Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2037: .Try to make people


Su Xiangya then reacted, and she missed her mouth. For a moment, her guilty conscience dodged her body, and her body also turned sideways.

Seeing her mother like this, Ye Zhixia became more and more suspicious, thinking of her abnormality that night, thinking of herself

She fell asleep with Feng Liting in a daze. The more she thought about it, the more problems she got, "Mom, tell me honestly, what did you do that night?"

"What? I...I don't understand what you say." Su Xiangya pretended to be a fool.

"Mom!!" Ye Zhixia was angry and let out cruel words, "If you don't tell me, now I will run to the media and say,

I was forced, and I was also designed by your unscrupulous elders. "

"Oh, my little ancestor, don't shout," Su Xiangya turned around and couldn't help but tell the truth, "We

I’m afraid you don’t have enough feeling on the wedding night, after all, you haven’t seen it before, so I put some help in the lotus soup

The thing is harmless to the body. "

Lotus Seed Soup.....

Ye Zhixia's eyes widened, "Mom, you are really good at pitting your daughter, do you know that those two bowls of lotus seed soup are

I ate it! "

I really want to cry until we shed blood and tears!

"Ah, you eat it all!" Su Xiangya was dumbfounded, and then she was happy again, "Hahahaha, are you special?

Don't be enthusiastic and take the initiative, it will scare Li Ting! "

"...You are really my real mother!"

"Of course, you can't kiss anymore!"


Ye Zhixia didn't care about her anymore.

She now seriously suspects that she picked it up from the trash can, or the goods mortgaged by a bankrupt company. How can this be?

Why don't you spare no effort to pit your daughter, she is really bitter than bitter gourd!

"Zhi Xia, don't be upset, your parents are doing it for your own good," Su Xiangya watched her daughter angrily ignore her, Mong An

He said, "Look at Li Ting, perfect, no matter his appearance, temperament, money or status, he is the best in this city. You

This marriage is the young lady of the Fengjia, the next mistress of the Fengjia, you don’t have to do anything in the future, every day

It’s great to go shopping and have afternoon tea! "

"But I don't love him. The point is that he doesn't like me either! Why don't you elders know that the twisted melon is not sweet!

And I don’t want to have boring days like shopping and drinking afternoon tea every day, I have my own life plan! "Ye Zhixia

Righteous rebuttal.

She really didn't understand how the elders' thinking could be so...unreasonable.

"Isn't the newly married sweet?" Su Xiangya asked with a smile.

Ye Zhixia's small face turned red for some reason, but she still denied it loudly, "It's not sweet, it's disgusting!"

"Really? Then why are you blushing!"

"I--, I'm hot!"

After Ye Zhixia finished speaking, she walked out of the flower room angrily.

Su Xiangya snickered in the back, she didn't believe that her daughter would be really indifferent to that handsome man.


Going back to the door, there is no teary, blood thicker than water family relationship drama, but Ye Zhixia has a kind of throwing the table.


Especially on this day, for lunch and dinner, the whole family treats Li Ting as if they were grandpa. They will pick up food for a while, and boast.

What's more, his sister-in-law still stared at Feng Liting coquettishly, and almost rushed to get down on his suit pants.

Fuck! ! !

In the evening, she got into the car back to Feng's house with no love, and didn't even want to say goodbye to her parents.

"Zhi Xia, go on your honeymoon with Li Ting, be obedient and behave!" Ye Renguo reached out from the car window and loved it.

Pat her daughter on the head.

Su Xiangya also came over, "Li Ting, you have to work hard, let Zhixia conceive the baby as soon as possible, so that we can also be outside soon.

Grandma. "

"...Shut up!" Ye Zhixia couldn't bear it.

Just as she was angry, her forehead suddenly softened, the aroma of red wine mixed with the taste of cologne, mixed into a saying

Unbelievable interest. She froze.

Feng Liting’s lips left her forehead and replied politely and coldly with a mellow magnetic voice: “Don’t worry, I

Will do my best! "

Do your best?!

