his wedding. This is called reciprocity, understand? "

The man walked forward.

This Miss Ye's voice suddenly rose, and the stick in her hand waved twice: "Don't come here! Otherwise I will let you taste.

Have a taste of the Ye family’s dog-sticking method "

The men were dumbfounded.

Mr. Feng, do you really want to marry this kind of woman? What and what is this!

The girl took advantage of the men’s shock, carried her wedding dress, and ran away like lightning.

Several men were about to chase, a black Maybach stopped abruptly on the side of the road, with roses in front of the car, obviously

It is a wedding car.

As soon as the door opened, a tall man in a groom's dress walked down.

It was an overly handsome face, three-dimensional handsome features, deep and sharp eyebrows, sharp contours, and glazed colors.

The pupils glowed with coldness and a somewhat diffuse dark light.

He glanced at the men coldly.

"What about people?"

The men looked at each other, "Feng Shao, sorry, Miss Ye just ran away!"

"Trash, not even a woman can be caught back."

That's a sad man.

It's not difficult to catch yourself, I'm afraid that little ancestor will hurt myself.

The men went after the Miss Ye.

Mr. Feng here also got in the car again. The moment he got into the car, he suddenly turned to look at Fu Tingye and Tang Moran.


Tang Moran was shocked by his gaze, and subconsciously shrank into Fu Tingye's arms.

Fu Tingye touched her head, his eyes met the person. After a brief silence, the two of them had a tacit understanding at the same time.


Maybach drove away.

Tang Moran let out a sigh of relief: "What...who?"

What a big battle!

And that man, the momentum is too strong, just one eye, she was scared to sweat all over.

"It should be the prince of Feng Jia."

Some time ago I heard that I was going to get married. Fu Tingye and Feng Jia had nothing to do with each other, and this incident was only slightly heard.

Tang Moran nodded, letting Fu Tingye get into the car.

Tang Moran was still thinking about the runaway bride just now, frowning: "That girl ran away from marriage... because she didn't want to marry him?

Are you forced? "

"What do you do with so many other people's affairs?"

Fu Tingye laughed, "I'm still pregnant, and everyone has become gossip."

"It's not..." Tang Moran retorted in a low voice: "I just remembered... I ran away like her..."

Fu Tingye kissed her on the forehead: "Fortunately, it was not successful at that time, otherwise it would be great."

Tang Moran's cheeks turned red involuntarily.



Fu Tingye gently grabbed Tang Moran's hand: "You will stay by my side forever from now on. Don't run away."

Tang Moran stumbled: "Idiot...I...we all have babies, where can I go?"

Fu Tingye laughed: "Well, it seems that the role of the baby is still great. Why don't you give me more births?"

"You...the beauty you think!"

At the end of autumn this year, Tang Moran gave birth to a healthy boy.

Named Fu Mingran.

Happiness, always by their side, lasts forever...


Xiaoya ps: There will be new wonderful stories next, don't go away, babies~

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