Do him a ghost!

Ye Zhixia's face flushed uncontrollably.

Su Xiangya snickered and glanced at Ye Renguo. It seemed that there was no need to worry!

The car moved slowly, and the windows closed slowly.

The car was plunged into darkness.

Feng Liting's face was still on her cheek, and her warm breath floated.

An inexplicable sensation of dryness sprang up from Ye Zhixia's chest, swaying waves in her neck and cervical spine.

She couldn't bear to push him away.

Mom won't add medicine to her meal again today!

Otherwise... Why is it so hot?

Licking her lips, she twisted her head to the other side uncomfortably.

Feng Liting sat upright and said to the driver, "Go to the airport!"

"Machine..." Ye Zhixia turned her head in surprise, "Why are you going to the airport?"

"You not only have a fish-like memory, but your brain is also equivalent to a decoration. You have to ask even such simple things.

? "Feng Liting looked at her with a sympathetic and mentally retarded look.

Ye Zhixia's face was white and red, but there was no outbreak.

Because if you think about it, you can think of it.

"I'm not going to spend my honeymoon!" She said very seriously and firmly, as if this would scare him.

Feng Liting didn't pay attention to her at all, put his hands around his chest, closed his eyes and calmed down.

This guy.....

Actually ignore her!

Ye Zhixia hammered the car door and shouted angrily, "Stop! I want to get down!"

A faint voice sounded from the side without the temperature, "The hammer won't open, you can try to jump the car, maybe you can succeed."


Ye Zhixia stopped making trouble for a while, her mouth slumped and she was extremely wronged.

Why did she meet such an inhumane fellow.

It's useless to make trouble, and hard is useless. It is estimated that he will not buy it with soft. Besides, she does not want to beg him, she would rather die than surrender!

It took a long time for the car to reach the airport.

She didn't look at the time, maybe it was because of inner suffering that made time pass so slowly.

They did not park outside the airport, but went directly to the apron and drove to a luxurious private jet.

"Get off!" Feng Liting opened the door and walked down first.

Ye Zhixia sullen her face, holding her chest in the same way as he did just now, "I'm not going down, you can kill it."

"Bring the knife!" Feng Liting said to the driver who came down and walked behind him.


"Take it, come on--" Ye Zhixia was also excited, spreading her hands, and leaning back, "I don't believe in this light... the bright night sky

Next, you can chop me off! I die, you have to go to jail too! "

Feng Liting's complexion was stained with frost in the darkness.

The driver looked at the newly-married couple with a sword, and he was full of embarrassment. He was not qualified to interject.

Yes, I can only stand aside.

After a stalemate for about three minutes, Feng Liting suddenly sneered.

He bent over to the other side of the car door, opened it, bent over and leaned in, and took Ye Zhixia out of the car without any explanation.

Hold it down.

"Let me down, I won't go—" Her hands waved wildly in the air, clawing at the car door and refused to let go.

Feng Liting freed up one hand and pulled it off one by one.

Seeing that Ye Zhixia couldn't hold on any longer, she bit down on his neck.

The next moment his head was pushed away, "Bite it again and you will sew your mouth."

"I'll bite!"

Ye Zhixia went crazy, tilted her head up and bit her neck again.

But this time, Feng Liting just dropped her head, and she used too much force to kiss his lips.

Both of them were taken aback!

Under the hazy moonlight, his eyes seemed to be covered with a soft veil.

The breathing changed from shallow to deep, and finally to thick...

Ye Zhixia hurriedly put her head down and left his lips, her heart beating so hard!

Biting his lower lip, his eyes half closed, his eyes turned to one side secretly.

The face is puffed, as if it has been cooked.

Feng Liting also became somewhat unnatural, perhaps because he didn't push away immediately when she came up.

Let her kiss, and it feels good!

"Cough—" He cleared his throat, holding her coldly and stepping on the plane.

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